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Everything posted by Groundhog63

  1. Given who are owners are Im not sure how acceptable this is but, hey ho, it's doing the rounds...
  2. Despite his Action Man hairstyle I quite like Arteta. We ain't gonna be challenging for 1st or 2nd I fucking despise Chelsea For those reason, and others, Arsenal win pour mou
  3. Get ya tongue out of Guardiola's arse ?? Cloughie occasionally dressed like a tramp.
  4. Tbf Jackie's in Ashington is pretty decent. Very decent, truth be told. Shout out to MP Ian Lavery's youngun, Councillor Liam instrumental in its commission, iirc
  5. "so you admire Bielsa, Brucie? Pass me that Shiraz fella" "aye, he's got them playing intense like, you kna, like. Here pal, top yersel up. Do you want them chips?" "nah, fill your boots matey. So did you try an emulate him in any way Steve? Oh superb another bottle of Merlot, top me up while you're at it" "No probs, say 'when'. Yeah I did work to emulate him. Got there in the end. Can I have more onion rings, waiter?" "How did you emulate him!?" "Well we both got sacked, like, Luke, like." "your round, cheers"
  6. Obvs narcissistic quoting oneself but my 7am pre match nerves reminded me of matchdays, esp derby day, when you'd be in a pub by 8am. Cant remember the name of the pub but the one on Barrack Road (Not the Bull, higher up, New Mills??) looked shut from outside but after a tap at the window a door quietly opened and the gaff was rammed. Also went on a bus to Palace or QPR, iirc, and stopped over at RAF Northolt for pre-match beer, nibbles and strippers at daft'o'clock. Kids these days don't even believe you when you tell them pubs used to shut in the afternoon.
  7. Having snide TV and subsequent access to every fixture is going to turn me into a house alki. I fancy a can now ??
  8. Thoroughly enjoyable days sport so far. 20/20 Working class rugby Dorty Leeds
  9. Hearing the MLFs are being pelted with 20p coins and vapes.
  10. I'm Watching the Pacific MLFs getting humped at working class rugby atm. Might go Leeds v Bournemouth at 3
  11. State of Waddle like. The scruff ? Having said that he's in better shape than Lord Brexit himself, red faced, obese gammon Botham in that advert ????
  12. Whilst I don't think anyone involved in our ownership are anything but "all in" & keen for us to progress their "3-5 years" caveat wasn't just to temper our enthusiasm. It's not rocket science to know that playing in Europe, as well as domestic comps, puts huge pressure on a squad. Even more so when you NEED to be consistently successful in all of them. Even more so again when your DNA is to run the fucking arse off yourselves both in training AND on the matchday. There's an arguement for not getting into Europe. I wouldn't make it like but its there.
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