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Dr Jinx

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Everything posted by Dr Jinx

  1. I suspect the Bruce’s are far more distressed by the constant chatter about Graeme Jones since his arrival.
  2. The only possible reason the club would consider something like that is massive financial pressure by missing out on the champions league.
  3. Bet his mam told him he looked really cool.
  4. Tool :lol: What an absolute tit. Poor old Chops, he probably got hoodwinked into investing his last few shillings with them, then felt utterly compelled to vouch for them repeatedly over that short but hilarious unraveling. Yes, an absolute tit ?
  5. Dr Jinx

    Kevin Keegan

    Him or Rafa, another “5 year run” backed by the right people. We can dream. Keegan deserves an Indian summer with us in the same way Robson did
  6. The seeding system in group stages of competitions ensures the status quo remain. Look at England’s national team. Every 2 years they play in group stages with minnows. They’ve never had to work to get into a competition in recent memory which could also be the likely reason they falter when it gets down to the knockout stages of competitions. And all those ranking points they build up playing pap opposition keeps them in the top 10 which creates this endless cycle. It’s the same for many champions league teams, although nowhere near as bad as the international scene.
  7. But the legal action from the club is a two-pronged one. Yes arbitration is taking place but the club (Mike Ashley) is also suing the Premier League for the loss incurred by the takeover not being allowed to go through. Each path set up to pressure the other. The evidence they are potentially collecting from the arbitration is building a solid case for damages. This is also most likely why the arbitration is taking so long. The PL have to come to the table in good faith to resolve the issue except by doing so they are leaving themselves open to a massive financial claim if they are too open and disclose something they shouldn’t. Then on the flip side, if they are being cagey with the arbitrators, the ruling will probably go with the club. Either way this backs the PL into a corner where the only way out of the situation is to approve it. But in the meantime, we’re not going to hear anything, there will be no leaks and no direct communication from either the seller or the buyer. This might even get settled and we won’t hear a thing about it for weeks. We’re going to have to live with that but there will be something positive at the end for us.
  8. The majority of outsider journalists covering us are absolute twats. It’s like they get sent to us when they’ve fucked up everywhere else.
  9. I don’t think they are good enough to start for a team at the top end of the championship tbh. Currently not good enough to be starting for a league 1 team. They don’t look like they’re enjoying the opportunity of playing for the club. If that on its own isn’t enough to motivate a local lad to do well, I’m not sure what they’re playing the sport for. Sean in particular has the look of someone being sent into the front line in WW1 while he’s on the pitch. Contrast that with Shelvey who looks calm as anything because he literally doesn’t give two fucks. I just realised the club have paid this tosser more than 20 million in wages since he joined the club. Why would he ever want to be a better player when he’s been getting away with, actually, been rewarded for doing the bare minimum?
  10. The Longstaffs dad has had a go at Bruce. Turned up to training and called him out on everything, specifically highlighting why Shelvey and Hendrick played. Said there is no chance he would pick a player in his team if the offered what Shelvey and Hendrick do, for the record he’s the manager of Whitley Bay Warriors. That would have been an amusing scene to witness. Probably totally blind to how awful his offspring have been though. As bad as Hendrick and Shelvey are, both Longstaffs have been worse (this season) Don’t look fit or interested. It’s hard to make a case for them. It’s such a dramatic rise and fall, especially Sean.
  11. Well the rumour was (or was it started here??) that one of the Longstaff’s told him he was a shit coach and had shit tactics. ? If anything even remotely close to that actually happened, they’ll be the focus of his petty resentment. Hendrick will get a pass.
  12. Proud of them! Can’t knock the effort. 9 men for about 20 mins.. Crazy game of football
  13. Honestly the stress of supporting this club has probably shortened my life by about 5 years.
  14. If we manage to hang on to anything today it will be because of the pitch
  15. Jones cucking Bruce on the touchline again
  16. No Lascelles, Clark or Fernandez. Not sure what else we should have done in defence re: Hayden? Hendrick to try and do what Hayden was doing and Willock comes in to the middle to add some mobility. Aside from Hayden not being in the DM position, I think this is potentially a stronger line up. Fingers crossed ASM is fully fit, we cannot afford to lose him for any amount of time between now and end of season
  17. Southampton could have up to 11 players missing for this. Should be there for the taking. It has 0-0 written all over it.
  18. His comments are of a man who has zero affinity with this club. The team losing doesn’t hurt him, it’s all about him, how he can put a spin on something to make himself look less shit. He can do no wrong in his own eyes, to those who are watching he can do nothing right.
  19. Yep, am disappointed but it was a different sort of loss. Lost concentration for a few minutes in the first half, couple of mistakes and got punished each time. As soon as they got their second they parked the bus. We nearly had too much possession of the ball. Never like losing but it wasn’t as pathetic as some of the previous ones
  20. They came back into it, made the most of it but we’ve gotten to grips with the game again I think. Keep making chances eventually one will go in. Good game considering the conditions
  21. Willock definitely won’t be involved so basically a repeat performance of Saturday will do. I’m looking forward to this. Has Jones really made an impact or were Everton just total dogshit
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