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Everything posted by RS

  1. RS


    Still staggering that after all these years charnley is still making the same mistakes with appointing managers of such low calibre. Rafa proved what a good coach can do with an average squad. And still he goes down the same predictable route. I think this relegation will be the end for a lot of fans this time. There is no point in NUFC under Ashley.
  2. When Whitley posts I always get the feeling that inside his head there’s a brass band playing “Land of Hope and Glory” on permanent loop.
  3. Ok we’ll not expect to see you again in here from now on then. Let’s see if you stick to you’re conviction ? This isn’t your thread man. Stick your mad mates tweets in the positive thread. This is the realist thread
  4. BBC running with this as headline. Think we can put the whole takeover saga to bed now
  5. I mean it literally is, unless you don't ever read anything/watch TV. What Chinese investment funds with links to the government are trying to buy a football club? It was more the furore around PIF in relation to ongoing issues around the globe of much higher concern.
  6. Meanwhile in China a mass imprisonment of a whole race is underway and not a whiff of concern is raised by the rest of the world.
  7. “But how else am I meant to see me mates?”
  8. I’ve never heard anything so daft as a court case for being relegated. Bruce still has 15 months on his contract. You’d assume the club has bought into him managing the club his way for that length of time. Regardless of outcome.
  9. Until tonight Brighton were unbeaten in 6 in the premiership. Can’t see us repeating that.
  10. It’s that desperate Whitley Mags Siamese twin Manorparks has performed his own surgery and fucked off.
  11. Ashley relies on the thicker element of the population. Sports Direct shops are full of inferior products and will still be full of daft punters when the doors open. Remind you of anywhere else?
  12. I reckon he’s praying Boris doesn’t ease lockdown restrictions until the season ends. He may have a welcoming committee someday soon.
  13. RS


    When you see the way we are ran, the type of football we play and the national hatred for the owner, most football fans must want us to drop. We offer nothing in this league. Just stinking the place up.
  14. RS


    All hangs on sacking Bruce and installing Jones. Has to happen tonight/tomorrow.
  15. Did he not do it with the mackems?
  16. Pressures on the fat fraud now. Any change probably too late to save us though
  17. RS


    Could be back to derby days in the autumn.
  18. Nee masks or social distancing and it looks like he’s got Covid in the feet.
  19. Just had a je hovis witness at the door. Calling back at 3pm today (Friday). #isthisasign
  20. Been off since July last year. “Officially”. Has anything happened since that could be purely down to a takeover? Nothing from PIF or staveley?
  21. More self publicity from wraith. The man has no shame
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