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Everything posted by Bondedcrown

  1. Too many are so easily distracted!
  2. FML you lot are like kids man attention span of a fuckin goldfish!
  3. This isn't a politics forum or is every topic now just a free for all?
  4. This is why a topic has a title? Don't change the narrative! Every thread seems to go this way! It's tiresome!
  5. No! appearently you can't do that? Or is it only because it is about Saudi Arabia?
  6. What? You mean quesioning why a subject not relating to the title of the thread is being discussed so much? Also how have you extrapolated that i have only chosen the Saudia Arabia topic to be aggrieved about from the two things i asked? There weren't any other subjects brought into the conversation ? Not all of us follow the threads that closely!
  7. I thought they had topic titles for a reason, or have the rules changed?
  8. Watch Staveleys interview when we were taken over?
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