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Everything posted by Groundhog63

  1. Imagine being stuck with that pile of stinking sewage for the whole of his contract because you couldn't afford to wipe it off? No one would be happy. The club for plummeting down the pyramid system. The fans for that and the depressingly dire football. Least of all him for having to stink around and not waddle off to Vilamoura with his simpering offspring.
  2. Brighton 2 v 0 Forest Palace 2 v 1 Wolves Bournemouth 1 v 0 Southampton Brentford 1 v 2 Chelsea Liverpool 2 v 1 West Ham Newcastle 2 v 0 Everton Man United 1 v 2 Spurs Fulham 2 v 0 Villa Leicester 1 v 1 Leeds
  3. I'm settled on my usual, pragmatic, expectation. We're away to Manchester United. Similar form but, historically, not a rewarding venue for us. So I'm guessing "null point" Anything else is a bonus including a solid attempt to win the game. That might sound negative but, given the last 10 years, believe me it's not ? Ps got a few of the in-laws over for it and scran. Her nephews a Man U supporter through and through so, hopefully, bragging rights over the Yorkshire pudding & pork crackling ?
  4. Canny https://www.forbes.com/sites/zakgarnerpurkis/2022/10/15/jurgen-klopp-is-wrong-liverpool-fc-has-no-ceiling-but-newcastle-united-did/?sh=732f767e2603
  5. Was in awe of these two when they came over. I was 14 ? Also when Ipswich signed the two Dutch lads a year later, iirc
  6. Watching Wigan. All Amnesty FC so far. Canny bit of litter on the pitch as per
  7. Unlike Liverpool fans I've got "no sense of history" apparently ??? This despite supporting Newcastle United since 1970. Because I don't give a fuck they can call the ground wtf they like ?
  8. Not wanting it under Ashley but accepting it under this regime wouldn't make you a hypocrite. Two completely different circumstances
  9. Fuck them. Overly precious cunts ?
  10. Stopped clock and all that but he does have a point. The daft bald cunt.
  11. Thing is his clubs played just as much a part in the elitism at the top of football as any other. Man U as well. They're jhst heading for a down turn in their success cycles and can't handle it.
  12. I'm not disagreeing, other than it wasn't a penalty, that is. Just remarking what my eyes told my brain. Toney's leg went the opposite way to the direction it was kicked ???
  13. Never a penalty mind. Toney's leg went backwards when it was kicked forwards ??? Fair doos they all cheat like fuck but the commentators not calling it out just make it worse.... Imho
  14. Be a shame if McClean, Wyke, Power AND Broadhead notch tomorrow.
  15. Aye, I was surprised. Liked him from the get go. Looked like he had a touch on him. Should've gone to Arsenal, their kind of player all day.
  16. Wife was watching some YouTube podcast last night featuring Jeff Winter being interviewed by 3 blerks. One thing he said was if two teams just want to come out and kick fuck out of each other there's not much a ref can do. That game looks like one of them. Ps Winter came across canny, as it happens. Quite funny
  17. Bit like all the flag shagging, dyed in the wool, Unionists I know. Almost universally despise the jocks, Welsh and Irish. I think it's called English exceptionalism ? Same one's proud to be English but hate scousers, manicurians, cockneys etc etc Also radged up a bunch of Irish lasses sang an Irish Republican ditty whilst also thinking swelling the streets of a German city singing "10 German bombers" is cool af Strange bunch
  18. Without googling Peter Withe and Gary Shaw are the only two I can think of other thsn those two Ps pre-prem
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