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Fantail Breeze

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Posts posted by Fantail Breeze

  1. It’ll be a delight going into a game knowing we’ve got a tactical plan to try and win it.


    Even if said plan fails (which it ultimately will on occasions), at least we’re not just walking onto the pitch aiming to pass the ball to ASM and hope for the best.

  2. 1 hour ago, Ben said:

    Would the Premier league allow the Saudis to be the main sponsor of the league instead of Barclays ? 


    The PL would let Scar from Lion King sponsor them if he outbid everyone else.


    Their morals are closely aligned to their wallets. Like most Torys.

  3. 7 minutes ago, Joey47 said:


    Does this guy actually know anything? Hasn't he been wrong about loads of stuff?


    Pretty much everything on his timeline is wrong, unless he’s reporting it after it’s already well known.

    Should be in the bullshit thread.

  4. Wraith, Keith and co. are just evidence that you don’t even need to tell the truth to get thick fuckers following you.


    I suppose that’s also why pyramid schemes work.


    They’re all the same, built on lies and putting the biggest bullshitters at the top.

  5. My favourite RTG post from today:


    “I honestly thought being in League One would make us the North East’s biggest laughing stock but the Mags always find a way of being the biggest.“


    :lol: Aye… Right.

  6. 2 hours ago, Joey Linton said:

    He'd be better off spending his time brushing up on the companies house rules he incorrectly thought we'd broken. 


    The ‘accountant’ who was unable to see Donald was taking the piss and who doesn’t know anything about Companies House.


    Does a tl:dr post every time some accounts are released (with an analysis so basic, I think I could write it up) and they all fall for it :lol: 

  7. 2 minutes ago, Wandy said:


    They postponed the game themselves? How is that even allowed?


    No. Just Stifler talking bollocks.

    They’re able to postpone their games because they have a number of players on international duty.


    Looking at the last league game, at least three of their starting 11 are on international duty. I’m sure any team would be miffed off if they were asked to play without three key players.

  8. 4 hours ago, Stifler said:

    NUST get a lot of stick because of what they didn’t do etc but people don’t realise what they did do.

    Greg in particular was key in trying to get the development behind the Gallowgate stopped via the NUST.


    Linda was good at getting the club to engage and acknowledge the female squad by updating the details on .co.uk, sharing their tweets etc. It even resulted in them promoting International woman’s day which gave the female side their biggest ever gate just before lockdowns.


    They so a lot of stuff behind the scenes that people don’t know about, but basically has their hands tied by Charnley and Ashley. It’s easy to get lost in the thought of them not being a protest group etc.


    :lol: I mean, isn’t that a massive flaw, for their own members not to know what they’re even doing?


    Probably sums the Trust up nicely, to be fair. Off doing their own thing and couldn’t give two hoots about their members and their opinions.

  9. 16 minutes ago, Whitley mag said:

    Your punts in relation to the takeover we’re spot on of course Fanny, therefore based on this punt we’ll be playing in green and white stripes next year.





    Well it was off due to piracy, not a PL ‘cartel’ with the big six. So I was closer to the point than you :lol: 

  10. 10 minutes ago, 54 said:

    I think I hate it when teams go 4/5 up in the first half, 99% of the time the second is fucking awful :lol: 


    I get they don’t want to run through brick walls, but I don’t get why we’ve just stopped playing football. :lol: Not passing fluidly and just aimlessly running down dead ends.


    I would’ve just made the subs at half time and down the fringe/new players to make an impression, keep up the tempo and have a riot.

  11. 1 minute ago, gdm said:

    Corners are the most frustrating thing to bet on 


    I blame Southgate. It’d have been fine if he sent them out carrying on playing football, but we’re defending a 5-0 lead for some reason.

  12. 29 minutes ago, madras said:

    I'm happy with the current one, a mix of football and history of the city.


    As long as it’s not shite jobs like all the other clubs at the moment. Everton, Arsenal and West Ham all look like they’ve they’ve been done on paint.

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