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Everything posted by OCK

  1. Fucking hell the replays make it even better. That slice.
  2. On the plus side, at least Ole will get another month at the wheel. :lol:
  3. He looks good as he's the most active player on the pitch. I don't think anyone else has more touches of the ball.
  4. It's pretty fucking offensive to watch. :lol:
  5. Sky must be desperate. I've just been offered all Sky Sports channels for £18 a month for 3 years
  6. In an ideal multiverse Liverpool and Man U are voted off the planet for this. Arrogant bellends.
  7. I love that Glazers/Henry didn't realise the FA sanctions all leagues.
  8. I'm sure LiVARpool would never stoop to such things. We all know that goal line tech has never failed.
  9. Have to admire the balls of Liverpool and Man U to show just how arrogant we all suspected them to be.
  10. "All in favour for defer relegation this season?" "Aye" "Aye" "Aye" "Aye" "Aye" "YEEEHAAAAAAWWWW" "Motion passed."
  11. [move] :yao: :yao: :yao: :yao: :yao: :yao: :yao: :yao: :yao: :yao: :yao: :yao: :yao: :yao: :yao: :yao: :yao: :yao: :yao: :yao: :yao: :yao: :yao: :yao: :yao: :yao: :yao: :yao: :yao: :yao: :yao: :yao: :yao: :yao: :yao: :yao: :yao: :yao: :yao: :yao: :yao: :yao: [/move]
  12. Glazers at Man U - 20 years FSG at Liverpool - 10 years Kroenke at Arsenal - 9 years
  13. OCK

    Jeff Hendrick

    If we can somehow utilise our advanced knowledge of DNA and splicing, we'd have one hell of a footballer combining Hendrick and Shelvey.
  14. I'm hoping for one of those classic jammy Ole wins that extends his contract for another 6 months
  15. It's going to be fun when the opposition just run at him and realise that he won't even bother to try and stop you.
  16. The lad looks good for the same reason Pickford looked 'good' at Sunderland ffs.
  17. Protip: if you stop the page from loading before the paywall appears, you can read it for free ? :lol: Amazing
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