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Everything posted by shintonsghost

  1. The fucking melt. Gan where the fuck he wants as long as hes gone
  2. Yep. A relegated club who've made a massive profit when we should actually be spending a bit more money to ensure promotion. Money doesnt ensure a thing. We spent how much last season and went where?
  3. fuck me we've took some moola from merseyside
  4. they so don't really need a defensive midfielder.........no striker bought is hilarious
  5. all the lazy, overated cunts are gone, so called superstars and we've made a mint...........we are incredible at it tbf :lol:
  6. bank the loot, use it in Jan if needed
  7. not impressed personally, all frills n nee knickers kind of player
  8. everton sign him !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  9. is the daft lad still in France? you can just pictire him now can't ya. BRING HIM HOME I SAY :lol:
  10. 1 today, some bloke who's cost them 13.6million, who no one has EVER heard of, the new Catts
  11. http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2013/01/28/article-2269437-016ADBB30000044D-511_634x383.jpg fucking brilliant :lol:
  12. Something to worry about if it happens And fuck sunlun, stupid cunts
  13. The fact is he is tolerated , the fans wont forgive him and nor will i, hes fucked this club up many times, relegated us twice etc etc etc his decision have brought a sadness around the place for years, killed a crowd, killed a club. No .....never but hes here, the "other" turd that wont flush
  14. Which is why i say get rid, it will spoil the togetherness around the club, something we havent had for yonks
  15. the more i think about it he could disrupt everything if we play him, fuck that, get rid or train with the kids. i'm convinced he will go out on loan just to get his face off the training ground
  16. means f*** all these days tbh Drives his price up. Means sunderland can demand silly money for him which clubs will be reluctant to pay with him only having a couple of years left in him. id love him here tbh, never fails to score the little cunt
  17. surprised at this mind
  18. Yep, Sevilla have pulled the plug, and Mason has turned them down for Hull. they have enough to stay up imho, but any injuries to the like of Borini or Kirchhoff or Cattermole will leave them looking a bit brittle....... :lol: Have they really? Their wide players are Gooch, Watmore, Khazri and Borini. Borini is injured, Khazri not favored for some reason and 2 others unproven. Defoe only striker and their midfield made of cloggers. Not really sure they will stay up with this team. Just a small injury to Defoe and that's it. it was tongue in cheek mate
  19. means fuck all these days tbh
  20. Yep, Sevilla have pulled the plug, and Mason has turned them down for Hull. they have enough to stay up imho, but any injuries to the like of Borini or Kirchhoff or Cattermole will leave them looking a bit brittle....... :lol:
  21. its a propaganda site for hating us, its inbred, its all they think of, we are all they have.
  22. Borini will be a miss, the little cunt wins them a lot of pissy fouls.
  23. Wont bad mouth him. But its been nothing short of spectacular the amount of squad players etc Rafa has sanctioned the departure of. Feels like a sweeping new start at the club
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