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Everything posted by Groundhog63

  1. Fwiw, and I found it as frustrating as anyone that we didnt, if we'd scored first then Bournemouth's game plan would've been out the window. We hit the woodwork twice at 0-0, no? Granted we persisted in going down either wing then turning backwards to do it all again. Eventually putting crosses in to nobody.
  2. Do you puff your chest up, fill your lungs with pride, wipe a tear from your eye and spunk into your kecks while singing it tho? If not that's a false equivalence
  3. The national anthem is a hymn. It's imploring your "god" to safeguard the welfare of your, sole, monarch. If you don't actually have a god it's an irrelevant chant. The monarch bit is another matter.
  4. You'd have to be either hopelessly ignorant or, at best, woefully niave to think a hereditary monarchy propped up and promoted by an equally hereditary/entitled establishment ISN'T political.
  5. Gameweek 8 Villa 2 v 2 Southampton Forest 1 v 2 Fulham Wolves 0 v 3 Man City Newcastle 3 v 0 Bournemouth Spurs 2 v 0 Leicester Brentford 2 v 2 Arsenal Everton 0 v 1 West Ham
  6. Ps can't imagine what it must be like to have ME, MS, MND, Apraxia, Parkinsons etc etc. Heart goes out to those with such like. I wouldn’t even wish it on a cunt ?
  7. Typically N-O thread. Within a couple of posts having the extremes of a wonderful bloke, in Chris Kamara, running alongside a complete moron, in Lowes. Rightly critiqued Interesting little video there of Kamara. Definitely need to see the full interview. Also, and I'm not knocking humanity or decorum but I'm always intrigued when people tone down any criticism of someone else because they're ill of dead. If you're a cunt you're a cunt regardless. I've seen some right balloons elevated to near sainthood by their deaths.
  8. Absolutely. I'm assuming a fair few Italians will have coughed up for the usual. As for the return fixture, crazy.
  9. What me or the arrangement? If the former, fair doos, been called worse ? It's a mental decision tho
  10. Anyone mention the Rangers/Napoli game being put back 24 hours? The Napoli fans not allowed to attend and the Rangers hordes not allowed in the return fixture for "fairness"? Right royally shafted, if you will.
  11. Fuck it @Heron Please both factions. 1st half have a big fuck off flag of Lizzie and in the 2nd half set it ahad I'll get me coat
  12. "He's shit anyway" incoming
  13. I mean the Hartlepool one. They walked in. Whole place went quiet then a parting of the waves as the publican welcomed them in. Who gives a fuck? Thick cunts.
  14. Putting those kids, coaches and parents in their place was, probably, the most patriotic thing I've ever done. On top of that the school's got a restraining order against me so hanging about that fence wasn't without risk. I'm hoping, on Monday, the magistrate understands I was just sticking up for Lizzie.
  15. "Best Away Fans Encountered" thread. What is it with their burning desire to be liked?
  16. Minded me to have a look. Having moved from Bensham to Berwick then, after 13 years ending up in South Northumberland, to have a gander at wor history. Interesting stuff for a lazy sat afternoon... https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_monarchs_of_Northumbria
  17. pointing out human rights abuses = virtue signalling ????????????????????
  18. Yeah. Wank idea.The King can fuck off, the flagshagging idiot. I live in Northumbria and the King don't speak for me ?
  19. Went to the gym. Noticed a load of kids football matches taking place in the grounds of Astley High School so pulled over and shouted "Traitors" "Scabs" "She's still fucking warm, man" at them through the fence.
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