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Everything posted by Likelylad

  1. Still don’t see how Burn starts ahead of Hall & Tino. He’s so alehouse
  2. Honestly, it's absolutely toxic NUFC Twitter like and i think it'll continue to get worse.
  3. Ha, aye. I thought the same. I also think his beauty against Villa gets called offside if VAR was kicking around.
  4. The PSG game. Isak was literally unable to move. Dead on his feet. Parkinson could've atleast closed down and chased the balls we were just lumping long.
  5. I've a feeling he'll give us next season to have another crack at top 4 (Tonali back, less injuries etc) and if we're unsuccessful he'll move on for 100m.
  6. Have these refs ever actually played the game?
  7. Likelylad


    If Rashford carries his current abject form into the tournament and Henderson goes in his current semi retirement life. I think both will struggle to even do that.
  8. Likelylad


    You’re right but there’s no way Southgate see’s it that way. Both 100% at the Euros
  9. Likelylad


    That’s a woeful decision.
  10. Likelylad

    Papiss Cissé

    Yeah, that's how I remember it. People/media were definitely getting briefed from somewhere and i always thought it would've been his camp.
  11. I really should tbh. Alongside Newcastle losing and politics. It’s an awful place to peruse.
  12. Difficult to argue with the gold fish bowl thing sometimes
  13. It looks like he used to work for the ticket office and has pulled some strings to get someone he considers a Terf banned.
  14. Have you seen the Twitter comments section? I will say however, that it seems to be the. How should I say, the foreign contingent. Tbf, Arsenal fans are still fuming about last week and Liverpool still seem outraged that we had the temerity to finish above them and take the CL spot.
  15. I do think we’ll see a reaction from Eddie & the team on the 25th. We’ve certainly upset the established order mind. Arsenal, Man U & Liverpool fans all wildly celebrating the fact we lost. Rattled is an understatement.
  16. Broke a couple times and had no striker to pass to and no support from behind. I think he’ll keep getting better and better.
  17. Genuinely think our lack of time on the training ground is the cause.
  18. Ritchie seemingly unable to not only run but pass & shoot.
  19. Arteta running his mouth about time wasting again. He’s such a dislikeable bloke
  20. He’s genuinely a garbage person like. Works for the Heil, so it’s not exactly surprising.
  21. Yeah I was thinking similar. Obviously it doesn’t matter for the foreseeable but Tonali’s meant to have excellent delivery but doesn’t really get a look in.
  22. We really are punching above our weight when you look at it. Lacelles, Burn, Jacob Murphy, Targett in the Champions League ?
  23. Likelylad

    Joe Willock

    Really hoping he comes back soon. Would be good to see him this side of Christmas and maybe even feature against PSG and Milan.
  24. I was only about 6/7 so i can't remember but was there much talk about the fee at the time? Hefty outlay at the time and he'd not exactly proven himself at the top level. I'm sure 4m would've secured someone better. Obviously that's with hindsight.
  25. Ha, i just came here to see if anyone else had mentioned it. Whoever it was, certainly doesn't sound the picture of health.
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