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Whitley mag

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Everything posted by Whitley mag

  1. He won’t. He might. He won’t, he works for the BBC and they and their presenters have to remain impartial. He’s a pundit who’s paid to give his opinion, there isn’t anything to stop him giving his point of view on takeover. To give opinions on games, that’s all not to take up the cause of NUFC by having a rant at the PL. He’ll hardly mention the takeover other than in general terms, i.e, the club is in limbo etc. He can talk about the situation at club as he sees fit. There only needs to be balance as in lineker chipping in with a token, obviously the premier league have to consider everything. He’s not a presenter or news reporter, not that it’s stopped Dan Roan from putting his unbiased view across.
  2. Has some interesting insights into MBS I suppose, but the article itself comes to some weird conclusions. For instance claiming that he might not be better than Mike Ashley for the club because it's unlikely he'd spend well over £1 billion of his cash on transfers ?. Quite contradictory at times as far as the quotes and conclusions go. Aye can’t remember big mike spending a billion on transfers.
  3. He won’t. He might. He won’t, he works for the BBC and they and their presenters have to remain impartial. He’s a pundit who’s paid to give his opinion, there isn’t anything to stop him giving his point of view on takeover.
  4. He needs to stiffen the midfield up to have any chance, the 2 with Shelvey just exposes the back 4.
  5. This looks like an interesting article for anyone with a telegraph subscription. https://www.telegraph.co.uk/football/2020/06/28/special-report-complex-relationship-saudi-arabia-uae-could-soon
  6. A certain A Shearer will have the national airwaves at prime time tonight. He would be doing us a massive favour by launching into a full on pro takeover, how long does the premier league need to make a decision rant tonight. And I’m not talking about some half arsed they just need to make a decision either way as it’s gone to long. I’m talking how can the premier league possibly reject a takeover which fans are desperate to happen. Use the opportunity to reinforce the neglect of the club by current regime and fully spell out how this needs to happen for the club and city. Over to you Alan don’t miss the opportunity to turn the screw on masters and co.
  7. Can see a 2 man midfield with Shelvey in it getting completely over ran. Hayden and hope one of the Longstaffs are fit is our only hope. I disagree, neither of them have played for ages and weren’t in very good form anyway. Shelvey looks sharp to me and grafted well since the restart. Shelvey may have looked sharp, but the back 4 is completely exposed with him in a 2 man midfield. Trust me it will be a rout with that formation, we looked over ran and exposed against Villa never mind this lot. Rafa had Shelvey well sussed before the end, he’s just not fit for purpose in the modern day game unfortunately.
  8. Could be the reason for the delay It's become a p!55!ng contest That’s just another rehash of last weeks news Yip just Hopes article rehashed, but quite amusing that Saudis are saying they were e mailing wrong account. You couldn’t make this shit up, I’m convinced this will be turned into a movie.
  9. I actually believe that Masters has been e mailing the wrong account after seeing how incompetent the bloke is the last 13 weeks. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/sportsnews/article-8467119/Newcastles-Saudi-buyers-cause-anger-wrong-email-address-claims.html
  10. Can see a 2 man midfield with Shelvey in it getting completely over ran. Hayden and hope one of the Longstaffs are fit is our only hope.
  11. At the time of the 74 cup final we had won the same amount of trophies as Liverpool 15 I think. How our fortunes have travelled in different directions. Pre Shankly Liverpool regularly got 20k gates. If this takeover goes through I think people underestimate how massive we would become. In terms of fan base we’d be on a different level to Man City. This takeover could be a massive moment in our history, we just need it to go our fu#%ing way for once.
  12. If Jacobs is right this would remove some fears of bein holding our takeover to ransom.
  13. And this critically which still gives us our main source of hope.
  14. This thread is interesting and gives some insight, to be fair he does say delays rather than rejection of deal.
  15. I think the opposite is true, if they were going to reject it. They'd have done so by now. They've had everything they need for a while. I agree I think they’re trying to make it work, however bein are clearly entrenched in their position and I think coming to an agreement with them will be difficult. It all comes down to how much Saudis want us in my opinion, this will cost them a lot more than initial 300 million. I think they’re going to have to cough up some tv money here to rebate bein. That might just be a step to far for them considering the relations between both countries.
  16. They pulled plug on serie a, and now they’ve had to give bein a rebate. This is far more complex than your making out unfortunately. Throw in the fact other clubs will be putting pressure on masters regarding this. If their told tv income will be down next season due to rebating bein, i’m pretty sure the majority will be up in arms.
  17. Let’s face facts everyone’s confidence on this is waning now, I even sense Caulkin is nowhere near as confident. I do believe there trying to work it out, however the premier league are terrified of bein pulling the plug. The other 19 clubs would be up in arms if they lost tv cash, and masters knows his own job is on line here. The question is what hoops are they asking the Saudis to jump through, I have a feeling bein will drive such a hard bargain it will be impossible to find compromise. I just can’t see any deal being struck on this anytime soon.
  18. The Premier League are clearly taking the p#%s now regarding this, however yet again we all bought the decision is days away craic from journalists last weekend. Either someone is having a laugh at our expense, or the NUST’s letter at the start of the week has delayed the process for another month.
  19. In fairness this forum is a hive of some of the thickest people going. Half of them shouldn’t be allowed to think about football, let alone articulate an opinion about it. Says the bloke who thinks the penalty clauses for the Saudis dropping out will exceed the 17 million deposit
  20. hate s*** like this, the PL rules are vague as f*** for a reason man, so they can do what they want and let whoever they want into their club/deny access if the saudis hadn't been c***s over the piracy thing they'd not have been in this position What they are assessed on is not vague. Saying to someone you can’t buy the club unless you buy the TV rights is a clear attempt of blackmail. Even if it was allowed within the Premier League’s own rules, it wouldn’t be allowed legally. Mind it looks like it’s a no nowt junior journo who’s tweeted this s****. Nixon’s not a junior but I’m pretty sure he is a no nowt.
  21. Good post and pretty much sums up my feelings in relation to premier league. It seems masters and co are holding this sale hostage until they can milk everything they can from it. No club has had to endure this, and it would be interesting to know how strictly there adhering to the guidelines of the test, which appeared less than far reaching when this all started.
  22. Not a fit and proper person to run a premier league club I’d suggest.
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