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Everything posted by Groundhog63

  1. Give him an inhaler and send him out
  2. Groundhog63

    Dan Burn

    One of my whackier football opinions, and Lord knows I've got a few, is that the players at England's disposal now are ideal for the way Howe has us playing and I'd love to see it at that level. He doesn't pick some of them and doesn't set up to play that way regardless. Oh and Kane wouldn't be in it.
  3. 4 days old so possibly SEB but this Athletic piece has added to my lovely warm fuzzy feeling ? https://archive.ph/D4kMU
  4. Remember Bruce getting it and being photographed on his own, holding it like it was his very own massive kebab then Eddie winning it and getting photographed with the whole backroom team? Chalk n cheese
  5. I'm not offended. I couldn't give a fuck you daft cunt. Still stands tho. If you can't or won't moderate your language in public you're a bit of a cock, imho, obvs ?
  6. Beautiful Needs looking after and nurtured this kid and I can't think of a better club for him than Eddie's Newcastle. Watching video's of players now and it's all about family, unity, strength through common endeavour. Loved his little sis in her Toon top already ????
  7. It's 2022. Anyone who can't modify their language in public, especially in front of woman and kids, is intellectually stunted. Even worse if they can but chose not too.
  8. The only "Sportswashing" in action I can see is people, previously ambivalent to Geopolitics & state oppression, getting the heebie geebies about people who did & are voicing that concern because it involves the owners of their football team. Whilst I've said before it's not the job of NUFC supporters to be the moral compass of football ownership but they are entitled to be twitchy at the very least. They have a point. Football is fucked tho and has been since Murdoch. The only way any team can compete is by being equally fucked. This is what it is. At a risk of repeating myself again I also argue that the narrative that "whataboutary" isn't relevant to any arguement is very deliberate. What about our Gvt working hand in hand, dealing in arms, trade, Intel etc with any "despotic" regime one can think of. Fuck me, the tories are bought and paid for with Russian money. Thatcher had the Taliban in No10. May, as Home Sec, had the Manchester bomber and his family shipped over to Lybia for training with the Rebels to defeat Gadaffi then allowed to come and go at will. The UK's more than happy to share torture trade and snooping technology with apartheid Israel for eg. This kind of whataboutary? And were supposed to not watch our football?
  9. Beat me too it. Daft cunt put his clocks back 24 hours
  10. Why, when it's bumped, is this thread never announcing his death?
  11. Cheers fella. Warms the cockles of your heart. Mind, so would the interviewer
  12. Great interview that. Can't find part2 tho but
  13. Groundhog63


    Not sure how I missed this but it is class like. Our players are fucking mint. Minted as well judging by the fact he's got lights on in every room AND outside. Plus he's wearing next to nowt so, clearly, has the heating on full blast. In the middle of an energy crisis anarl. Tory
  14. Someone needs to photoshop a tiny Grealish in his hands ?
  15. "He's only gone and done it again" classic
  16. I can see it now. Under 23s away to Sunderland. We play him in goal along with half the 1st team. They've only got 9 players on the pitch and, in the last minute, Dubs goes up for a corner and scores with his hand. Straight into NUFC folklore ?
  17. Gameweek 15 Leeds 2 v 0 Bournemouth Man City 4 v 1 Fulham Forest 1 v 1 Brentford Wolves 0 v 2 Brighton Everton 1 v 1 Leicester Chelsea 1 v 1 Arsenal Villa 0 v 2 Man United Southampton 0 v 2 Newcastle West Ham 2 v 1 Palace Spurs 2 v 2 Liverpool
  18. Groundhog63

    Jacob Murphy

    Obvs being greedy but I'm slightly disappointed Wilson's 3rd didn't go in, Murphy's also and Wood couldn't catch that pinger for the 7th ???
  19. Everything in the concourse is exactly a fiver. Even cheesy chips
  20. When the happy couple were necking on Southgate looked like he either wanted to puke or join in
  21. Absolutely our "local" rivals. Always check their results, in game, and chuckle when they concede. Sigh when they score ? I'm varnigh 59, that feeling isn't gonna change. The derby games were the barometer of how you really felt. For both sets of fans. The difference between winning and losing and the pre-match nerves about either outcome. Of course were separated by, current, positions so our radar is focused elsewhere. Maybees they'll drag themselves up one year and we'll have them again? Ps I don't hate them. Sure they've got some dark age brain dead amongst them but what "Red wall" hasn't?
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