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Everything posted by Fitzgerald

  1. Makes me sick to hear of so many proper fans making sacrifices and doing the right thing yet just gettting replaced by these Bruce loving super fans and there will still be 45k plus I hate the owner, manager and fans so I'm definitely out. Probably for good. I have been to a couple of Betis games before so just going to follow them whilst wishing the worst on Sunderland, Ashley and the fans in SJP
  2. Was given a cushy ride in the interview - no one prepared to call him out for being s**** “We have to be realistic and recognise we were in the championship 2 years ago” Na steve I would prefer to be realistic and recognise we were in Europe regularly before Ashley
  3. Got a wonderful crop of players - only needs maybe one or two more - have the likes of Colback, Lazaar, Aarons and Gayle back so squad is very deep - Colback to be vice captain Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!! And MA is a great guy - is prepared to dip into his pocket - plus SB is a Geordie and knows what it’s like “up here” - he’s a fan himself, “one of us” :anguish:
  4. Bollcoks winning the league cup with boro and Dutch league with twente as well as making a European final is better than anything kinnear done. Same as coming 5th, a European quarter final and 2 FA cup finals are
  5. You'd be surprised. Don't put out past our morons. Already had Bruce give us a wave ffs
  6. Dear god what has it come too!? Look at the state of that list yet people still turn up. No standards or morals at all
  7. The king has a pl 5th place. Also had West Ham playing better stuff than any Bruce team has. Gave me some great European away days and didn't pretend to be a Newcastle fan. Oh and he's not a mackem. Oh and he didn't call manure " united " And he's not a grotesque mess. Aye I'm no fan of the king but f*** me I would have him over this fat mackem shithead anyday
  8. Not really. I'm not a big zaha fan but them 2 players are dross and wouldn't contribute much for them and 55m is well below their asking price
  9. Pulis Big sam Pardew Mclaren Kinnear Carver Bruce
  10. Apologies then. Maybe I do too
  11. Ha ha can't beat the Simpsons for a good reference
  12. :anguish: I like my phone in one piece
  13. can't understand anyone wanting us to lose. boycott yes but still support the team. Support the team :lol: Nowt to support man
  14. He needs help. Ideally offline
  15. Erm Joe Linton £40m less Jose £30m = £10m? Who else have we signed? Not counted them kids bit for joselu and well to throw in? wages off the bill etc. So without wages and small fee for the Hoss we have spent £8 million But but Mike has smashed the transfer record I bet that joelinton was actually 20m plus the rest in unattainable bonuses so we will be in profit. Again
  16. Liverpool fans have got standards. They are used to winning, they are not about to put up with someone who turns them into also-rans. Our fans have gotten used to the idea that survival is an achievement. We are slowly turning into Sunderland, and it makes me feel ill to even say it. Spot on as well. Ashley's greatest achievement here is massively lowering expectations
  17. Really is a new low. Welcoming that grotesque snake man ffs. He should of had abuse or at best got totally blanked. God I hate our sooperfans
  18. Fitzgerald


    3 top half finishes in over 60 years and Steve Bruce guided them to one of those 4 European games in their entire history. They're literally as small time as they come and that's before you consider that they are nothing more than a bang average 3rd division club these days. And getting excited about the checkatrade the ultimate small time c***s All whilst their "rivals" and a club they think they are superior too have had 9 top 6 finishes in the last 25 years alone and over 100 games in Europe including beating juventus and Barcelona at the highest possible level. All whilst dwarfing their crowds and having legends in football like Keegan, Robson, Shearer etc compared to Reidy Bally and Quinny No shaming them and they call us deluded. Mental
  19. Il be following it on the BBC app or something like that and hoping Arsenal spank them and that there's loads of empty seats.
  20. And that's why they club is so fucked. The morons will accept any old wank
  21. That is the grimmest and most despairing thing I've ever read about our fans
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