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Everything posted by Holmesy

  1. That's got to be a miss-print though, surely?! He's not going to spend 60% of his wages on a mansion. And what the hell kind of place does £40k per month get you anyway?!
  2. https://www.smh.com.au/sport/soccer/from-sydney-park-soccer-to-the-epl-how-a-french-star-slipped-through-the-cracks-20200921-p55xui.html £10,000 per week mansion?! Really?! How much money is ASM on FFS?!
  3. Holmesy

    Fabian Schär

    His fault clearly, but it’s not just one mistake is it - he looks a shadow of the player he has been, in every capacity. He’s been sat on the bench most of the season and then played in an unfamiliar midfield role 2 games in a row where he didn’t exactly excel. Then he’s put into a back 4 against a high-pressing Spurs team. Bruce sees him every day and should know his strengths and weaknesses. Maybe Rafa’s attention to detail has given me unrealistic expectations of what a manager should be/do. ??‍♂️
  4. Holmesy

    Fabian Schär

    What the fuck has Bruce done to this lad?! He’s gone from being one of the classiest CBs in the Premier League to an error-prone liability. Poor bastard!
  5. I can't see Saudi Arabia going to the effort of cleaning up the piracy thing off the back of a 'maybe'. Why bother? It's £300m which is a drop in the ocean for them. The only reason I can see them doing it is that they're promised to do it as part of an already signed agreement.
  6. Holmesy

    Nabil Bentaleb

    It’s frustrating because he was class against Bournemouth and it felt like he might’ve turned a corner but he was noticeably stand-out wank today! No one covered themselves in glory but to be the shittest player in that pitiful performance is just embarrassing!
  7. Just literally winced at a Sky Sports News presenter saying ‘Steve Bruce’s Newcastle United’. Took me by surprise a bit! He’s been here what, a year? My brain still can’t process it.
  8. That’s fucking hilarious!! ?? Breaking records all over the shop. Brilliant & fantastic!!
  9. Apparently we’ve been brilliant and fantastic this season! Who knew?! Fucking paid thousands to talk shite!
  10. Is there a version of this where I can get the pitch noise but no fucking commentators? Professional shit-talkers!
  11. Wouldn’t it make more sense to start Miro? If he’s trying to help Joelinton gain confidence, starting him up top on his own against City, when he’s going to have 10 touches if he’s lucky is likely to do more damage than good. He’s throwing the game anyway, might as well play someone he clearly doesn’t give a shit about up front
  12. Whoever the presenter is just asked Alan Smith if the Bournemouth fullback should have backup against that run of ASM’s. They’re literally looking at the screen of two players backing him up and ASM skinning them all ? Thick as pigs hit!
  13. He’s pretty much world class now! There are so few players like him in the game. He’s tearing up the PL in his first season, playing for a shit manager and a mid table team. He could play right at the top now, no problem.
  14. That’s shit luck for Longstaff. He looks absolutely gutted. On the plus side, this is probably the most I’ve enjoyed watching us all season.
  15. I live in Leeds and i'm torn On the one hand it would be great for the area, good to have a team representing Yorkshire in the PL and they're a big club with. top manager. On the other hand i'm surrounded by their fans on a daily basis and they're arseholes!
  16. It's very difficult to f*** up the design of a Roma shirt but here we are. That's comfortably the worst shirt Roma has ever had. They used to have some amazing kits - those Kappa ones with Mazda and Wind as their sponsors were hall of famers
  17. I think Steve McLaren has had a hair transplant. That’s all.
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