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Fantail Breeze

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Posts posted by Fantail Breeze

  1. 35 minutes ago, WarrenBartonCentrePartin said:

    Didn’t realise it until now how appalling that lion is. Is it a lion? Tell me it’s a lion? It’s a lion, right? :lol:


    That’s what all lions look like in Norfolk.

    You should see the people.

  2. 5 hours ago, McCormick said:

    I know a few senior sources at PIF and they are genuinely very worried about relegation (as they should be) as it would be massively embarrassing for them. Especially after all the efforts they made to buy the club.


    This makes me think they’ll do whatever it takes to get out of it, which is reassuring.


    Football insider is about as reliable as Burnsie, by the way.

  3. 2 minutes ago, Rich said:


    Nah, given the size of the captive audience and the depth of feeling against Ashley's ownership/general desperation amongst a decent chunk of the fanbase to do something to have an impact it's not a big amount. Hearts was the inspiration, apparently, and they were doing £1.5M a year at the beginning of the pandemic with an aim to get that to £2M.


    Hearts have raised £12.6M in total in 11 years and 1 month, it seems. At the rate the Trust was going at, we'd be looking at £3.6M in total in that timeframe (and it had already slowed significantly before the takeover). That's between 1/3 and 1/4 of what Hearts have managed. Awful measurement, but Hearts has 98.7K followers on Twitter, NUFC has 1.9M. Slightly more relevant, they average about 17,000 per home game, a third of what we do. The scope and scale of the two clubs is night and day, even pre-takeover.


    It just wasn't thought out, executed, or communicated well enough and the people involved clearly weren't deemed to be trustworthy enough by your average match-going fan (and the likes of me). I pledged for a good few months to feel like I was doing the something I mentioned above, but lost faith fairly quickly.


    Pre-takeover it looked (based on the amount the total went up each month) like the monthly pledges were down to about £15k-£20k. 


    Pumping money into Hearts is achievable because of the value of the club. That’s why “MyFootballClub” purchased a National League club, when that was a thing.


    That quickly fell flat on it’s arse too.


    Considering Alex had apparently been working on the pledge for 2-3 years, it’s embarrassing they couldn’t even provide a basic plan of what would happen next.


    But then again, as above, they can’t even stick to their word and answer credible questions from supporters.


    Their actions aren’t too dissimilar to what they criticised Ashley for. A lack of communication and engagement and making decisions to solely benefit themselves.

    Fame/money does some terrible things to people. 

  4. 2 minutes ago, relámpago blanco said:

    You hope, they brought in a bloke sacked by Cardiff so nothing is out of the questioned.  Also, many of the elite pundits in English football think Bruce is a great manager with many years of experience.  You could do worse.....


    Bruce is arguably a better manager than OGS too, based on their careers.


    I think they’re pretty similar in style, being the players’ mate rather than using actual tactics.

  5. 7 minutes ago, Yorkie said:


    I'm no lover of the Trust and certainly not of Alex Hurst, but to go from nowt to £180,000 - during a pandemic too - is a pretty solid achievement, like. But they said they would review the project at intervals, and if the monthly pledges are already plummeting then there's no shame in calling it quits even at this early stage, and make the donation to local charities. Or keep it going but change the objective.


    I'm dubious about how the Trust operates at times but I think the pledge was a pretty good effort. 


    It was a good charity fundraiser, it’s actual purpose was redundant from day one and never achievable.

  6. 36 minutes ago, The Bonk said:


    Good, will avoid an Emery situation unfolding in the media. Much prefer it's announced out of the blue and we're all pleasantly surprised. 


    Now the leak has left, things will be done quietly I would suspect.

  7. Why anyone would want to watch those shite videos is beyond me.


    But here we are, in 2021, where people watch videos of other people showing them what they brought at shopping.


    If you get to the point in your life where you watch shit fan videos or muck like the above, you have far too much time on your hands and should get out more.

  8. 8 minutes ago, Abra Dubravka said:


    I think you're the one making it weird. I think it's quite clear the comparison, Ashley drained us for 15 years.


    Can understand MU fans voicing complaints that Glazer's are killing their club; Ronaldo signs in summer, they sell shares - when they drop too low, they finally sack OGS. Man U fans will always cry back to their culture, SAF; but it's never coming back. Man United won't win the league for another 10 years, but Glazer's will continue to drain money. 


    It doesn't matter anymore if MU win the league, or finish 7th - as long as Glazer's protect their share price; that's principally Ashley's view point with us - as long as we stay up mentality. 


    Owners having that approach to any club rips the soul from what truly means to support a club, and eventually destroys that 'football club' - don't care if it's us, Man United, Blackpool, Wimbledon, Bury, Charlton, list is endless... 


    It's arrogant now to say; but I'm so pleased we've got the takeover, and now have 'fuck you money'. *sigh of relief*


    Interim manager is totally tin pot, let's not forget...


    The point I was responding to was you saying Man Utd were the first club where winning trophies doesn’t matter.


    I was pointing out, they’re absolutely not.

  9. 46 minutes ago, Abra Dubravka said:

    All very tin-pot this 'interim' notion. Got OGS on a loan from Molde to begin with, fuck sake - who gets a manager in on loan. Richest club in world, aye well done.


    Hate to sight Simon Jordan as a spectrum of sense; Manchester United are being run as a business, and solely that - no sporting adventure at all - principally the same with Ashley and us.


    Man United's share price was so low going into Watford game, coming out off it with that result without sacking OGS would have cost MU hundreds of millions.


    OGS needed to be sacked to stabilise the market price of 'Manchester United'. If he wasn't sacked, when market opened Monday 'Manchester United' would have seen their value drop by hundreds of millions. It would have cost Glazer's money. 


    As funny as it is to see Man U be fucking awful, and long may it continue; it's fare to say they are the first in football club in history that winning games, winning trophies actually doesn't matter; success for Manchester United is now defined at the boardroom level, not on the pitch. 


    For that above reasoning I can feel for fans of that club; we had our soul ripped out by Ashley. It's no wonder those fans got a game stopped not ago.


    All I can say is, thank fuck we're now inside the tent pissing out...






    Well, they’re not. Plenty of others, but they don’t matter… It’s only apparently an issue worth raising when it’s Man Utd.

    A weird comment for an NUFC fan to make after the Ashley years.

    I must have forgotten all of the sympathy Man Utd fans gave us with Ashley. Fuck them. Hope they crash and burn. 

  10. He would probably do okay until the end of the season. As we know with Bruce he doesn’t start to fail until season two and three.


    He’d build a morale similar to what OGS initially did. Letting the players do whatever they want and they’d enjoy themselves for a bit.

    Couldn’t think of anything worse. He should never get a job again.

  11. 5 minutes ago, Yorkie said:

    All the chat about Solskjaer steadying the ship or however you want to put it... domestically, are Man Utd not in a similar/even more of a mess than they were when Mourinho left? They actually had more points on the board at this point in the year Mourinho ended up leaving and, in both cases, they're a country mile off the title. The team's certainly an absolute shit-tip if the Watford game is anything to go by. 


    Fucking hell, if you take his “steadying the ship” trophy away, he’s only got the “finished 2nd once” trophy left.


    Can’t believe the reaction to him being sacked. It’s like he’s just had to resign after being diagnosed with a terminal illness or something.


    Genuinely wouldn’t be surprised if Man Utd players wore some dreadful “thanks for the memories Ole” training tops in the next game. :lol: 

  12. 6 minutes ago, Shadow Puppets said:

    Tindall said on 5 Live after the game that Howe was in constant contact throughout the game.

    Ah, the footage I was watching didn’t seem to suggest that. Must have just not noticed it from what was shown.

  13. I was really surprised by the seeming lack of input Howe had during the game on Saturday.


    Wilson pre-match seemed to suggest Howe didn’t take the team talk and he wasn’t in direct contact with Tindall who seemed to run down the tunnel to take his call.


    Maybe it goes to show how much he trusts Tindall.

  14. 8 minutes ago, TRon said:

    Watching MOTD saw it mentioned that Ivan Toney was actually at Newcastle for 3 years and only got 4 sub appearances. Must admit, along with Mbabu I just don't understand what Rafa didn't like. Can only assume it was the lifestyle,when you look at some of the players we kept on, were they so much better?




    I assume it was their lifestyle or not buying into what he wanted to achieve. Same reason he canned Mitro because he wouldn’t align with the fitness plan Rafa wanted.


    Rafa wants model professionals like Rondon, who complies with exactly what he wants both on and off the pitch.


  15. 16 minutes ago, Thumbheed said:

    OK, I'll bite. 


    If I'm only bothered about promoted teams in context to how it impacts us at this present moment in time, then why do I care about what they do next season?! :lol: Nowt like a bit of stat padding, Fanny. :lol:


    So that's make 5 teams out of 9 who stay up in their 1st season up. 


    Thank you and good night. 


    Because you said promoted teams are better now than they were over five years ago. But actually, more teams get relegated quicker now than they did back then.


    And you’re wrong, again. Out of nine teams, five were relegated in their first season. You’ve got it the wrong way round.


    Plus only three (potentially two) stay up if you look over two seasons. So teams like Leeds will be vulnerable this season, and low and behold they’re fighting relegation. Which directly impacts on us this season.


    Where are the 8-10 established PL teams you mentioned? You can’t talk shit and then ignore it :lol: 


    Bless. You were really sure in yourself as well.

  16. 1 minute ago, The Prophet said:

    I know its early days, but I thought the way we pressed and attacked in numbers was much better. We actually tried to keep the ball too.


    I did find his team selection a but worrying though. Clark over Fernandez, Murphy and Ritchie at full back and zero protection in midfield. A defence low on confidence was left totally exposed.


    I have no doubt we'll continue to improve over the coming weeks, but the team selection was maybe a bit too bold.


    He wouldn’t have wanted to change it too much and will ultimately take a few weeks to realise people like Clark aren’t good enough.

  17. He was on a hiding to nothing when he took the job and it was a strange move. Much like his China move.


    Everton’s recent performances have been absolutely minging. But we know he tends to finish stronger, so will be interesting to see how he does over the course of the season, if he gets that far.

  18. 1 minute ago, Thumbheed said:


    Says this:

    Your point is proven to be wrong by the fact more often than not recently, the three who come up go down


    Gives me stats proving his own shit point wrong :lol::lol:


    Honestly that's enough from me, but for your own benefit now do teams with 6 points after 12 games. I'll let you have a full 20 years rather than just the last 3 :thup:


    Sorry, what? :lol: Nine teams up, six of them (maybe soon to be seven) go down. But that is somehow proof that more teams stay up? :lol:  


    You’re also unable to show me these 8-10 established teams from the previous five years.


    Think you need to go to bed.

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