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Everything posted by RS

  1. The deluded world of nufc takeover: ”We have evidence of the EPL harbouring nazi war criminals” NUFC Twitter: ”100% they did, knew it!”
  2. It was chicken with salad. Enough to scare dough face straight into Greggs
  3. It’s a long trip home to England for all those Ukrainians
  4. When Pickford fucks up he properly goes to shit
  5. Shouldn’t be anybody v anybody to be fair. Nothing wrong with a bit of piss taking but some of this shit is just petty, low blows. Very frustrating times because of the lack of information, but if anything has been proved it’s that the noisiest of Twitter twats know fuck all and they’re not worth reposting on here without any substance behind them. keep that shite for the positive thread and no-one should mind!
  6. Twatter NUFC fans now seeing Mike Ashley as a hero. What a fucking game this man is playing. 65000 screeming jawdies first home game
  7. Well I enjoyed that. Things were getting a little stale in here. a perfect non-statement that can be used by both the posi and negy squads. Couldn’t ask for any better ammo to keep this thread going!
  8. Shows the quality of the spangles our fan base is resting their hopes on!
  9. I know this is tongue in cheek but if it wasn’t it’s the perfect example of the desperation in our fan base.
  10. People desperately need some hope to cling on to. Hence the popularity of the absolute whoppers on twatter. Stories of top managers being in a holding pattern until the big day. Ashley cewking the bewks is a sign etc etc. in the real world you’d swerve Keith like you would the rambling tramp arguing with himself on Northumberland street. Mimms became a god like figure with his disciples wanting anyone who called him out banned Come on man! I reckon there’s more chance of us being relegated under Bruce next season than being owned by PIF Wait my arse.
  11. Got to thank him for an oasis of “normality”for 2 years in an era of absolute dogshittery under Mike Ashley. What an odious cunt he really is. He’ll pull trees up at Everton. I’m jealous as fuck.
  12. Nail in coffin? Last straws being grasped? Who’s the next manager us deluded fools are thinking is waiting for the glorious takeover?
  13. I’m sure it’s not like. But your right it won’t work for ever.
  14. Wrong thread for accounts. 8 pages of positive accounting in the other thread.
  15. When it showed you the pundits celebrating I’m sure shearer tap danced out “takeover approved” in morse code. going to be a good year.
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