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Dr Jinx

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Everything posted by Dr Jinx

  1. I read all of that. It’s grim reading. I know it was only focussed on removing the arbitration chair but it seems like every argument the clubs lawyers made was quickly dismissed by the judge. Why would we expect the rest of it to go any differently?
  2. Dr Jinx

    Jacob Murphy

    That’s good news. He’s turning into a proper player. Professional on and off the pitch.
  3. Can’t wait for this takeover economy to be done with. It really grates that certain individuals have been making a living out of all this while we ultimately suffer.
  4. There'd be absolute hell on if that ever happened. Plus I doubt they would be interested there. The investment in the city has already come in from the blue side. How much growth could they possibly achieve? I think we’re all getting ahead of ourselves, whatever reason the buyers and seller have gone public for, we can only guess. Again we can only guess what PIF’s intentions are with regards time limits. None of us have a clue and every supposed ITK has shown to be absolutely full of shit when it’s come to the last 17 months of this nonsense.
  5. Just looking through the PL accounts, it seems they really can’t afford to have any sort of financial judgement go against them. They have about 1.5 million cash in the bank, the rest of what they get in gets passed on to member clubs. You think they are going to be happy to share a 300m penalty between them to stop a takeover?
  6. Well this is different because it involves money. If they lose this case they stand to pay Mike Ashley millions. I can understand them using all available time to prepare the best case they can. I would imagine if this becomes obvious to them that there is a risk of a large financial penalty coming their way, they will settle. Actually, I’m more optimistic about the whole thing now than I was earlier. We were all working off an assumption that we had won the jurisdiction and that now if was going to be about it being behind closed doors which would have been terrible. But we’re actually not there yet. The case is still live and I would imagine the judge/president will be a little annoyed at the constant requests for more time considering the club are in the same process but have not asked for this at any stage. It’s also occurred to me that tying the PL up in all of this weakens their preparation time for the arbitration case too.
  7. How do we know they filed their evidence? Because a journo posted it on Twitter? If this process has taught us anything is that they know fuck all when it comes to this. The only difference between them and us is that they are getting paid to speculate on all this bollocks
  8. Yes so the jurisdiction issue hasn’t even been heard yet. That sort of conflicts with the club statement that said they were trying to move it behind closed doors? If that statement was written or at least approved by their legal team, you’d have to worry about the rest of the case ?
  9. I think that’s making an awful lot of presumptions about the level of their involvement. We assume we could be Man City version 2, they might not take that approach at all. PIF might just want to improve things a certain amount and then sell their 280-300m investment for 600 million in a few years time. We just don’t know that.
  10. Yup I would tend to agree. If this was a case of who blinks first, it was our side unfortunately. They shit the bed with that statement last week and Staveleys comments although with the best intentions, have done nothing but basically saying “it’s not fair” No it’s not but that’s not going to get us a win here.
  11. Will her letter fall on deaf ears? This all depends on how the government feel about it. They like Saudi money, like it a lot. If they have an excuse to get involved I think they might but the thing is that this is uncharted waters, there’s literally no precedent for what we’re facing. The media mainly don’t seem to care. The bbc didn’t report the clubs statement at all iirc?
  12. So we’re taking Not606 as a news source now?
  13. Would make the most sense, Semi’s start Tuesday and then depending on what happens Wednesday, the media will only be talking about that the next day or longer.. Quite a few journos have already seen it so it must be good to go
  14. Yeah sure, it might. It also might just fizzle out. I’m not confident anymore, I obviously still care enough to keep checking every day for news on it but I’m beyond caring if it’s a worst case scenario. There has to be a point where supporting this club just isn’t worth it anymore.. I think a lot of us are at that point but are just holding out for some good news. It may never come so we all have a decision to make at some stage soon perhaps.
  15. Why would they need to post things like this if they were positive about winning? Just have this awful feeling there’s something else we don’t know about which has caused this sudden public cry for fairness
  16. They just shit all over Puma, fair play. It’s one way to introduce yourself..
  17. Just confirms arbitration hasn’t started yet. Or maybe a hint that they are expecting the CAT case to be thrown out on Jurisdiction. This after all was their vessel to have everything heard in public so why would the normally behind closed doors arbitration suddenly become the battle ground if everything else was going ok? Cant see this as anything other than being a negative.
  18. It’s like one of these vaccine conspiracy lot listening to these supposed itk’s. It’s so cringey, every aspect of it. I think we should all accept this isn’t happening any time soon and just get on with our lives. Same with Rafa, the positive folk were certain he’d come back.. but it didn’t work out that way. The reasons for remaining positive are crumbling away by the day. Take away positivity and we’re left with anger which is exactly how we should be feeling about all of this. Shafted by the clubs owner for the best part of 15 years, shafted by the premier league and a bunch of hacks posing as journalists making a living out of all of this. It leaves a bad taste.
  19. Closer to home, a top wage, a big budget to go and win something. It was an easy decision to make. But that’s it now. It’s done. Time to detach and move on. This is basically your wife/girlfriend whoever, someone you’re into, and they leave you to go off with these two for a 12 month orgy Just imagine it. Now would ever go near her again knowing what she had done? That’s Rafa at Everton.
  20. Bale’s rise at Spurs reminded me a little of Henry at Arsenal, winger moving up front etc. But Henry did it for longer at the top level right up until he was old. Bale has a touch of Michael Owen about him.. his heart isn’t in it anymore. Filthy rich and his real interests are elsewhere. I wonder about Rooney sometimes, it was rather a quick demise of his talents. Was it genetics against him or did he just not look after himself? He was done at Man Utd by the time he was 29/30, no major injuries.. he just looks like the fat version of Ricky Hatton now.
  21. Price was agreed but that was then and the world is a different place now. I have a theory/suspicion that the price will be lower by about 50-100m but he’ll make the difference back by whatever he’s claiming for in the CAT case.
  22. It sort of begs the question, why didn’t they just plough ahead with the takeover and then let the courts decide? It would have been a far quicker process and I suppose a bit of a power play but much easier to do business when you actually have the keys etc. There is literally nothing that could have prevented the sale as a financial transaction, it’s all on whether they are prepared to let the Saudis join their boys club.
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