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Joey Linton

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Everything posted by Joey Linton

  1. So are you heading down the path of telling us that the vaccines actually serve no purpose at all here? Other than them secretly installing the 5G trackers into everyone obviously.
  2. Should have taken the captaincy from him way before now. Funny how many chances Arteta has given him compared to some players he's bombed out.
  3. No offence, but this is one of the worst ideas I've ever read. But then I suppose the alternative will be yet another hotel, office block, student site.
  4. So cool he had a lockdown hair cut before lockdown was even a thing.
  5. Thought this post was hilarious https://www.readytogo.net/smb/threads/trouble-after-match.1566326/page-2#post-35073146 Basically the opposition fans are sad little hooligans who will get their comeuppance one day. From sunderland's "sad little hooligan branch".
  6. https://www.readytogo.net/smb/threads/trouble-after-match.1566326/ Our fault by the end of the first page.
  7. Just as well for them that interest rates are sky high at the moment then.
  8. https://www.readytogo.net/smb/threads/big-drop-in-the-attendance-yesterday.1566168/ 26,000 is actually a good attendance for a third division game, but the lengths they go to to explain why it wasn't more. Holy Island crossing tides were probably awkward so the "Lindisfarne Branch" couldn't make it and they normally bring 5,000+.
  9. Nice for him to take a break from defending his pals Charlie and Stu and slagging off that Wetherspoon kid for being right about them.
  10. It's not even just the odd one or two either.
  11. Joey Linton

    Joe Willock

    Got to have a scapegoat though, and the 22 year old who pretty much single handedly kept us up last season seems to be it.
  12. Darlow is terrible but Woodman is worse.
  13. To be fair 3,800 of them are Burnsie's burner accounts.
  14. The biggest difference is that we aren't playing with the only tactic being that everything goes through him and no one else. For all the results haven't been brilliant yet, we are at least trying to mix the threat up a bit. Coming up with a style of play that isn't just "give it to Maxi and herwp" is our best chance of survival, especially given his injury record.
  15. He was excellent today. Another who has suffered under Bruce and deserves a chance to regain the form he showed under Rafa.
  16. You people on here, do you realise you are wasting your lives and in the end you'll become as brain dead as everyone else on here? It's not a healthy place for remotely normal intelligent people.
  17. I love the way he's announced that as if it's he who has shut her down.
  18. He's making veiled threats of legal action against fellow fans on there tonight for saying he defended the owners too much.
  19. Think they might sack him just to attempt to take the heat off the owners sadly.
  20. New owners have refused to confirm how much of the club they own. Their fans have been taken for the mugs they are.
  21. Going to give him the benefit of the doubt and say I think that's hilarious and he knows exactly what he's doing.
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