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Everything posted by Groundhog63

  1. Has to be admitted, I quite like the lad. Warmed to him during STID. A canny lad, by all accounts, when he's not halfing 17yr olds for cheers
  2. They love him, tbf, nearly sold him for £1m in 2019, apparently, and not selling him has proved to be very astute.....er....
  3. Does look a bit like this one (knew him, pre-nonce, in the RAF 1985, the beastial cunt) https://www.manchestereveningnews.co.uk/news/local-news/fear-of-jail-turned-paedophile-gary-857093.amp
  4. This. Used to get a box for Xmas. Eaten by New Year.
  5. I Googled a Cameron Brannigan, plays for Oxford. Then I remembered they don't do Beef n Mustard anymore and started crying
  6. John Tudor Alan Smith(s) Kyle Walker(s) er I give up ?
  7. Groundhog63

    Lewis Hall

    Left back in the changing room on the marching powder
  8. Dummett did foul that snidey little cunt, Young, but neither of the useless twats were ever going to reach the ball. Burn and Iwobi also
  9. Groundhog63

    Lewis Hall

    Obvs I've no idea what he/they think or do. As it goes there's 3 young Ukrainian lads graft in my Aldi and I tend to think fair play lads, keep as far away as possible from all that carnage so I was typing shit anyway. (I'll not delete as it will be a permant reminder to hold my finger) Posted in the wrong thread, by far, my sat morning curmudgeon thoughts. Appreciate the bounce back lads. Lewis Hall is mint btw.
  10. Tbf everyone loved Klopp at first.
  11. Groundhog63

    Lewis Hall

    Probs just me me but I'm always bemused at these Ukrainians kicking balls around Europe like nowts the matter whilst we're all supposed to be on the verge of WW3 for the protection of their homeland. Or is it all just American guff? Anyways, he's shit.
  12. This. Bit like I posted about Moyes/Phillips & Howe/Krafth. Managers don't expect experience professional footballers to go on the pitch and play howlers ?
  13. I know. That's why I typed 80k ?
  14. Fab, desperate lunge, hence Tino had to go over. Gordon left Bowen to run upfield. Tbf he was only a couple of seconds behind him and had, otherwise, played a blinder.
  15. I thought that. Listen to Steve & Karen when I'm m driving any morning. Quite like their patter.
  16. Will have been posted but we've only just watched this ?????
  17. Groundhog63

    Lewis Hall

    Thought he had a great game. Was going to say "arguably" but I think it's beyond doubt if he'd been fit enough to stay on, and not replaced by Mick McManus, we'd have won. Eddie looked after the kid well, it seems. Hope him and Tripps are our full backs for Fulham.
  18. Extend the Gallowgate and make the whole thing safe standing* You'll get 80k radgies singing their tits off for 103mins * ship the old cunts into a slightly extended East Stand that's been fitted with kermode seats Ps I'm 60 and stink off piss
  19. Be able to get more in if it wasn't full of old fat bastards. ?
  20. We have, he's talking shit
  21. What's next week's lottery numbers, Mystic?
  22. I'm with Heron and the silent majority sensibles. Dummett cost us and we deserved more. Expecting anything more than were getting, given the injuries, is fucking laughable.
  23. In a box the neet. Legacy fans, suck my plums. Enjoy the match
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