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Whitley mag

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Everything posted by Whitley mag

  1. Well worth watching the first couple of minutes just for the intro. Project Zebra is alive and kicking.
  2. They’ll be stumbling in here well after 12 tonight looking for a ruck. Myself and manorpark will man the doors from 11, they’ll be frothing at the gash after a handsome away win tonight.
  3. Here’s your pal Keith to cheer you up misery guts.
  4. Aye, where’s Fanny sort of miss the argumentative cunt.
  5. 65 quid is steep but would fully recommend. Mines dried off nicely after it’s beach outing this morning. Nice cup of tea whilst it was hanging on the clothes horse, now back on and over to the gym for Pilates class. Expecting plenty of attention from the ladies, might roll down the socks though for this outing.
  6. You sound very confused sorry I can’t help pal.
  7. Great to see him back, I’m feeling soothed already.
  8. Close miscommunication with the fella printing ended up with Keef instead.
  9. Was up at the club shop for 9am. Bought the full kit and currently having a breather after doing shuttle runs along Tynemouth longsands all morning. Think I’ve fooled a few onlookers to be honest.
  10. These Qatari fuckers know how to play the game I’ll give them that.
  11. Show me where I said the CAT decision was done a week ago ?
  12. I’ll fall on my sword graciously if it fails, but my position for the moment remains unchanged. I’ll reconcile myself with the money I’ll save in returning to the match if it doesn’t go through. A poor mans version of this takeover doesn’t interest me, I’ll not accept a leveraged US buyout that suits the PL. It’s about more than the Saudi’s now, it’s about an equal playing field and being allowed what we believe is best for our own club and city.
  13. We could quite easily have a case hearing before the end of year, the TF Lawyer acknowledged this yesterday. In relation to arbitration there could be more delays, but also there might not be. Once the CAT case is given the go ahead the dynamics change, even Matt Slater acknowledged yesterday the PL want to stop the case to avoid embarrassment and risk. Lets see what happens if CAT decision goes out way, I’m positive on that front as arbitration in no way covers scope of CAT. See reply above in relation to Wraith.
  14. He gets info from buyers yes, but that is not what he based his opinion on in relation to them not waiting. He clearly stated in his opinion and hasn’t since altered this to say he has been told by buyers. Everyone’s got to weigh the evidence how best they see fit and come to their own decision of where they’re at. I accept at the minute there’s a lot of grey, so being in or out is a reasonable position.
  15. Sorry, but I’ve acknowledged the fact by stating that from what I’ve read the PL will find It very difficult to appeal the jurisdiction outcome. If that happens the case is underway and in my opinion brings a whole new reality to what’s facing them. All that’s happened so far is they’ve been able to delay, there hopefully comes a point very shortly where they’ve got to address the arguments. I believe unlike the True Faith lawyer for example that the 2 cases are absolutely linked, but also agree with him that they have entirely different points to enable them both to proceed. To answer your final point even Jacobs believes they will hang around to early 2022. So I’m quite happy to be ridiculously positive on that front for the moment.
  16. I’m with you Rocker don’t go any longer, but would absolutely get involved in some anti PL protests at this point.
  17. I’m perfectly serious there are some very good balanced posters on here, I’ve acknowledged that by saying everyone has right to change their view on this. However, there’s also some wind up merchants who think we’re potty for thinking this will ever happen. I think some of the stuff re dates has been unhelpful, but in some cases are people just passing on what they’ve been told ? I form my opinion by reading and listening to various sources. For example I don’t have a pathological hatred for Steve Wraith as some clearly do on here, I’m quite happy to listen to his views as I know he does have contact with buyers. Does that mean I agree with everything he says ? Absolutely not I was quite perplexed by his view that the Saudi’s will not now hang around based on CAT jurisdiction date, as I stated earlier this was earlier than could have been expected so not sure where he’s coming from with that. Was Keith wrong with the impression he gave that CAT hearing would be announced and not jurisdiction, undoubtedly yes I’m not sure how he came to that view as some good posters on here quite rightly pointed out that was never going to happen. A long winded reply but I just don’t think anyone should get to worked up if manorpark says wait or someone implies something will happen and it doesn’t. I’m still very positive the PL will settle if this CAT case gets go ahead, I’m not attempting to wind anyone up with that opinion it’s just what I believe.
  18. Some people can’t be honest with themselves. They’ll claim to come in this thread for shits and giggles, but the truth is they still know there’s a chance this happens. Every one has the right to change their mind based on a constantly changing narrative, however you’re absolutely correct apart from legal delays nothing has changed. There is still 2 legal cases ongoing and at this point the consortium show no sign of bailing out. I absolutely believe the Saudi’s are still in to at least early 2022. By that point we’ll know what’s happening with CAT and hopefully arbitration will have taken place. In reality the CAT jurisdiction is being heard earlier than could have been hoped for and it appears from reading various sources an appeal of that decision is very difficult. They’ll all be interested again come the end of September mate, it’s a rollercoaster and it’s far from over.
  19. Completely agree with both these tweets. By default though so long as arbitration remains ongoing we know buyers remain at the table, as there would be no point any longer in proving separation if they’d walked away. Confirmation from buyers would be nice at this point though to settle nerves and keep fans on board.
  20. Danny Jowell QC- ‘Daniel has an academic background in both EU law and economics. He has appeared in a number of the landmark competition law cases of recent years, with particular experience in numerous cartel damages actions’. I cannot believe someone of this ilk would not have made Ashley well aware of timescales. Therefore, I’m quite relaxed about this, if we get go ahead early October it will give PL a lot to think about. The key question at this point, is there a precedent where jurisdiction ruling has been appealed in CAT before and what was timescale ? It may only need the CAT case being given the go ahead to change PL’s resistance. In my opinion the consortium will give this to early 2022 for progress. PIF can’t buy another English club and do they see other leagues as prestigious and as financially rewarding in comparison ? In short i’m still in until Staveley waves the white flag.
  21. Yeah different top without that tacky logo plastered over it.
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