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David Edgar

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Everything posted by David Edgar

  1. Feels like we just need to get through the first ten minutes and our quality will start to dictate.
  2. Burn having a WOAT start to the game. Good job the Burnley winger hasn't looked up to much.
  3. David Edgar

    Nick Pope

    Ramsdale just isn't good enough to be out next GK. It is why Arsenal are trying to bin him.
  4. His calmness in possession is elite. Wins the ball, doesn't panic, and thinks about retention and progression first. He'll be an invaluable player for years to come.
  5. Didn't recognise him. Immense improvements.
  6. This is exactly it. He seems to have instructions to draw 2 players onto him to create space inside. He did it every single time. Would take more issue with Pep's instructions than Grealish.
  7. Have woken up still annoyed at the commentary and analysis I had to suffer from Shaka et al.
  8. We should trust our squad at the weekend. Rest any major issues.
  9. Livramento is elite btw. With and without the ball.
  10. If I'm Howe, I just say carry the fuck on. They're creating fuck all, which the idiots in the studio seem utterly oblivious to.
  11. Can't wait to have a keeper like the Man City chap who can pass the ball.
  12. Actually winds me up how people just will not accept fact Nothing wrong with saying his finishing wasn't great yesterday. He is still clinical... They aren't mutually exclusive. You can be an elite finisher and have a shoddy game.
  13. Yeah, his finishing felt unusually sloppy yesterday.
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