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Fantail Breeze

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Posts posted by Fantail Breeze

  1. Reading the Everton forum and it’s really quite poisonous. Not just about Rafa but the players and club in general.


    Reads a lot like here during our relegation seasons actually.


    Is there a chance of them going down or even just getting dragged into it? Not a pot to piss in, DCL out for a long period and players not performing at all.

  2. 1 minute ago, Conjo said:


    Tosun is also 4th choice striker. You won't find many better 4th choice strikers in the PL.

    Guess we'll just have to disagree on Keane. First choice for Everton under Ancelotti & Benitez indicates there's something to him. Reckon he'd be able to get into most teams bar the top 3-4.


    By comparison - we don’t even have a fourth striker. :lol: 

  3. He’s been pretty shite everywhere recently apart from us.


    His choice of job has been his biggest downfall. It was never going to work at Everton or Real, although I don’t begrudge someone taking the Real job.


    The China move was ridiculous too.

  4. 6 minutes ago, HTT II said:

    Mid-table without DCL and could they be dragged into a relegation fight? It’s not looking good for Rafa it has to be said, if they stick with him and back him in the transfer market, however, I think long-term he will bring a better degree of success for them than under previous managers. I fancy them to get a draw against Liverpool mind, still.


    They can’t back him in the transfer window, he has nowt to spend. Other than a free transfer or loan, he won’t be getting anyone in January.

  5. Just now, toon25 said:

    Given the money Everton have spent in recent years, their squad is absolutely fucking awful.


    They poached that chap from Leicester didn’t they? The one credited with scouting Mahrez and Kante. 


    Walsh I think his name is. Obviously hasn’t worked out quite as well there.

  6. Just now, NUFCDoog said:

    I hate this notion that just because you’re doing relatively well you can’t show any disapproval against your team at all.


    They haven’t won since September and we’re pretty shit against a terrible Leeds side, nothing wrong with showing some anger at that.


    Its like oh because it’s little old Brighton and they’re doing alright they should be invading the pitch and celebrating a nil nil with Leeds because of how far they’ve come or something, fuck that, it’s not fickle it’s just showing some displeasure when the team have been shit. They’ve not calling for the manager out or any ridiculous shit like that, it’s bullshit


    As I said in the Rafa thread, similar here, Brighton are nine games without a win and playing really poorly.


    It’s not a total surprise their fans are unhappy with that.


    Massively hypocritical of our fans to judge the reaction of other fans based solely on their league position, “what more do they want?”.

  7. 7 minutes ago, Robster said:

    Dread to think what Everton forums are like currently.


    To be fair, there aren’t many managers who could only take one win from 10 games and survive significant criticism. 


    Especially the manner of some of those defeats. Losing 5-2 at home to Watford.

    If he doesn’t turn this game around he’s going to need a miracle with the run they’ve got coming up.

  8. 1 minute ago, mighty__mag said:

    We only know of two relegations from the PL, and we know we won and returned at both times of asking.


    The owners are minted, and they would literally do what Ashley did, but better, retain some experience in the squad, and add to it.


    I cant predict the future, but from previous facts, I'd suggest we'd piss the Championship with these lot behind us.





    HMS piss the league.

  9. 23 minutes ago, Lazarus said:


    Maybe - but hes the type of plater we desparately need.


    I’ve never been that keen on him since I saw how he presented a spaghetti bolognaise tbh.

  10. 10 hours ago, AyeDubbleYoo said:

    Worrying thing is there aren’t any really bad teams this season. Norwich could have scored 3 or 4 today if Pukki had the right boots on. 


    Which will be their downfall.


    Pukki could have scored 3 or 4 every game. He doesn’t. Norwich’s goalscorer isn’t anywhere near as good as ours.

  11. 22 minutes ago, joeyt said:

    I'm sure Ritchie was in the top 5 chances created in the league only a few weeks ago.


    Must be the reason he's in the team as he's dreadful defensively


    I have no problem with him being in the team, to some degree. But he’s not a fucking defender.


    If we put Wilson at LB, I’m sure he’d be exposed defensively too.

  12. 58 minutes ago, Ben said:

    Steve Fuckin Bruce has a lot to answer for 


    He does. But even despite the situation he left us in, we should (and will imo) stay up.


    If we don’t. Bruce will obviously be partly to blame, but Howe will have a lot to answer for too.

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