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Everything posted by Groundhog63

  1. I used to live in Crammy but take the latest mother-in-law to Manor Walks every Monday for a cuppa, cheese scone and her shopping. Never mind "fallen to the mags" after being, mythically, held by MLFs. Judging by the clientele last Monday ifs fallen to the cast of Fraggle Rock. Was like The Bridges on non-matchday
  2. Gameweek 14 Leicester 1 v 3 Man City Bournemouth 0 v 2 Spurs Brentford 2 v 0 Wolves Brighton 1 v 1 Chelsea Palace 2 v 1 Southampton Newcastle 4 v 1 Villa Fulham 1 v 1 Everton Liverpool 2 v 0 Leeds Arsenal 3 v 0 Forest Man United 2 v 2 West Ham Quote
  3. Copy that post Delete it. Re-post it with the phrase "in peace" edited in between "villa fan" & "here" Then, and only then, will we take you seriously.
  4. It's not really though, is it? He's saying if another club got taken over by the Saudis he'd hate "us" (Newcastle) ? Appreciate another club have been taken over by the Saudis and the MLFs now hate their own club, which hasn't, but they're not wired right.
  5. I know it's immense for us UK Toon fans to have a club emerge from obscurity, having won fuck all for 50 years, and find ourselves in the mix but it must be nice for our overseas supporters to be "those guys". Stuck with us through thin and thin. Playing very watchable football as an added bonus Sooner or later The Missing Falls will open early for NUFC games as well. Fuck Spurs ????
  6. I know it's hard but try not to let Twitter be a barometer of any club's fan base. Some of wor's on there are complete fucking balloons.
  7. I'd assume, and I'm no Eddie Howe, that long passes from the defence to the opposition final third will just be another string to the bow. As it were. We've got nippy forwards, so why not. Ultimately the way we're playing, very "on the front foot", demands a whole range of ways to break through opposition barriers. As for the long ball itself, there's never been any shame in it at all. Very much the opposite. The negativity attached to it is from managers/teams who do fuck all else. Furthermore when they do, do it, they mainly fuck it up. Nice, long precision pass > hoofball
  8. It's not like the way we play us anything new. Terms like "high press" might be quite vogue but the top teams have always had more energy and intensity. The better players they have the less energy they need because they read the game quicker. They've also had better squads so can soak up the fatigue injuries. Lesser clubs can't and, more to the point, it can't be done overnight. Took Howe 2 months ?
  9. My mate put £300 on Liverpool at 1/3 Mind he is from Telford
  10. Groundhog63

    Fabian Schär

    Loved it when he "advised" Gordon to back off ?
  11. No Emery bashing here. For whatever reason he chose not to bin his club off the day they were playing in Europe. Certainly didn't bottle anything or turn his nose up. Timing and diplomacy, or lack of, being the issues. Imho As it happens it turned out in our favour.
  12. It wasn't my opinion, just an early morning rib take over, what I imagine is, a sentence lost in translation over the pond ????????
  13. Great you're in support of our LGBTQ+ community but I wouldn't go THAT far ?
  14. Absolutely this. I spent 2min 31 seconds looking at graphs of Field tilts and xpeg, or whatever the fuck, and my head nearly blew off. Howe must be fucking riddled with OCD
  15. Big surfer featuring Eddie. Izzard not Howe ?
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