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Everything posted by AsprillasShinPad

  1. Perez, Kenedy, Murphy AND Joselu. Pretty sure if those four donkeys all get on the pitch simultaneously, the gods of football will burn SJP to the ground.
  2. He's dead wood. Let him go. Never going to be PL standard Doesn't change the fact that our midfield is dross and we desperately need 5-6 new players of PL standard.
  3. Southampton manager described him as a 'Very forward defensive keeper' which I've no idea what that means It means that when he drops utter clangers, the manager can back him and point out that he once did a pass over 30 yards that actually found someone.
  4. I love how he arbitrarily manages the figures to justify fleecing the club. NUFC sit within his holdings enterprise. The whole concept of 'loaning' the club money is a smokescreen so he can charge whatever 'interest' he likes. I sense that if he sold the club, as well as insisting that he continued to get free advertising, he got all 'debts' repaid too. No wonder potential buyers are unable to untangle the club from the FCB's layers of bullshit.
  5. Yeap, SBR was making some bad mistakes for the club, we needed a change but not that change. Unless I'm misremembering, the consensus was that he'd lost the dressing room and a disciplinarian was needed to whip the players into line, hence why Sourpuss came in. In hindsight, it was a shit idea and the players needed sone Pep style leadership instead, but hindsight is a great thing. Real shame, because the club had some fantastic players at the time. Could have won stuff if they'd have performed anywhere near their potential.
  6. The big issue for us is that the FCB still has SJP. If a phoenix club could get SJP, then it would be much bigger than AFC Wimbledon, as NUFC has always had a much bigger following than Wimbledon. I would happily take a decade coming up the league system to be rid of the FCB, but to make it work, the old club would need to move or die.
  7. He shouldn't be booed, but he also shouldn't be exempt from criticism.
  8. If (when) Rafa goes, I'm abandoning ship completely until the FCB goes.
  9. The average salary is £26000ish, anybody who is earning that per week, can f*** off with the short career argument. You only need a year to earn more than the average person earns in a lifetime. Also they don't take their careers into their own hands, they have agents. Totally agree. They earn more than most of us will make in a lifetime in a couple of years. The tiniest, tiniest bit of financial common sense, not extensive wealth management, but basic common sense will see them right in retirement for the rest of their lives. No one is forcing players to waste their money on tasteless guilded turds and other bullshit. Any footballer who goes bankrupt deserves all they get. After all, nothing is stopping them from getting a proper job like the fans who fork out a fortune to pay their wages. Zero sympathy if they waste their money and have to get a job like the rest of us. Football is one of few professions where for some reason, trying to increase your income is frowned upon. I think it's perhaps jealousy and that people don't consider it a real job. If you saw a former Premier League footballer working a regular job you would probably get schadenfreude. Footballers' salaries aren't decided based on your own situation. You haven't done them any favours. You have a rate based on your industry and location. Brad Pitt has his. Footballers have theirs. Football is a billion-pound industry. The players, at the least, deserve to be as rich as possible. £26k in a year puts you in the top 1% of the world in terms of income. In a 2 parent household, it's enough to live on. I'm not going to sit here and deride you for wanting to earn more. And the agent works on behalf of the player. The player is the agents boss. The agent can be fired. Ultimately, players make the final decisions. Sure agents are hugely influential. Because for the vast majority, the weekly pay rate was somewhat relatable, but now even that's getting out of hand. We might begin to see pay by day soon enough tbh. Why is weekly more relatable? Monthly I would understand. Don't most people look at their income from a yearly perspective? Maybe he means in the sense that a weekly wage of £50k doesn't immediately look as obscene to the eye as £200k a month? Hence the weekly amount getting out of hand comment. I mean from the point of view that your average Joe can grasp what 20,25 or even 50k actually means. A year's worth of work, or x amount to spend a month on that wage after bills. What is 1m to someone who earns 30k a year? But now as weekly wages are going beyond 300k, I was making the point that maybe we'd see these amounts referenced as 40,45k a day. Disgusting any way its looked at tho tbh. Ok I understand it now. I don't understand what footballers' wages have to do with your own - but ok, I understand the point. Why is it disgusting? Man United turnover 650m euros per year. Their biggest earner makes about 25m per year. For 4 years before he's replaced with someone younger. Out of interest, what is your take on CEOs who take home obscene wages?
  10. He's decent if you are happy fighting relegation or aiming to finish 15th. No club wanting to play football will ever bid for him, so if that's your idea of decent, then I guess he's decent. He's decent, as in he's a PL standard LB. Nothing more. Would a top 6 team have him? No. There are plenty of positions in our team that do not have any players of acceptable quality to fill - CM, 10, both wingers, CF (when Rindin goes). Let's sort those out before we break the bank to get an upgrade on Dummett.
  11. I'd much much rather players earn the lion share of the money, not people like Mike Ashley. TBF, I'd rather the money was burned before it found it's way into that fat cunt's pocket.
  12. The average salary is £26000ish, anybody who is earning that per week, can f*** off with the short career argument. You only need a year to earn more than the average person earns in a lifetime. Also they don't take their careers into their own hands, they have agents. Totally agree. They earn more than most of us will make in a lifetime in a couple of years. The tiniest, tiniest bit of financial common sense, not extensive wealth management, but basic common sense will see them right in retirement for the rest of their lives. No one is forcing players to waste their money on tasteless guilded turds and other bullshit. Any footballer who goes bankrupt deserves all they get. After all, nothing is stopping them from getting a proper job like the fans who fork out a fortune to pay their wages. Zero sympathy if they waste their money and have to get a job like the rest of us.
  13. Really don't get the hate directed at Dummett. He's a decent player surrounded by 3-4 slightly better players and a lot of utter dross. There are some much more justifiable targets in the squad for vitriol from the fans at this time.
  14. If the FCB gets Gerrard as the manager, I'll actively start supporting ABN - Anyone But Newcastle.
  15. Would rather the Tea Lady than that useless melt. wormy[/member]
  16. Look at the players he was forced to sell and you get some idea of what he is dealing with. Sissoko, Townsend and Wijnaldum. I know many of our fans were cock-a-hoop when we sold Sissoko and Wijnaldum, but they have done better out of it than us. I felt the same as most others when they were sold - we were getting an excellent price for them, but we knew the money would be pocketed by the FCB and not spent on other transfers. We got rid of some overrated mercenaries, and replaced them with dog-s*** no-marks. If the club was run to succeed rather than turn a profit, we could have built up the core of a very good squad for the money we got for Sissoko and Wijnaldum. Instead, we are left with by far the weakest squad since before KK took over, and it's painful.
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