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Whitley mag

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Everything posted by Whitley mag

  1. The Argentina v Saudi Arabia match thread on there is something to behold. Comments such as c’mon the Argies and stick 10 past the mag cunts as a mere taster. They’ve actually wound themselves upto such an extent that they hate a whole nation and would happily cheer on a country that we went to war with in the 80’s. This from the same set of fans who said we shouldn’t celebrate armistice day or wear poppy’s, due to the origin of our new owners. This from the same set of fans who are so fervently pro British, yet they would rather support the Argies over arguably the UK’s closest ally in the Middle East. Do these same people seriously expect us to buy that if we weren’t owned by PIF they wouldn’t be loving the Argies getting beat today ? The greatest sporting shock in World Cup history and in this lots eyes the Saudis may aswell have been wearing black and white today. One word splendid.
  2. Might be controversial but I’m fucking delighted for the Saudi’s consider me sportswashed.
  3. Got to be loving the visit Arabia HT World Cup advert these lads, just oozes professionalism and being filthy rich.
  4. RokerParkPies calls us mental then err proceeds to have a mental breakdown. ‘Look lad...you're outraged because we are outraged...we get it!..and don't try to say otherwise..your fanbase is utterly utterly mental..christ..Cherry Knowles would have thier work cut out with your lot..you are a physiatrists wet dream!!!...Identity crisis..needing/wanting/craving to be loved..all about fuckin your lot! Why do your lot do what you do??? It's embarrassing to the point of vomit..your lot simply can't help themselves...why do your lot do it?..seriously why??...I understand why your lot utterly love "His Excellency"..(The murderous tyrant!)..I could bet the little money I have you would never never never criticise him if things don't go your way...but if it doesn't go your way..don't you dare ever criticise "His Excellency"..we'll give big Mike his due..he knew when he wasn't wanted and stayed away because of your naturally angry and mental fans...MBS can't (for political reasons)..attend your games( he does own you lock stock etc...)...would /will you berate him if he never turns up EVER to a single game??..Your lot made it blatantly clear to big Mike.. "STAY AWAY" or words to that effect.. You have that Abhorrent woman AS at the helm at your club...believe me..she is paying your lot lip service..she couldn't give a rats arse about your club or you!..she is mearly a business woman trying to make a living..and playing your lot as a fiddle... Good luck...’
  5. Blokes a raving ranting lunatic, if I was Sombrero I’d be tempted to take him up on his offer of a pint though. I’d guarantee the sad fucker wouldn’t turn up though, he’s probably never left his bedroom since October 2021.
  6. I’m sure that exile cunt lives in Gwent, there must be some murdering, gravy stained, shirt wearing maggot on here who has encountered this well known human rights champion down there ? I mean picture the scene your happily walking around downtown Gwent in your white and green kit, then boom out of the Oxfam shop jumps Exile to give you a mouthful. Any real life sightings of this crusader would be welcome, parents of young 2022 mags in sleepy Gwent beware there’s a nutcase in your midst.
  7. At least Gipetto is an honest mackem cunt as below, compared to this Dangernonce character who thinks where seething at them pretending to be outraged by this friendly. ‘Why shouldn't we be in Dubai mate? We've been to Dubai a number of times over the years and I can't ever recall it being highlighted as an issue on here or elsewhere’.
  8. The blue away strip Dabizas ripped off at the SOS with NTL on was a classic, if Adidas keep it simple they’re hard to beat.
  9. Just move Leazes Terrace brick by brick to Beamish jobs a good un.
  10. Had we not been owned by PIF what’s the odds this friendly wouldn’t have even raised an eyebrow amongst their lot. Fast forward 12 months they’ve backed themselves into such a corner they feel compelled to act outraged at their own club. Half of them don’t like being called mackems, they cosy up to Feyernoord coz they think their hard (even they can’t stand the cunts now), they became half Irish when Keane and the Irish lot owned them (even renaming the terminus Keano’s) and now they’ve become human rights champions as a coping mechanism. Tom Cowie got it right years ago when he wished they were more like Newcastle fans. Small town club and small time fans always will be.
  11. That fat cunt couldn’t even fuck his Mrs never mind a Mag with a gut like that.
  12. Ya’s divn’t understand the MLF’s would have walked away en masse if they had been taken over by the Saudi’s.
  13. Give me Lindisfarne any day of the week.
  14. Agree completely, got my doubts about Maddison, not as a footballer but as suited to our way of play. The only thing is though if Bruno got injured would we have that creative spark to see a pass, not so sure and there’s an argument that he could be useful in tight games at home when we need to break down a packed defence. We would lose a lot of physicality in midfield by dropping Longstaff or Joelinton at the minute, so not sure how he fits in especially for what he’d cost.
  15. Kone, Mudryk, Maddison or Diaby in January would be a real statement of intent. All different players but any one of them would unquestionably provide something different to what we’ve got.
  16. It must be very tiring pretending to be constantly outraged in order to deal with something outside of your control. I’m actually finding the Mackems mental gymnastics quite interesting to watch along with being highly amusing of course.
  17. Beat me to it good read and some new names mentioned.
  18. Apparently we shouldn’t wear poppy’s now, some absolute deranged cunts over there. It’s Remembrance Sunday today. Not one Newcastle fan who supports your murderous majority ownership (KSA) should be wearing a poppy or pretending to pay their respects to our war dead who would be utterly ashamed and angry to see their efforts to ensure our freedom has resulted in such things as a medieval state owning an English football club. In their hearts the KSA hate the West and everything it stands for. They invest here because it suits them, not for any other reason. Hideous.
  19. That is some control and finish no matter what league you’re playing in.
  20. Hope you cleaned up after yourself they’ve spent millions trying to make that area more upmarket.
  21. Fucking love this lad, Rafa seen the potential, Bruce nearly finished his career and well Eddie has turned him into a fucking machine.
  22. Apparently Chelsea weren’t what they once were off the pitch either according to RTG after tonight’s shenanigans.
  23. They got a slap up Barrack Road tonight not kids either.
  24. Mudryk, Kone and young lad from West Ham jobs a goodun.
  25. Fucking hell I think we’re gonna win the league and World Cup under Eddie.
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