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Everything posted by OCK

  1. Frugal Saudi ownership incoming. 100% abides by financial fairplay.
  2. Just like when the turtle's head pops out and then despite pushing, it just slips away like there was never a poo there anyway. Like one of my dogs this afternoon, got in to full on having a shite posture, looked like he was squeezing one out, did his little kick the grass thing when he was done. I then went over, bag in hand to pick it up but there was no poo there! Probably did a right Muttley snigger to himself watching you search for it.
  3. Just like when the turtle's head pops out and then despite pushing, it just slips away like there was never a poo there anyway.
  4. It wasn't the murders or lack of human rights and civilities, it was the piracy of football that scuppered the takeover. :lol:
  5. and how would relegation work, would teams vanish after 10 games? Forever in to that fucked up thing Zod and his cronies were put into.
  6. Opening fixtures of next season should be the remaining fixtures of this season. Results count for current season 19/20 and new season 20/21. Megabrains.
  7. OCK


    Surely like every other club they will just re-emerge further down the leagues? Perhaps, I'd hate to try and think how they'd do it though. Ah sod it, not worth wasting my time thinking about.
  8. OCK


    Honestly don't know how I'd feel about Sunderland going into administration like. They're good to laugh at, but I mean... if they go, will the laughter go too?
  9. Holy shit, flashbacks to the dumb (but funny as hell) rumour that Vince McMahon was buying us. :lol: https://www.newcastle-online.org/forum/index.php?topic=74071.0
  10. It'd be totally Newcastle for the takeover to be blocked, and then the same people go and buy Liverpool with the PL's blessing.
  11. I've heard from a reliable source that we'll be rebraned as Newcastle United Emirate Airlanes.
  12. The only thing that would make me question this entire deal depends on how many wankers will end up dressing up as rich arabs at home games for the bantz.
  13. Someone doesn't know the rules of internet arguments. You lose. Neesy? More like mussoNeesy.
  14. I've got the inside scoop on this one, don't worry. The Saudis worked with the Chinese Government to start the pandemic, as they knew it would force Ashley's hand to sell Newcastle once the high street started to feel the economic strain of lockdown. They knew Ashley would want real money instead of fancy wallpaper. This is a long game, all ethical and above board.
  15. We're not going to be the richest club in the world ffs. Just because PIF have massive resources doesn't mean they are in the coffers of Newcastle United. Aye, they have a ton of money, but in this new world everyone knows it's all about how much toilet roll and hand sanitiser you have. I don't think they have that much. Still better than a world where all the money is in wallpaper I wondered if paint was liquid assets, so I bought a bit of that and kept in the shed. Hopefully the value increases. I'm not very good with the stock market thing.
  16. We're not going to be the richest club in the world ffs. Just because PIF have massive resources doesn't mean they are in the coffers of Newcastle United. Aye, they have a ton of money, but in this new world everyone knows it's all about how much toilet roll and hand sanitiser you have. I don't think they have that much.
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