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Fantail Breeze

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Posts posted by Fantail Breeze

  1. Mad that you can literally wipe a player out, as long as you get the tiniest most fractional touch on the ball with VAR.


    A penalty all day I thought to Everton, similar to the one Man City should’ve got at the end of the game yesterday.

  2. 1 minute ago, STM said:

    It's "all the reports", in the same way that Donald Trump used to say, "all the people are telling me".


    Depends who you listen to. All the local journos are pretty cool on the entire situation but then again, why listen to them when you could cry about some smart arse journo looking for a few clicks by playing on your needy emotions.


    A bit like when people were ridiculing Balague with his ‘reports’ whilst the locals were saying it’s done…

  3. 2 minutes ago, HTT II said:

    They basically announced it yesterday man, are you this needy to need it officially announced RIGHT NOW ASAP? It’s about managing the announcement from within. Press releases, photos, Q&As, getting his team in place first beforehand and then making it all official properly, this for me - if my belief is correct - is highly professional, very detailed and diligent and bodes well for the future. Do things properly in a correct manner from the start to the finish and you have a great chance of doing that in everything you undertake and try to do. 


    I couldn’t care less about photographs in a stadium. I’m needy about our players, with a lack of confidence, having more and more days without a manager.


    Plus you’re completely ignoring all of the reports of the signing stalling.

  4. Just now, STM said:

    Get back to football manager, mate. On there you can sign like 40 players in a day. That's more your pace. :lol:[emoji38]


    Well that’s totally inaccurate compared to what I’ve said. But fantastic reply mate.


    Just now, Thomson Mouse said:


    What points have we lost out on exactly?


    We would’ve won yesterday.


    Burnley showing yesterday an organised team can get a result against Chelsea. We nearly did ourselves.


    Palace probably not as it would’ve been a quick turnaround. But 3+ points possibly.

  6. 6 minutes ago, Thomson Mouse said:


    How the fuck would I know. It may just be the legalities of contracts being signed off. 


    He sat next to Staveley yesterday, that’s not happening unless he’s the manager


    Why are we the only club who have issues such as these? Does it take a week to sign a piece of paper?


    Shall we ignore all of the reports that are stating we’re pissing around with the backroom staff?


    What about the reports (from a source who was spot on about it collapsing) about how we fucked up getting a world class manager in due to a ridiculous relegation clause? 


    What about the fact our players (who are in a relegation battle) are having no direction day in day out on the training field ahead of a very important run of games?


    It’s farcical.


    I’m sure it’ll get better, but between this and the delays to sacking Bruce and the fact we’re over a month in without a single appointment made, it’s very frustrating.


    We’ve lost out on points already due to this situation not being resolved.


    They very clearly need to get some footballing appointments made.


    The consortium are fantastic and I’m delighted they are here, but they’re certainly not above criticism like some on here think. Any criticism = bedwetting. RTG.

  7. 2 hours ago, HTT II said:

    Is it wrong for me to now quite like Keane? 


    He’s growing on me massively as a pundit. He’s clearly a bit of a dick, but he’s spot on about most things.

    He reminds me of a Head Chef. They’re all absolute arseholes but are good at what they do.

  8. 1 minute ago, Thomson Mouse said:


    No. just no.


    Are you going to tell us what the benefit is of delaying having a manager?

  9. Just now, HTT II said:

    It will be the full works, comms, promotion, social media etc. tomorrow with Howe and his team at SJP.


    Would’ve preferred it announced four days before when the deal was agreed, as the players need direction right now.


    There’s clearly issues, otherwise it’d already have been wrapped up.

  10. 8 minutes ago, SUPERTOON said:

    He would certainly be a target of mine long term if we stay up 


    Players like Abraham, Ward-Prowse, Lamptey, Gallagher should be those that we are targeting initially.


    Would be great stepping stone signings to bigger things.

  11. Did anyone see Johnson blamed RTG for the players being shite? :lol: 


    he said he didn’t know why the players confidence was low, and maybe it was social media, fans forums etc”

  12. One thread there are people saying to bring Warnock in, another they’re saying they could get Farke :lol: 


    They’re still struggling with understand their current position, aren’t they?

  13. Said it for a while, but bringing in a competent manager and two or three signings in January will see us closer to 10th than relegation by the end of the season.


    Our next five games are all easily winnable. 


    An international break for Howe to work with the team, perfect timing really. It just needs to be announced today, each day that passes is another one wasted.

  14. Another one who did a job for us, but will end up getting pelters and tainting his stay for no fault of his own.


    Should’ve been sold about three years ago. Not his fault really. A bit like Ritchie, Dummett, Lascelles, Darlow, Shelvey, Hayden and Gayle.

  15. Just now, STM said:

    Chelsea was a write off. Palace and Brighton have just pulled off massive results against City and Liverpool respectively, who in turn have both pissed all over Man United in recent games.


    We've been incredibly uninspiring but I'd definitely argue that Jones has got us more competitive and harder to break down.


    Anyway, long live the King.


    Two more points than we would’ve got under Bruce.

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