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Everything posted by Groundhog63

  1. It's not like the way we play us anything new. Terms like "high press" might be quite vogue but the top teams have always had more energy and intensity. The better players they have the less energy they need because they read the game quicker. They've also had better squads so can soak up the fatigue injuries. Lesser clubs can't and, more to the point, it can't be done overnight. Took Howe 2 months ?
  2. My mate put £300 on Liverpool at 1/3 Mind he is from Telford
  3. Groundhog63

    Fabian Schär

    Loved it when he "advised" Gordon to back off ?
  4. No Emery bashing here. For whatever reason he chose not to bin his club off the day they were playing in Europe. Certainly didn't bottle anything or turn his nose up. Timing and diplomacy, or lack of, being the issues. Imho As it happens it turned out in our favour.
  5. It wasn't my opinion, just an early morning rib take over, what I imagine is, a sentence lost in translation over the pond ????????
  6. Great you're in support of our LGBTQ+ community but I wouldn't go THAT far ?
  7. Absolutely this. I spent 2min 31 seconds looking at graphs of Field tilts and xpeg, or whatever the fuck, and my head nearly blew off. Howe must be fucking riddled with OCD
  8. Big surfer featuring Eddie. Izzard not Howe ?
  9. Groundhog63


    I can't help staring at the league table. One thing's for sure, tho, I'm either going to have to bin my snide TV or turn off the beer fridge. If I got the wife to do a topless dance and served meself a free half with every pint if would be like matchdays in the Entertainers era
  10. Liverpool have Eurovision. They get a pass ?
  11. This is the only pie chart I'm interested in this morning kidda
  12. I've absolutely no idea what any, and I mean any, of those graphics mean. ??
  13. Marvelous result. Been up since 4 (banging headache & farting like a trooper) so have entertained myself with the match aftermath. Deffo not a foul on the keeper. Awesome second. Frustrated at Longstaff in the 1st half getting caught dawdling s couple of times but, overall, solid Kane wrapped up Tripps like a kipper for the goal but is an absolute shithouse otherwise. Gets away with murder. Apart from his Mam & dad naming him after a cheeseburger that Emerson Royal is a right knacker. Was definitely a handball/penalty and he's just a whiney cunt ?
  14. What she says "Newcastle fans crazy with Bruno Guimarães. Awesome and well deserved!"
  15. Second yellow, red followed by a red and a red, I take it ??????
  16. Absolutely. He's a young Lascelles with, perhaps, more opportunities.
  17. 1st impression was "I hope they behaved themselves with this fella and did us proud" 2nd impression was "poor cunt, that's the journey from hell"
  18. Hall won the lottery when he wooed Keegan. Staveley won the lottery getting Howe. All of it could have gone totally Pete Tonge but the former worked wonders until the club ran out of money. The latter is a completely different scenario. Wor Eddie's smacks them fuckers straight back down when they're talking about money and richness. He knows the lads he inherited. He knows the ones he bought. He sticks up for them all. Hopefully our Alex Ferguson
  19. I'm old enough to remember, when I left the house at half time to walk the dog, coming back to the wife watching The Great British Sewing Bee. Those days are OVER ?????
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