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Everything posted by OCK

  1. Born and bred in London. Probably best mates with Mike Ashley innit.
  2. 5/1 my mates got quoted Your mates been bumped. 16/1 Rafa to be here 1st game of season on skybet https://m.skybet.com/football/manager-specials/event/23405741 amazing
  3. I wonder what the odds are on Rafa becoming our next manager
  4. Chronicle hiring a new NUFC writer https://www.indeed.co.uk/viewjob?jk=fbf1e0964be65752&q=Management+Trainee&l=Newcastle+upon+Tyne&tk=1de7g37lv3itg800&from=ja&alid=5a8adec3e4b07e1aa6400774&utm_campaign=job_alerts&utm_medium=email&utm_source=jobseeker_emails&rgtk=1de7g37lv3itg800
  5. Good luck to whichever person comes in next. They're going to need it. As ability and ambition wasn't enough to help Rafa deal with Mike Ashley. Luck and ignorance.
  6. Remember when we were one of the top 20 clubs in football.
  7. OCK


    This'll be the highlight of their season.
  8. 1. Wanted player 'x' to sign 2. Wanted training ground improved (as previously agreed) 3. Wanted the 8th season of Game of Thrones remade
  9. Got pretty nasty on a few occasions times have changed though football and football fans have changed Most of our fans are lobotomised zombies now who cant see the wood for the trees I feel like I remember reading it was pretty heavy stuff with organised gangs and The Chronicle getting involved.
  10. What were the protests like in the 80s that led to the SJH takeover?
  11. OCK

    The Coaching Staff

    Meanwhile, at the job centre. Employed brick layer Woody enjoys an all day breakfast, as Carvs and Stoney laugh it off with envious greed, until news of a job vacancy pricks Carvs' ears.
  12. This happens every transfer window.
  13. I was just driving the car and listening to Absolute Classic Rock "Are You Gonna Go My Way" was playing. Now, I don't know if you know this (but I know this), it is a well known fact that Rafa loves a bit of Absolute Classic Rock, so it shouldn't come as a surprise that this song was playing today of all days. This is a clear message. Take that for what it's worth.
  14. Could me nothing. Could me something. https://www.mcvuk.com/game-accepts-sports-directs-mandatory-offer/
  15. Fig Rolls are the biscuits your nana would buy and nobody would eat them. I was convinced they were dog biscuits for years.
  16. Most likely the cake, I've had it twice (as in 2 x the whole cake) and each time had some ghandis revenge. It has beef gelatin in it, maybe I'm slightly allergic to it, but I did have both cakes over a few days so maybe I stretched the eat within X days after defrosting a bit too far. That seems a fair price to pay for the diabetes in a box.
  17. Nah, it was pissing it down yesterday.
  18. Sunrise occured around 04:27, with midday temperatures reaching 18c. Slightly cloudy with a bit of a breeze.
  19. I just heard that this deal will only go through if Boris Johnson becomes Prime Minister. My dog likes to bark and fuck all, take that for what it's worth.
  21. I've just been on the phone with the talking clock, it said the time at the beep would be 10:00am. This is a well known coded message within GCHQ circles for 'The Oil Investment has been concluded, proceed with operation maggie.' Now, my family were spies during the Cod Wars, so take this for what it is worth.
  22. It doesn't paint Falcao in good light like
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