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Whitley mag

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Everything posted by Whitley mag

  1. See the chronicle have given Angus McNeil license to spout more shit today. His key comment is below, which I think we can safely say confirms that he has been talking to Qatar before wto report was published. This t#%t has clearly took a backhander from bein to lobby on their behalf. ‘I've not spoken to beIN since the ruling but will be raising the matter on trade theft with the Secretary of State for International Trade next week’.
  2. This is the key section of report and journalists are choosing to ignore. /https://twitter.com/Andy_Ebs4/status/1274243751322554368
  3. Sean Ingles is against the takeover, so he’s just another journalist putting his own spin on WTO report. However, my confidence is rising by the day, though groups including bein have been very public with their objections, ingles tweet confirms theirs big pressure to approve. Everyone doubted at the start why the Saudis needed to involve reubens and Staveley, but I think now we see why. They are the respectable face of this bid, and in particular Jamie Reuben is a close ally of Boris. There is no way the premier league have not discussed this deal with government, due to ramifications of relationship with Saudi Arabia.
  4. Not going to happen but fail to see how that would be amusing ? They will get involved, it’s just that we’ll never get to know about it or the level of their involvement. I’ve also wondered, if PIF as an investment vehicle, were taking over a steelworks or any UK business that employed 1000’s of workers whether those who object to our takeover, on moral grounds, would be making so much noise, I somehow don’t think they would. Football clubs are not like other businesses Don’t get this argument it’s exactly what they are these days. How would them owning a football club, differ from Qatar owning a media network, for example to pedal their soft power ? So when you walk into St. James' Park and roar on the team, there's no difference between that and going into Greggs to buy a sausage roll? Football clubs are for the community, in many cases the only thing which unites a community and the whole city of Newcastle or Sunderland or wherever is defined by the football club. You grow up dreaming of playing for Newcastle, your dad brings you to watch the game every second Saturday, then eventually you bring your own children, and your entire mood in a weekend is based on the result of the game. If Bein went out of business tomorrow nobody would really care, if PSG went out of business tomorrow there would be riots. That’s all very romantic and in an ideal world we’d all like the german model. However, the premier league is all about business, hence why so many people have fallen out of love with it. I get what your saying, but I don’t believe when we talk about the government getting involved, they’ll see it as anything other than a business transaction.
  5. Not going to happen but fail to see how that would be amusing ? They will get involved, it’s just that we’ll never get to know about it or the level of their involvement. I’ve also wondered, if PIF as an investment vehicle, were taking over a steelworks or any UK business that employed 1000’s of workers whether those who object to our takeover, on moral grounds, would be making so much noise, I somehow don’t think they would. Football clubs are not like other businesses Don’t get this argument it’s exactly what they are these days. How would them owning a football club, differ from Qatar owning a media network, for example to pedal their soft power ?
  6. You’ve got to love these people objecting to the deal. This Scottish MP calls us a great British institution that they shouldn’t be allowed to purchase. It leads to the obvious question where were all these people protecting this great British institution the last 13 years ? I’d be quite interested to see if any of these mp’s would be sticking their head above the parapet if the club being purchased was in their own constituency. I would suggest the silence from our mp’s speaks volumes. They probably don’t approve of the Saudis but they know what this brings to the city and wider area. So Angus shove your great British institution up your arse, we’ll decide what’s best for us.
  7. Nice back hander from the Qatari’s for a bit of lobbying. They’ve had no joy with Tories now there trying any fu#%er. I love how Roan focuses on the part of raabs interview that can be construed negatively aswell.
  8. SNP say no more, what do they not understand about government not getting involved. Just another attention seeker.
  9. Speaking purely hypothetically here.... If the takeover by KSA goes through and a journalist has been strongly supporting and/or parroting the messaging of Qatar, then there is a high probability of that journalist finding themselves frozen out of the club. They may find they have bet on the wrong horse and now there is a price to pay for that decision. Consequently, if they believe that the takeover has been approved, they may start trying to walk things back along the lines of "I'm just a journalist, I only report what I am told" in an attempt to convince the new owner that it wasn't their fault. It's the journalistic equivalent of "I was just following orders." I’d be all for Edwards, Bird and Martin Hardy being banned and that’s just the local ones. The negativity and click baiting these 3 have undertook leaves a bad taste.
  10. Us and Sunderland were actually invited to join the Scottish Premier League back in 1992. Boro weren't as they were already in the English Premier League but us and the Mackems were both languishing in te 2nd tier. Was a big Sunday Sun exclusive at the time with the Chief Executive of the SPL saying "Newcastle and Sunderland haven't been invited to join the new English Premier League but they are more than welcome to join ours!" Scottish football was a lot stronger than it is now and away trips to Glasgow, Edinburgh, Aberdeen and Dundee would have been interesting (home games v Hamilton and St Mirren not so much so) but nothing was ever going to come of that! Yes this is the story I was trying to recall.
  11. We've done it people, close the thread, we've hit rock bottom. Do I get a trophy ? Nothing wrong with a bit of out of the box thinking ? Moving Newcastle, Sunderland and Boro to the Scottish league......that's out of your box thinking Believe it or not back in the 90’s this idea got floated around the time John Hall assumed control of club. The premier league had been formed and we were still in the old 2nd division. There was talk we could be frozen out of premier league and it would be a closed shop. The story was in the local Sunday Sun, obviously it never went anywhere. But as mad as it sounds, anything appeals to me rather than a Mike Ashley future in the sterile top 6 obsessed premier league.
  12. We've done it people, close the thread, we've hit rock bottom. Do I get a trophy ? Nothing wrong with a bit of out of the box thinking ?
  13. I think that may have been a big mistake from bein on Wednesday, they also said they would be bidding less next time. Hopefully their threat to not bid at all hasn’t unnerved the premier league though. I would imagine that’s been their main threat which is causing pressure from other clubs. We’ve just got to hope the premier league can see through their bluster, at the end of the day bein need the premier league possibly more. The premier league need to show balls, if bein are allowed to dictate this decision it’ll look ever more like Qatari bribery winning the day.
  14. Clearly but could they call premier leagues bluff, and if demotion to the championship was an option I think the majority would take that.
  15. Just a mad thought to the start the day, if premier league knocked backed deal is there anything to stop pif still legally purchasing the club ? What would be the fall out ? Would they expel us from the league and demote us to championship ? Could they complete the purchase and threaten to join the Scottish league ? Most bidders would be reliant on tv cash from premier league, but these lads could afford to f#%k premier league off and take repercussions. My point at the end of the day I couldn’t give a flying f about the premier league anymore if they knock this back. If there was a legal route for them to still purchase club, and play in another league I’d take it. So whilst the premier league might think their god here and just care about beins cash, how would they feel about a future with NUFC playing in Scotland. Far fetched maybe but trips to Glasgow, Edinburgh, Aberdeen and Dundee wouldn’t be that bad. Hell they could get the mackems and boro to join and we could have regular derbies to. Bottom line for me is if this is knocked back we are basically being told your only here to make up numbers, and I say f#%k that.
  16. Greg is correct with regards to the FA, however, there’s a decision called Aga Khan which opened the scope on judicial review of bodies such as the premier league We might need the Aga Khan, Premier League are looking very weak over this. I really hope If this gets blocked there’s a massive backlash from the fanbase and we f#%k the premier league off.
  17. Get out of here what kind of question is that.
  18. Questions dried up, could be a sign where close. They don’t seem to be tipping them off that a decision is imminent anymore though.
  19. For all the Qatari public pressure, I can’t believe that the Saudis are just sitting silently taking this. I would imagine they have made some representation to the U.K. govt, unofficially of course. The Qatari’s are certainly not whiter than white, and this could back fire badly on the premier league if they allow them to dictate this decision.
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