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Whitley mag

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Everything posted by Whitley mag

  1. PIF can walk away they’d just lose their deposit. They’ve signed contracts. If they walked away they’d be dragged through the courts or stung by massive penalty clauses that dwarf their deposit. No one is pulling out of this deal. The PL are the only people who can stop it. Without knowing the specifics of the deal your speculating, what we do know is there’s a 17 milllion non refundable deposit. If the Premier League put off the decision indefinitely it becomes unchartered waters, you can’t say for certain they won’t walk away. What do you think contracts exist for? And why the f*** are the PL going to put off the deal indefinitely? How do you know there’s a penalty clause that dwarfs the deposit ? The non refundable deposit is the only penalty clause we know exists. And see earlier post why I believe their currently unable to make a decision.
  2. PIF can walk away they’d just lose their deposit. They’ve signed contracts. If they walked away they’d be dragged through the courts or stung by massive penalty clauses that dwarf their deposit. No one is pulling out of this deal. The PL are the only people who can stop it. Without knowing the specifics of the deal your speculating, what we do know is there’s a 17 milllion non refundable deposit. If the Premier League put off the decision indefinitely it becomes unchartered waters, you can’t say for certain they won’t walk away.
  3. They have run out of excuses as to why its taking so long Because they are hoping the buyers walk away so they don’t have too. This is a possibility which I mentioned the other night. In my own head I’ve give it to end of next week, if it doesn’t happen by then the premier leagues ability to make a decision on this looks questionable. They don’t want to be responsible for repercussions with U.K. government, and at the same time masters and co are terrified bein pull plug on tv deal. It really is a shit show and the premier leagues credibility will be shot if PIF are forced to walk away due to the indefinite wait for a decision. I know some on here think they won’t walk away due to losing face with Qatar but time will tell.
  4. The Saudis have announced a new company to deal with piracy let that sink in, there is no way this deal is not happening. Everything is being put in place, the renewal of a couple of player contracts would have been ok’d by the consortium. Due to the length of time this is taking decisions are obviously still having to be made. All signs are still good at the minute in my opinion.
  5. It doesn't say that at all so why put that? Edit: just seen above so why did they put that in the article and take it out, absolute pricks some of the press Very strange either someone had a word, or he was just making up shit and thought better of it.
  6. Am I missing something? Nothing in that article says the PL were infuriated by anything? Not sure was there, presume he’s taken out for some reason.
  7. Yeah if the decision has been made their hardly going to change it based on that statement last night.
  8. Government won’t intervene as we knew, however premier league infuriated by Saudi statement last night. Wonder if he’s been speaking to Edwards at match. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/football/article-8456733/Newcastles-300m-takeover-handed-boost-government-NOT-intervene-Saudi-led-buyout.html
  9. Not anytime soon. Good decision to keep it private, more professional than other parties. Yeah every letter of objection has been purposely leaked to the press, respect to the NUST hopefully premier league appreciate this. In saying that if it does get rejected, I back all out war on the corrupt cnuts.
  10. Deep down we probably all feel like that, that’s what supporting this club scars you with. However, putting the old self defence mechanisms aside, I think where on the brink of a golden new era.
  11. Could all of these leagues be jumping ship now because of the upcoming corruption trial? Could be but i prefer to believe it’s the Saudis now putting them in their place, and blowing them out of the water.
  12. Be interesting to see if they stop showing the Bundesliga now, I’m presuming they have current rights until end of season. I don’t think that position will become tenable for them, at this rate they’ll be taking legal action against every league in Europe.
  13. Looks like it is true about Bundesliga. The fact they’ve now done deals with 2 Europeans leagues for tv rights, must make the decision for the premier league much easier now.
  14. This would be to much to ask for the meltdown would be off the scale.
  15. PIF won’t walk. They’ll not wait forever either. Edwards trying to wind fans up and he fulfills his purpose as to why as you're clearly demonstrating. Ignore him man the c*** hasn't got a clue. I’m not basing my thoughts on edwards, I thought this after reading times report yesterday. They even quoted a source from pif saying they wouldn’t wait indefinitely. I do believe this is the pif trying to speed the premier leagues decision up, however if you think logically what more can the pif do now after the govt announced crackdown on piracy. There is literally nothing else the pif can do now to ease piracy concerns, they’ve done all the can. I’m still confident it’s happening but if it goes past end of next week with no decision, I’ll be getting concerned at premier leagues motives. They're not going to implement the changes they have thus far just to walk away, makes no sense. What makes you think they are in such a hurry? George Caulkin has stated the buyers are just as frustrated with delay, their is no way they were still expecting to be waiting this long. All I’m saying is there has to be a breaking point if premier league don’t pull finger out of their arse. If you think PIF are going to walk away and let Qutar get the better of them, then I think you're seriously misguided in those thoughts. Hopefully I am still believe next 2 weeks are vital though, they’ve done their bit now over to premier league.
  16. PIF won’t walk. They’ll not wait forever either. Edwards trying to wind fans up and he fulfills his purpose as to why as you're clearly demonstrating. Ignore him man the c*** hasn't got a clue. I’m not basing my thoughts on edwards, I thought this after reading times report yesterday. They even quoted a source from pif saying they wouldn’t wait indefinitely. I do believe this is the pif trying to speed the premier leagues decision up, however if you think logically what more can the pif do now after the govt announced crackdown on piracy. There is literally nothing else the pif can do now to ease piracy concerns, they’ve done all the can. I’m still confident it’s happening but if it goes past end of next week with no decision, I’ll be getting concerned at premier leagues motives. They will go to the government before they would consider walking away and the government would push it through, TBH if the PL haven’t cleared it by next week they are taking the p*ss and I could see the PIF dragging them through the courts I agree end of next week, then patience will start to wear thin. Let’s just hope these are the concessions the premier league asked for, and they’ve now delivered.
  17. PIF won’t walk. They’ll not wait forever either. Edwards trying to wind fans up and he fulfills his purpose as to why as you're clearly demonstrating. Ignore him man the c*** hasn't got a clue. I’m not basing my thoughts on edwards, I thought this after reading times report yesterday. They even quoted a source from pif saying they wouldn’t wait indefinitely. I do believe this is the pif trying to speed the premier leagues decision up, however if you think logically what more can the pif do now after the govt announced crackdown on piracy. There is literally nothing else the pif can do now to ease piracy concerns, they’ve done all the can. I’m still confident it’s happening but if it goes past end of next week with no decision, I’ll be getting concerned at premier leagues motives. They're not going to implement the changes they have thus far just to walk away, makes no sense. What makes you think they are in such a hurry? George Caulkin has stated the buyers are just as frustrated with delay, their is no way they were still expecting to be waiting this long. All I’m saying is there has to be a breaking point if premier league don’t pull finger out of their arse.
  18. PIF won’t walk. They’ll not wait forever either. Edwards trying to wind fans up and he fulfills his purpose as to why as you're clearly demonstrating. Ignore him man the c*** hasn't got a clue. I’m not basing my thoughts on edwards, I thought this after reading times report yesterday. They even quoted a source from pif saying they wouldn’t wait indefinitely. I do believe this is the pif trying to speed the premier leagues decision up, however if you think logically what more can the pif do now after the govt announced crackdown on piracy. There is literally nothing else the pif can do now to ease piracy concerns, they’ve done all the can. I’m still confident it’s happening but if it goes past end of next week with no decision, I’ll be getting concerned at premier leagues motives.
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