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Everything posted by Fitzgerald

  1. It's the fact what he stands for more than anything. A symbol of tatty gross incompetence. A mackem reject from 8 years ago ffs. He was lucky to even be at sheff wed in his last job. Add in being a patsy, a snake, a big "united" man and a fake Newcastle fan and he's so easy to hate
  2. Aye and mike ends up in profit and we have zero transfer budget for about the 4th year running
  3. Pure aids. Dummett and lascelles man. Howay the Hibeees
  4. If everyone felt the same as me about him and didn't accept him we would be in a better position. People just accepting any old shit with no standards is why it keeps happening again and again I bet there are plenty on here who are on the fence about him too. No, he should be nowhere near the club regardless of anything else or what he does
  5. He's eclipsed that for me already. He did 3 weeks ago
  6. I'll humour you...what would you suggest instead I personally think it’s time to move on from SD. He’s got enough problems there. The only area of his businesses Newcastle fans have given him an easy ride, is NUFC. Spot on
  7. Na they shouldn't like. Only here where we put up with it
  8. 1 or 2 wins in the first 5 games (unlikely I know) and you watch people saying Bruce is better than Rafa. No doubt about it. Thick as a castle wall 95% of Ashley fc fans. That's why I hope they don't win
  9. It's all bubbling away close to the surface like. Hopefully a few early heavy defeats and it will all boil over by September
  10. Yeah I was harsh on manquillo if anything as he was solid at times. But that was under Rafa Half of the capable bunch was under Rafa too so without his organisation sports direct probably have 4 or 5 PL players. Hopefully that sinks them
  11. Dubravka* Blob Darlow Woodman Yedlin* Manquillo Lascellout* Schar * Lejeune * Fernandez * Dummett * Clark Lazaar Ginger dog Hayden * Ki * Jonjer* when he can be arsed Longstaff * Almiron * Atsu Ritchie * Murphy Aarons Gayle Joelinton ? 25 man squad. I make it about 12 that are serviceable/ proven to do a basic job in the PL. ones worth having and who can do a job in the PL 19/20 marked with a *.
  12. There's thousands upon thousands more like him. Any negative Bruce comment I write on social media I get bounced with " give him a chance man"
  13. James McCarthy incoming good old British name. He's absolutely wank and the last position that needed signings Another ginger dog for Bruce
  14. Absolutely, my theme will be bile and hatred
  15. It's true though Fucking scabs
  16. There's 3 fucking left backs already at the club man dummett colback and lazaar what more do you want
  17. Yep bishop has seen to that
  18. Fingers crossed! That would be brilliant
  19. You fat corbridge bastard get out of our club
  20. Season tickets sold out last year didn't they? So 10,900 haven't renewed. Gives me a little bit of hope and faith back. So there are 10,900 unsold season tickets plus the amount that's on general sale? Or just 10,900 tickets left in total for the Arsenal game? Even if 900 get sold in the next week we would be on for 42k, id be happy with that for a start plus it should hopefully look even less than that with the boycott Would love it if Bruce walked out to 12-15k empty seats.
  21. Laying the groundwork of we couldn't get anyone over the line. A good squad already...f*** me It's a deep squad to be fair to him he's right... a big squad of shite
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