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Everything posted by Groundhog63

  1. 1m 42 sec in. Pearson burning fucking daggers at these two.
  2. Groundhog63

    João Pedro

    Gone by Saturday, morelike
  3. Whereas Steve Bruce always looks like he's wondering what takeaway he's gonna get on the way home after he's finished this dessert course
  4. Canary in peace, marra
  5. I did that with a penny floater once. Mind it did a figure of 8 on the way in as well. Belta
  6. Was doing my TOONdle the other day and reminiscing about Blyth Spartan's Alan Shoulder and North Shields' Peter Cartwright ????
  7. Groundhog63

    Fabian Schär

    Remember an interview early after the takeover/Howe arrival where he displayed, clearly but unspoken, his disdain for Jabba
  8. Man U have spent a fortune on top players paying top wages. They've just done it poorly. For so long they're left with no dynamic, no vision, no plan. The beef with the owners I get but only that they've syphoned off bundles and used the clubs money to buy thd cunt in the 1st place. Doing a Donald, as its known in the trade ? They still spent all thd resf of the clubs money on players. We'd have begged for that.
  9. "He's no Dan Neil" * * ok, I made that up but it's only a matter of time
  10. https://12ft.io/proxy?q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.thetimes.co.uk%2Farticle%2Fnewcastle-united-owners-to-stick-with-amanda-staveley-3cgr0bc80
  11. Given the current trend amongst the football fans' flag fraternity, the FFFF of you will, I think a big flag screaming..... "If you come to matches fucking sing or get out. Support the lads!!!!" .....would suffice ??
  12. Groundhog63

    João Pedro

    Too late, the cunt's signed for Forest
  13. In no other industry, barring politics & Exec/Head of Dept Local Authority types, do people get so spectacularly rewarded for being shite
  14. Express shipping by 23rd... https://www.myphotoboxer.co.uk/products/vice-city-custom-face-hawaiian-shirt-mens-gang-style-gifts-for-dad?gclid=CjwKCAjwo_KXBhAaEiwA2RZ8hHSL_3_l8Z9nHeDBlQCVkzKqAi4_kVhXKrG3m_HepshRKv_UbDZdrhoCIocQAvD_BwE&variant=42717061087456
  15. I thought it was some kind of Pennywell mafia death threat
  16. "reaper cushions" ? Grim
  17. Sunderland currently below Reading
  18. Canny chip but, fuck me, wtf were Sheff Utd doing
  19. Groundhog63

    João Pedro

    Just voicing mine as well so that'll be ok with you then chum, yeah
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