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Dr Jinx

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Everything posted by Dr Jinx

  1. By the time they and Wilson are back it might be too late by then. I’ve thought for weeks now that the goal difference between us and Fulham will come into play by last day of season. We could be 3 points down needing a 6-0 win.
  2. He will 100 get a promotion chasing championship job after we bin him We won’t bin him, we will go down and he’ll be giving it Billy Big Bollocks about how he’s the man to reshape the squad etc. It will only be 7 months later when we’re languishing in mid table that those dopes in the office realise that there will be no immediate bounce back like the last two times.
  3. Dr Jinx


    He’s made some positive contributions in recent games, in actual fact all his positive play has been when he’s dropped deeper and pressed to get the ball back or had some nice link up play with more pacey players. When he has the ball he doesn’t give it away cheaply. I’d play him on the right side of a 3 man midfield and then push Willock further forward. We’re going to need some pace up front if Almiron is missing. This is needs must, if we had a stronger squad and everyone to choose from he shouldn’t be anywhere near the starting 11
  4. Funny isn’t it, with the money Ashley gave the two Steve’s, if he’d given that money to Rafa we most likely would be a top 6 team now. Revenues would be far higher from tv, final placings etc and we’d be worth more in terms of sponsorship. It literally wouldn’t have cost him any more than what he’s spunked on one and possibly two relegations.
  5. At this stage in the season, looking like no takeover, Ashley having zero interest, I’m not sure i want someone else coming in and carrying the can for what Bruce has done all season. He should stay here and own it (if we are relegated), if he leaves and we still go down those fucking pundits will drive this narrative of “you never know, he might have turned it around” I don’t want them having anywhere to hide. My hatred of Steve Bruce is heavily outweighing my love for this version of the club right now
  6. I’d love to have Keane here as manager. Just imagine what he’d say to Shelvey
  7. Ah that’s really sad news. Had no idea he was in bad health. Suppose explains why he hadn’t managed full time in so long. In fairness, his cv was good enough that I’m sure he would have had another crack in the PL if he’d been able RIP ?
  8. Same as last time. No and don't want actual murderers and war criminals owning the club. 100% this Would you both rather stick with Mike Ashley for now in the hope of getting taken over by someone else who would most likely run it in the same way? If all the Reubens could be convinced to get involved we could be in a good position but it’s not looking that way. Honestly think Staveleys part in this story is done now. We’ve been in this position with Mike Ashley before, I think last summer he was interested again, maybe just to spite Rafa but he got burned on the Joelinton thing which reaffirmed his beliefs that spending big money in football is a fools game so he’s reverted to type now. He’ll always take advice when it comes to this club from the wrong people, he’ll never appreciate the ones who would steer him in the right direction.
  9. If/when we go down and this absolute clueless loser is still in charge, this will be the beginning of us “doing a Sunderland” maybe not quite as severe but once we’re in it, it’ll be a long journey back Sleep walking right into it. Relegation, then mid table obscurity in the championship. This is what Steve Bruce is all about. But sure he’s a “great man manager” and “we’re really lucky to have him”. We must not get above our station after all, us deluded fans who think we should be playing the champions league
  10. I see this going the same way as Mayweather v McGregor, letting us get a few shots in without really taking any damage and watch us knacker ourselves out before they turn the screw.
  11. I did mention a while back I’d heard there was a version of the consortium that didn’t involve her going ahead. We spend too much time worrying about the Saudis and Staveley, it’s the Reubens we should have been keeping an eye on this whole time, if anything is to happen it’ll be them.
  12. I find it really weird how people are getting all dramatic over reading something that they already knew about 2+ years ago. The Americans literally shot up a bunch of journalists from a gunship, hooting about it while it was taking place. They are in no moral position to make judgements on other scummy nations. This is how extortion happens at the highest level. Once the Saudis start buying more weapons and at a higher rate, all of this will die down. As for the takeover. Fuck knows, it’s a release to think it’s a dead duck. I can stop caring about the club and the fuckwit managing it. It causes me nothing but stress and frustration. There’s more to life
  13. Rafa might have somewhat more of a direct line to the buyers but right now the only updates will be coming from Mike Ashley’s legal team. It’s anyone’s guess what will happen. I’m not holding my breath as far as Rafa is concerned
  14. Well that's not true, barristers have no choice but to take on a case if instructed, there are only very limited circumstances where they can refuse and feeling they can't win is not one of them. They examine the evidence and inform the client if they have a case or not. This would have happened before it became public knowledge that they had been hired.
  15. I don’t subscribe to the notion that supporters are complicit by turning up. They didn’t turn up for Steve Bruce, they turned up because they love the club, even in its current state. Some people can switch it off like a tap but not the majority. And yes there’s been a few idiots speaking up for him on social media, every single club has them. I guarantee you there’s a small percentage that prefer him over Benitez simply because he’s British. You’re never going to reach those people. And this includes the media folk too, ex players etc. I guarantee you there’s a union of ex player/managerial hopefuls that just resent the fact that foreign coaches (and players for the most part) are better in every way. The supporters aren’t the problem. The people running the club are. They can see what’s going on like the rest of us. The only difference is that they don’t care.
  16. I didn’t hate the guy when he took over, I thought he wasn’t good enough for the job but results last season kept the spotlight off him to a degree. He’s done in less than 12 months what it took Pardew a few years to do, which is bring the hatred levels up to a point where if was breathing standing next to me I’d want to punch him. Literally every single word, expression, gesture fills me with a rage I can’t describe adequately enough.
  17. 2 week international break after Brighton, I think it’ll depend on how many points we get in next 3. Is stem cell treatment allowed for professional football players? ?
  18. I reckon he’ll be back for the Brighton match, that would be 6 weeks.
  19. Watch the Maguire thing again, he doesn’t make contact with his elbow, he turns his body and shoulders Lascelles. If ASM hadn’t have scored it may have been picked up as a foul but it’s certainly not violent conduct.
  20. Wins against Leeds, Southampton, Arsenal and a draw against Leicester in their last 4. We shouldn’t be expecting anything against these under the current setup and available players.
  21. Jones was a safe and relatively cheap plaster to cover up the wound, it’s worked to a degree but only so much. If they get rid of Bruce, it would be a lot of pressure to put on someone who’s never managed at this level before. He’s in a nice spot right now in that any good performances are on him, any bad ones are on Bruce. The thing over the weekend about Rafa had to have been total bullshit, if Carr is back on the scene as reported. I’m not sure if there was a problem between them, but Rafa saw fit to oust him so can’t see them working together. Last night, I thought, yeah, one more loss and he’ll be gone. But the reality is they probably won’t sack him.. just hope that we pick up more points than Fulham from the remaining games. We both have very tough fixtures.
  22. Dr Jinx

    Graeme Jones

    Yes we are, but we’re also having to work much much harder than the majority of the teams we’re playing to do anything with the ball. That effort up to half time was about as good as I’ve seen them this season. We didn’t give them any time on the ball and they were rattled. It took its toll though, big Joe going off made us lightweight and he was doing lots of pressing deep and clever link up play (he actually had one of his better games for us) and then we just crumbled. Had no energy or plan b to execute.
  23. Think Shearer had 8 and Rafa a similar number. Plenty of time if they act now. Of course they won't. Given that a new manager would take 3-4 games to get to know the squad and evaluate it, it needs to happen now. If Benitez had just 2-3 games more he’d have kept us up. By the time it took him for instance to realise S.Taylor was finished and brought in Lascelles, we only had about 6 games left. And we didn’t lose any of those games, getting points against Liverpool, City and Spurs
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