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Fantail Breeze

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Posts posted by Fantail Breeze

  1. Suppose it depends when he did the test, I assume likely Thursday or Friday.


    If Friday, his first day out of isolation will be the 30th.


    The bigger worry is whether any of the other coaches or players pick it up too. Last thing we need is anyone else isolating ahead of the Norwich match.

  2. 33 minutes ago, neesy111 said:

    Needs some new boots.  Slipped multiple times yesterday.


    Not the first game either, he continuously has done so and often when in great opportunities.



  3. Still think the job Rooney has done at Derby is massively underrated. Staying up last season and to still be competitive this season is a miracle. A team put together without a shilling.


    Beating Bournemouth now, doubt they’ll win it but he’s doing a great job.

  4. 36 minutes ago, Raconteur said:

    Rashford and Shaw were both good players once, and Ole got them back playing at their level. Fair dos. But did he make either of them better than they had previously shown? Or just better than they were under Mourinho?


    Im not invested enough and don’t watch enough Man U games for my opinion to have any merit, but I don’t think that opinion is as outrageous as you’re suggesting?


    Shaw was always a good player, it just took him a while to get back to it after that horrific injury.


    Weird for someone to claim OGS improved Rashford when he played his best football under Mourinho.


    Fred and McTominay, two of the worst PL players being singled out as improved under OGS :lol: Fuck me, this bloke doesn’t have a clue.


  5. 3 minutes ago, midds said:

    Want so much the nature of the mistake it was the timing of it too. Less than 70 seconds after having taken the leaf at home against a side on a poor run and this fucking nugget let's one roll past him into the bottom corner. All momentum lost in a single second, the crowd instantly fell as flat as a witch's tit and audible groans. Same old Newcastle. If he saves that dribbler I honestly think we'd have gone on to win. The mistake sucked all momentum from the players and stadium. The prick. 


    Please tell me this was intentional.

  6. 1 hour ago, The Butcher said:

    They got to finals in spite of him, not because of him.


    It's not like getting to a Europa League final is impressive after getting knocked out of the CL, especially with that squad.


    He's shit and I'll be amazed if he ever manages a good club again.


    Getting to a cup final of an inferior competition to what you entered (because you were shite in that) and then losing said final to a crap team = positive.



    Like claiming Pardew is a good manager because he got to a final once.


    OGS has been a complete disaster and it’s been hilarious to watch. It’s also great seeing the plastic Man Utd fans have such low expectations.


    Hopefully they’ll mess up this appointment too.

  7. 1 minute ago, et tu brute said:

    I would actually argue Lascelles, Murphy and Ritchie need dropping also. All 5 are a total liability as the goals against suggests. I know it seems dropping 5 all at once is a lot, but it can’t be any worse than what we’re seeing. If he’s keeping the 5 at the back, then keep Lascelles between Schar and Fernandez. 


    Lascelles is thick as fuck. Not sure he’ll ever be helped. Passhun but no brain.

  8. After a tricky Christmas period we start January with these games:


    Everton x2, Southampton, Leeds, Watford, Aston Villa, West Ham, Brentford, Brighton.


    Even if we are cut adrift, that run of fixtures gives us every opportunity to get out of it and build momentum. 

  9. Just now, SUPERTOON said:

    Yeah but we have to go out and win 2 of those games, saying it and doing it are 2 vastly different things. The run we are on will be playing on everyone’s minds at the club.


    Leicester got pumped 3-0 today without touching the ball after a similar performance against Arsenal.


    Just before our match they have a crucial Europa tie away at Napoli.


    Burnley have won one match all season, Norwich too.


    What is their mindsets going to be going into our games?



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