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Kid Icarus

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Everything posted by Kid Icarus

  1. Admire the sentiment and agree with them, but I think you need to pick your battles when it comes to political activism. Protesting at the ground really is a waste of time and energy that could be put elsewhere. They might get decent media coverage, I guess. Ashley was obviously universally hated by Newcastle fans yet the majority were against walking away for even one game, let alone indefinitely. I'm sure the Saudis knew exactly who they were buying.
  2. Saw him described as 'chippy tits' before and haven't been able to stop laughing about it since.
  3. He's canny funny like. Regularly showing off about how respectful and dignified you are strikes me as a bit like showing off about how modest you are.
  4. Sounds like that bloke on Come Dine With Me
  5. Strange decision. Ideally the people running things tend to have a manager lined up to take over from whoever they sack, but when they don't and the results are bad they still tend to sack them and let someone else take temporary charge to negate the negative affect they're having around the place, bring in some positivity, and to buy themselves some time to find someone else. Keeping Bruce hanging around the place when his results are crap and he and everyone knows he's done for, while they look for someone else seems canny weird to me like, even in a non-footballing sense.
  6. Don't really have much of an issue with Klopp or anyone on the football side of things being against it tbh. It's the likes of Levy, FSG, and the Glazers who can fuck right off.
  7. 1-0 last minute winner from Cole I think
  8. When in doubt, overhead kick it out
  9. That headline implies he's much more against it than he is. He's pretty much 'it is what it is' throughout the entire thing.
  10. Pleased I missed all of that tbh, it would have properly wound me up. Fair play to Ashley like, letting Rafa leave and replacing him with Steve fucking Bruce made it a lot easier to people to finally say enough was enough.
  11. I was gutted when we signed Ferdinand at the time tbh. Typical 10 year old who had dreams of us signing Baggio or Romario and Ferdinand just seemed like he'd be a route one aerial striker and that was it. It was amazing to find out just how good he was overall in the first part of 95/96, absolutely loved him.
  12. I totally tuned out when Rafa went as loads of others did. What's Bruce done to be almost universally hated by the fans? Is it just the football, which I'm sure most expected to be atrocious from the start, or has he done or said some Pardew-like things as well?
  13. Martinez always seems to fail upwards.
  14. It would feel like home because it's now 25 years later. I was young enough then that the move wouldn't have meant anything to me and tradition in general didn't mean anything to me, but it does now that I'm older. By moving being out of the question I meant further than Leazes Park, which probably would have been a decent compromise.
  15. Good plan, shame it never happened in hindsight, I'm sure that to most it would feel like home by now. Moving SJP should be completely out of the question tbh, it's what makes the city and the club unique.
  16. Do we have any images of the original plan? I've saw them at the time and on one of the B&W videos, but haven't seen it recently. I wonder if that'll ever be revisited as an option now.
  17. Like this hastily drawn monstrosity?
  18. Have you considered chilling the fuck out?
  19. I feel like the last week on here would be a pretty interesting read for psychologists like.
  20. It's like framing your 100% attendance certificate at school for someone like Bruce. He really has nothing else to boast about and looking at his record it's pretty hard to argue that him getting to 1,000 games isn't a massive achievement like.
  21. Grew up hearing it as a kid and it just always sounded like music from an advert or like shopping centre muzak to me until now.
  22. It definitely has that liminal space feel to it in that clip that makes it 10x better.
  23. That net spend after the absolute pittance that Rafa was given to work with man.
  24. I know it's probably seen as tempting fate, but I really have no idea how anyone can really be worried in the slightest about relegation. We know just how bad you have to be to go down and for me it would take Bruce being here until Christmas and for Newcastle to still be in the bottom 3 at that point for it to seem like a legitimate threat that the owners couldn't buy their way out of.
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