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Everything posted by Doc

  1. "Although Vukic and Vilca have three of the same letters in their surnames they are apparently not related". Or summat.
  2. Doc

    Joe Willock

    No, it isn't.
  3. The fella who owns Battle Hill Subway has a Sunderland crest tattooed on his leg by the way.
  4. I've always said JDT would be a good manager.
  5. Good side Rotherham, reminded me of York, got the draw today though so you can see the improvement.
  6. Agree like, if he was still in the back line "John Shelf" wouldn't be sitting four yards in front of it doing the same/worse distribution job as he could.
  7. Doc

    Transfer rumours

    Play Haverford, overload the final third.
  8. Couldn't care less if he couldn't get a job in a chip shop. (I do realise it'd be the wrong side of the counter for him.)
  9. . Totally with you Yorkie, wouldn't have been able to contain myself there like, can't stand the little cunt. How much did he cost us overall, what a fucking waste.
  10. That's fine mate, I'd record them all and watch it on a loop.
  11. Haven't seen this but once saw a sign in a closed shop that read "For your nearest Blockbuster video shop please set your time machine to 2009, thank you for your custom." FFS.
  12. Doc


    Clattenburg wasn't it?
  13. Doc


    Surely should have been Pappa Johnson's
  14. Aye. I just think the sense of realism has just fell out of this place recently. 100% agree but it would still be great if it happened, I dream of a day when Ashbrunley are now longer associated with the club. I think the takeover will happen, but they aren’t meeting on a beach in the Caribbean handing the keys over, it’s not how it’s done. Done many, have you ? I don't know about you but i think I've got tennis elbow down to all the keys I've been giving out on yacht's lately,definitely common practice.
  15. Do you seriously believe they are concluding the deal in the middle of the Caribbean at a time when people have been told to limit travel? You do realise company purchases like this happen between lawyers in an office, not between the parties face to face? They aren’t buying a car off Auto Trader. Do you seriously realise the deal was originally brokered on a yacht in the Red Sea ? Do you seriously realise people are allowed to travel for business ? Do you realise that it’s a tax haven often used to conclude deals and who’s to say they’re not meeting to restructure a deal as has been previously alluded to. Do you realize That everyone you know someday will die (although I agree with your sentiments) I liked it MM,saw them at Harewood house with The Who and The Zutons on the same bill,class day out.
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