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Whitley mag

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Everything posted by Whitley mag

  1. Agreed it won’t always be bouncing, but think a singing enclosure will give every game a base level where there is a bit of vocal backing. The place is like a fucking morgue 90% of the time, we used to take the piss out of the scousers waving their flags beforehand to YNWA where not much better now. I love the flags but it’s no replacement for vocal backing and where in danger of going the same way as City has, which everyone said would never happen here. And we haven’t even won fucking owt yet.
  2. Buckfast and haggis done for the lad already.
  3. I think if folk were told their seat was becoming a standing area they would sharp move if they didn’t fancy it. Big opportunity to sort it this summer, if we’ve only got 33k season ticket holders should be plenty of scope to move folk around. You’re spot on though don’t think as fans where much if any better than Man City who have been slated. When SJP gets going it’s loud, but it’s so rare these days, I think even the likes of Old Trafford have areas of constant support these days, so it’s not just the times it is possible to have a good home atmosphere.
  4. Trouble with that is folk are so desperate for tickets people would just purchase them in there regardless if they wanted to help create an atmosphere. I think the place to start is with existing season ticket holders who want to stand and sing, get them together then take it from there. I think a major problem is we need lads in there early 20’s able to get seats together, was the old singing corner up in level 7 not full of younger lads ?
  5. Surely if we’ve got safe standing in the away section it gets rolled out to home areas next season. That’s the moment for the singing enclosure, be embarrassing as fuck if we’ve got a safe standing area and every fucker is sat like mutes in it.
  6. Seems like West Ham are trying to sign Vitor Roque, have a feeling they’ll get blown out the water by one of the big boys though. Be surprised if Nickson isn’t aware of this lad looks a big prospect.
  7. Think the worst defeat to Boro in my lifetime was the Slaven hatrick at Ayresome last day of the season that condemned us to the play offs. Things got even worse a couple of weeks later, definitely character building as a young lad at the time.
  8. Used to get very tasty especially first couple of years after riverside first opened, remember running battles after the Tino game. Last game at Ayresome when we done them in the league cup will always live long in the memory for me.
  9. Been spat on, swung at and called a maggot at Boro over the years, despite not being our biggest game always has a bit of edge and used to enjoy playing them.
  10. Well apparently we bid for him in the summer according to local journalists, so I’d say it’s reasonable to assume Howe rates him highly.
  11. I just don’t agree with this he has to have shown something for top clubs to be sniffing at the price asked. Going back to Bellamy Bobby signed him to surround Shearer with pace at the time, basically to fit his system. Howe clearly sees Gordon as a hard working, young, inverted winger to play on the left. Whether we like it or not it’s no coincidence St Max isn’t starting in the left and hard working big Joe is.
  12. The year we signed Bellamy the season before he’d moved to Coventry and scored 6 goals all season. Granted in his time at Norwich he looked decent, but it was still a risky signing that definitely didn’t catch the imagination at the time.
  13. When we signed Bellamy most people thought it was a meh signing, he didn’t score goals and most thought he’d already flopped and guess what he was a total little cunt. I think Howe has earned our trust, i mean fucking hell it’s looking like Wood only cost us less than 10 million last year now.
  14. I don’t think the quality of player Chelsea signing is the problem, it’s what they do with them once they’ve signed. I would take every player they’ve signed this month in a heartbeat.
  15. That last line is probably key here though, the club were probably ready to pay 40 million plus for him in the summer. I’ve got a feeling after last week we maybe think we can get him for around 30 million, the clubs thinking might well be that this is a good time to strike for a player they obviously rate.
  16. He’s a young lad aswell a lot of us are fucking radge at that age. A lot of the top players have needle about them, he’s quick, direct, has great delivery and a thunderbastard shot on him. This lad is nee David Bentley he looks like he wants to play football and compete. If people think about it he’s perfect on the left for Howe and ticks all the boxes, might not be as exciting as Moussa Diaby but the fact Chelsea we’re willing to pay 50 million for him in the summer shows he must have something.
  17. Fucking hell Gordon might be a horrible little cunt on the pitch, but if he signs for us that’s it in my opinion, you get behind the lad because he becomes our horrible little cunt simple as, that’s what support is all about nee wonder St Jame’s is like a fucking morgue these days.
  18. He’ll have to apologise to Fabian first but think Gordon could be sensational under Howe. Eddie seems to like inverted wingers who work hard, he fits the bill whether some like it or not.
  19. Seems a bit more clued up than Edwards to be fair to him.
  20. Haway you post tenuous links from shit sources all over the shop, none any more reliable than Casey.
  21. Not surprised you’re embarrassed and deleted that post @SUPERTOON not exactly a journalist link ?
  22. When we nab Diaby nobody will give a fuck about Trossard decent player though he is.
  23. I mean fancy lumping us in with Villa the cheeky cunt.
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