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Everything posted by Lazarus

  1. Newcastle Online never fails to to amuse.
  2. 3 yr for Gayle? How old is he? like 30??
  3. Officer dibble on the attack!
  4. Is that as in £7million? Over 10 years??
  5. Aye - as i mentioned above, they essentially become a 'brand', rather than just a 'player' and wouldnt have time to play or train if they had to manage on their own.
  6. While im sure some agents do literally take the money and run, theres got to be others who look after a player a bit more. image rights, social media, investments, international exposure, reputation management, sponsorships, charity work, etc etc etc Some of the higher profile players would find no time to train or play with all the other crap their career brings.
  7. The role of agents does need looking at - not sure about getting rid entirely though. I dont exactly know what an agent does but presumably its a bit more than negotiating the most finacially advantagous contract?
  8. Can we not have an 'argy-bargy' thread where we just call each other a 'complete nob'?
  9. I wonder if De Marco has had a word with those other candidates about the influence of the big 6.....
  10. 20 supporters trusts rallying against the soopa league would be a thing to see
  11. I hope someones asked him about the effect of mould on young vulnerable people...
  12. The trust is in a difficult position - becoming a protest movement may jeopardise some of the other work the trust do in relation to the club. The majority of fans are sick of ashleys ownership and want him out so theres clearly a gap in the market for a 'protest group' but as weve seen with other protests, there a bit crap. If there was an actual organised group who can focus the fans, raise awareness in the media and just generally be a nuisance, especially with the saudis mooching about in the background, surely that can only be a good thing? As fans we often talk about the clubs potential, but what about ours? the fans potential? Are we really happy sitting at home moaning about bruce, penfold, ashley, bishop, et al?
  13. And for the record...Im in the cautiously optimistic camp. I just dont see the point of folk posting stuff that isnt concrete as all it does it make that person look like a nut. By all means talk about what you know, but youve got to be on solid ground.
  14. We putting this in the 'attention seeker' bracket then? No different to certain others who wind up the fans for clicks/attention by the looks of it. The boy who cried wolf......
  15. Thats sounds like the beginning of a limerick.... There was a Zlad Ahmed Itani Who tickled a young ladies myfanwy He blasted away, his fingers a-blaze and now it resembles bolognaise.
  16. Thinking about it, Batty has probably been one of the best defensive players the club has had. Not sure if he was the best midfielder though
  17. Did i miss the 'announcement'? Or was it another attention seeking false alarm?
  18. Lazarus


    Ive filled that in as a non binary motorbike riding pensioner wanting the pre, half time and post match entertainment improved - sod the match itself. Im an alcoholic, fat bastard spending a fortune, who loves clean toilets and happy hours.
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