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Whitley mag

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Everything posted by Whitley mag

  1. Get yourself to bed lads after 14 years we all know how this was going to end.
  2. Remarkable how all these other clubs have suffered loss of income due to covid, but are still finding ways to splash the cash. Obviously covid must have hit us harder than others, so as Brucey said we should all be grateful the club has gone above and beyond to find the 1st instalment of 5 million for Willock. I’d hesitate to guess the mackems have probably spent nearly as much as us this close season.
  3. Really like Brooks doesn’t seem to have kicked on since injury, but would certainly take gamble.
  4. The midfield over ran yet again, any other manager would have changed this by now. Natives at least starting to sound restless.
  5. Nice to see a few thousand unsold for this. https://www.themag.co.uk/2021/08/mike-ashley-setback-as-sees-number-of-unsold-newcastle-v-southampton-tickets-on-matchday-newcastle-united/
  6. Yeah clearly nothings changed they were allowed to agree their own fines and still clearly run the show. However, I think their delay tactics will run out providing consortium and Ashley hold their nerve. in the meantime I’m a great believer in fans still trying to keep this in public domain, any pressure is good pressure and shows consortium we are still fully behind them in process.
  7. Disagree entirely there are 2 actions still ongoing and recommendations from fan led review due in October. As fans can we directly influence the 2 actions no, but we can try and keep it in the public spotlight in the interim. Fans could absolutely bring big pressure by protesting at match and causing disruption, but unfortunately I’ve reconciled myself to the fact St James is full of card board cut outs these days and there is no appetite for this. Yes the top 6 do not want the takeover but they won’t have any influence on fan led review or judges. Respect if you’ve had enough, but plenty left to fight for and plenty still willing to fight.
  8. Any pressure is good pressure and at least some people are trying. If we can continue to be a pain in the arse to the PL it can’t do any harm.
  9. Don’t necessarily agree with this, the tories have now made inroads up here and with no EU investment anymore private investment from Saudi would be welcome from them. In reality though it’s difficult for them to get involved due to lobbying being heavily in the spotlight. Interventions we’re definitely made behind the scenes, though clearly unsuccessful it maybe would have taken a stronger response from Saudi Arabia to future trade relations to focus efforts further.
  10. Grimstone was the bloke who tried to broker the takeover last year, I would love to know how much pressure was applied behind the scenes or if it was a token gesture to keep Saudi’s on side. You really couldn’t make this up, as a country where actively trying to attract Saudi investment yet we’re being denied millions worth of investment in the City.
  11. Nights like tonight reinforce why this club is dead. I’ll never knock folk for wanting to attend but if all today’s match goers can muster is ‘Brucey give us a wave’ we’re in serious fucking trouble. Over my 30 odd years I’ve always thought where 2nd to none in terms of support, but I’m starting to doubt this now. How the support hasn’t raised one single chant against the PL makes me question if our support is now just to beaten down, doesn’t give a fuck or are thick as pig shit. I suspect a combination of all 3. It’s certainly not the club I fell in love with in the 80’s and we we’re arguably shitter then. However, the match was an experience made by the support, we used to be edgy as fuck, feared and respected across the land. On the plus side for anyone disillusioned like myself, there are still people fighting for this takeover behind the scenes. I live in hope that a sizeable chunk of our fanbase are just simply not attending St Jame’s at the minute and are waiting for the day new owners arrive.Otherwise the sad reality is our support has now turned to shit just like the rest of club. Letter from protest nufc - To Whom it may concern, We know it's been a while since we've said anything but we wanted to let you know before everyone else, seeing as you took the time to contact us with your letters. We're arranging a fan meeting on Thursday 2nd September at 19:00 at the Tyneside Irish Centre. We'll be giving an update on what we used your letters for and some other things we have in the pipeline, but felt we owed you all an explanation first. Of the hundreds of letters, emails and messages we received only a handful received a response from the Premier League and this was a generic response which didn't answer the plethora of issues and questions that NUFC fans raise. It was amazing reading the range of issues and seeing first hand the passion of our fanbase to act for something they believe in, despite what the fuckwits in the media say (pardon my Geordie). With regard to the letters we realised the Independent Football Ombudsman (IFO) had publicly called for the PL to respond to fans' concerns but hadn't been able to compel them to do so because due process hadn't been followed. Armed with this information we transformed the letters that you all sent into a complaint that we sent to the PL on 6th August 2021. It delivered by registered Royal Mail on 7th August 2021. The PL have 6 weeks per their complaints procedure to respond. We didn't make it particularly easy for them and three weeks later we haven't had anything. We think they've got two options: 1. Respond to our complaint and provide sufficient detail to respond to the concerns raised; or 2. The IFO compel them to respond. Is that it lads, all that for that? Well, not just that... We've written a few other letters, to the IFO and others, as well as making some tentative arrangements for future work, including protests, and we'd like to discuss these with you and others. We'll be putting some stuff out on Twitter and the likes later this week. We'll have a proper agenda to say what our plans are, what we're thinking, how you can get involved and have some time for an open floor. So come along on Thursday, have a pint and a natter, if you can't and you have ideas throw them our way and we'll discuss them. All the best @ProtestNUFC
  12. So in layman’s terms what’s the difference between PAUK and the Abhu Dhabi United Group for example ? Though the ADUG appears to be a private equity company is it not just a charade and basically an off shoot of their public investment fund also ? Surely there must be a way PIF can mirror the City set up and have a fund with autonomy separate from state.
  13. From what I’ve read over last couple of days PIF Aquisition U.K. seems the most likely. They’ve now got a London based operation and is this the company they will be using to make investments ? The real question is though what difference does ‘corporate soul’ make. Does it give the U.K. arm more separation and autonomy from the state ? Could this be used as a vehicle to rejig the deal and pass ODT ? They don’t seem to have a problem with buying stakes in other companies so why the need to make this company a corporate soul ? More questions than answers yet again unfortunately. The PL ODT is so vague in relation to a person with control they can basically do as they please it’s fucking ridiculous.
  14. It does seem to have been created at around the time they invested into McLaren so more likely to be related to that.
  15. PIF have always wanted to come in through the front door. Wishful thinking but maybe they have accepted that’s not possible and gone down the City route.
  16. This would be interesting and change things if true and related to us of course.
  17. John Textor has just paid 87.5 million for an 18% stake in Palace. Sure there is a London premium but this doesn’t make Ashley’s valuation of 340 look unreasonable in my opinion. The trouble is he is clearly a hard man to do business with and ultimately when was the last time a 300 million plus deal was done for a PL club. Staveley is absolutely right there is not many people out there with the finance to buy a PL club and then invest to grow it.
  18. Reubens we’re definitely an investor the 1st time round. Staveley was actually seen at Old Trafford around the time MBS was reportedly interested in the Mancs. There were rumours she’d been unsuccessful in securing funding from Saudi, the fact she got them on board to buy us in the end is testament to her determination and reputation in Middle East.
  19. Staveley’s first attempt was similar to the redball article I’ve just put up. She had Chinese investment as well as the Reubens and a Middle East sovereign fund. No one can criticise the level of investment she has secured the 2nd time round. Quite literally a staggering consortium which has made other clubs arses drop.
  20. I would not be surprised if rumours of this lot sniffing around are true. I guess the rank and file at this point would be happy with any takeover, as far as US investors are concerned they certainly seem the biggest on the look out for a club at minute. https://www.liverpoolecho.co.uk/sport/football/football-news/redball-liverpool-fsg-premier-league-19833062
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