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Everything posted by Groundhog63

  1. Groundhog63

    Lee Charnley

    "Delivery for Mr Charnley"
  2. Tbf that's how I normally am when I'm IN the Co-Op
  3. He wasn't the only one tho, no?
  4. I sort of felt that way when it started but, tbf, that Sloth looks more like me than Cooper.
  5. Cheeky bastards. Don't they realise he's the other half of "football royalty" (copyright BT sport)
  6. Just endured BT's promo vid for next Saturday's Villa v Everton game Fucking cringeworthy ??
  7. Tbh I'm happy just being interested again ? If we continue with the progress made since January we'll win more than lose. That'll do for me.
  8. I'm not going but someone should definitely ask them wether they still have the desire to continue in the profession given Luke Edwards gets all the Intel and has all the best takes
  9. Fulham 1-3 Liverpool Bournemouth 1-1 Aston Villa Leeds 1-0 Wolves Newcastle 3-1 Notts Forest Spurs 2-0 Southampton Everton 0-2 Chelsea Leicester 2-0 Brentford Man United 2-1 Brighton West Ham 1-2 Man City
  10. I'd settle for, no matter what the score, Eddie to send Miggy on with 30 seconds left and whisper in his ear.... "go and half the cunt"
  11. "wey, he's only bid 89p for that class peas pudding stottie man, should go all in for the full £2.55. Unless it's a bluff cos he's really after the meatball combo"
  12. Watching SkySports News and they're doing a bit on Fabregas going to manage Como in Italy. Interviewing Como's Chief Exec. None other than football's very own Norris McWhirter, Dennis Wise
  13. Could be a modern day Viz character. Fan Ashworth. Boules around the toon haggling
  14. She is like. Could put up with the screeching ???
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