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Everything posted by buzz

  1. I think we can say confidently who it won't be out of those three
  2. Their one touch play between the lines is so much better than ours. 16th placed in the championship
  3. No discernible style of play or patterns there apart from the Trippier right side overload thing that we did last season
  4. I know they were great last season but when you look at Schar and Botman tonight it does seem ballsy to play two centre halves almost totally physically immobile
  5. We're physically not fit for purpose. That midfield three is an abomination. Three of the back four are incredibly slow and Botman has looked ruined post injury. God knows what we did with his treatment
  6. He's far too immobile to do that (Bruno is incredibly slow but good on the turn and in close quarters, Schar would get eaten alive as a midfielder)
  7. Same old shite really, flat midfield five, everyone knackered, Isak just standing around totally isolated. Like the CL away games but even worse
  8. This is appalling man. Get Isak off now and save him for the cup
  9. Game over then Keep it respectable please lads
  10. We'd have been better off sticking Gordon up front tonight and saving Isak. Total waste of a game for him again, feels like our CL away games
  11. Noo you must comply with the Big Six's wishes
  12. Back to being unable to move again. God knows what we do in training
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