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Whitley mag

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Everything posted by Whitley mag

  1. The only year they’ve made themselves heard at Wembley is when they played little old Wycombe. Remember years ago at OT when they played Millwall in the semi final they were out sung by about 12000 Wall that day it was pitiful.
  2. Aye who can forget the swathes of empty seats against Charlton.
  3. It’ll be Murphy undoubtedly tonight but with Bruno missing could be a major rick we’ll have less creativity than usual, think it’ll be a hard watch this just hope we can sneak it.
  4. Every song is far to fast at the minute but completely agree the spurs version of that is fucking horrible. Somewhere in the middle a good example being when Rangers sing ‘we are the billy boys’, just the right pace and you can understand the fucking words.
  5. It’s a fucking old classic man synonymous with the area, do you think eieieio is appropriate when we’ve lifted the cup. The song book is lifting and even that was ripped from other clubs back in the Keegan era. The only difference was it was sung far better in the Keegan era and not a million miles an hour like now.
  6. Get some taste man ffs. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=gNdeB-lSURU
  7. Done it a few times over the years at various places, I know the drill no colours and gob shut. Hopefully I’ll be next to some of their home counties support rather than some of their lairy cunts from Manchester.
  8. I think ‘coming home’ and ‘run for home’ would sound great with eveyone singing along, for some reason it’s just all generic shite now. When we lift the cup everyone will probably be singing about up the PL we go, we’re at our lowest point in terms of vocal support now that we’ve ever been in my opinion.
  9. We do have some good local songs that would work on this scale, however not convinced our current support could manage anything more than one verse sung at 200 mph.
  10. Woh how would we cope if these hicks started targeting us, illusions of their own importance for a change.
  11. Just on the credit card worry about it next month, a few I know are doing this now. Would love to be our side of Wembley but refuse to pay 2k for a match.
  12. They’ll drop 100 million plus on the Napoli striker in the summer nailed on. Though things might get tougher if they don’t qualify for CL, just hope other clubs don’t bail them out by giving them inflated fees for their shite. If they struggle to get rid of players in the summer surely their wage bill will be unsustainable.
  13. Hopefully a cracking view of our end going beserk.
  14. Could buy nearly 3 tickets in their end for the price of 1 in ours, not ideal but needs must on this occasion.
  15. Just bought a ticket in the Man U end tonight saved a fortune, but clearly won’t be as enjoyable. On the plus side I’ll get to see us lift the cup in person and all the manc cunts will be long heading for the tube by that point.
  16. A fucking drip from Southampton giving it the big one in the Bigg Market. Fucking hell these little chavs are all fucking gob, wouldn’t have happened a few years ago the toons gone fucking soft.
  17. I’d love to see a government backed regulator hoy PIF out the PL and still expect to have diplomatic or financial relations with the U.K. Not under even a Labour Govt would they go down that route, let them keep dreaming the worst is yet to come for them.
  18. Some great boozers round London just depends if you want to watch it with fellow mags I suppose. I’m going down regardless, going to make a call on paying stupid money by the weekend though for a ticket. Personally think I’d rather be down there watching it than surrounded by chavs off their face in Newcastle city centre.
  19. Shearers bar will be decent but would imagine they’ll make that a ticket bash.
  20. Northumbria Uni are also advertising something.
  21. I’m toying with just buying in the Man U end at this point, tickets won’t drop in value now only increase unfortunately.
  22. Bit misleading he’s looking to arrange something on day of game.
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