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Everything posted by OpenC

  1. OpenC

    Women's Football

    I don't think that's much of a defence for her and that can of worms is going to be opened at some point, I guess. It's hard to have conversations about equality if it looks like poor behaviour is being overlooked in favour of one party. Is there any footage of the Arsenal guy squaring up to the Chelsea player? I couldn't find any when I looked at the weekend.
  2. OpenC

    Women's Football

    I wondered if this would come up. I don't know enough about the FAs view on this sort of thing - was Wenger charged when he did the same to Mourinho that time?
  3. I can't actually remember what Ciaran Clark did wrong, although he always comes to mind
  4. No new stadium with built in subterranean go kart track
  5. top of the bottom half marra
  6. There are some class posters on RTG to be fair
  7. Absolutely howked. Yarked, even. Maybe even pezzled.
  8. Absolute towsing, tremendous
  9. I was just joking man I have no idea who it is or where he's from but the character he's dressed as is definitely not from Newcastle, and the 'hunter' thing was too good a chance to pass up
  10. Shame they won at Cardiff, they might have been lewkin over their shoulders a bit Comeback might be on of course, I'm loathe to write them off after their match thread on us had to be moved to the vault of shame for premarrature celebration
  11. Nah, agree with SteV above that it's too late now, only a couple of weeks away. Not sure how many they'd sell in that time.
  12. Starting to think I'd better get my ticket for the last game in advance, was getting on for feeling full yesterday
  13. Starting to attract the glory hunters / bounty hunters. This lad's not even from Newcastle
  14. Great day, makes last weekend even more of a disappointment but still wouldn't have missed it
  15. Stand behind the goal super busy now (probably for the sun as much as anything else), must be the best turnout of the season.
  16. 3, this is a bit of a processional so far. Nice to see Hannah Greenwood on the sheet
  17. So close to the hat trick, same ball again
  18. Hashtag were also better than these by a considerable stretch mind
  19. Noticeable that Donnelly is back off her line as well, they were definitely playing differently in the final
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