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Fantail Breeze

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Posts posted by Fantail Breeze

  1. Find it bizarre any manager would go on holiday during an international break.


    Aye, senior players may not be around, but I assumed the coaching staff would be working on their tactical approach to the next few matches, as well as everything else a manager should be doing (working with the scouting department, considering improvements, taking a look at the youth products, working with the players still at the club).


    Wonder if Klopp and Guardiola are in Tenerife.

  2. Just now, Danh1 said:

    Can picture Howe having a look around the Training ground and being in the same fettle as Gordon Ramsey on Kitchen Nightmares when he’s in some rank, e-coli riddled pizza place with a 1 star hygiene rating. 

    Can’t wait until we knock the cunt down and build something decent. 


    “And over here Eddie, we have the wheelie bins. Perfect to unwind in after a hard session.”


  3. 1 minute ago, Mr Raspberry Jam said:


    Will we be loaning 26 players out the Dutch league every season in a couple of years time? 





    We’re gonna sell Paul Dummett in the summer and buy him back in three years for £260m.

  4. 50 minutes ago, Hanshithispantz said:

    That's what I thought but the more I read of him he seems to legitimately be the long term solution. He's football mad, he'll have learned a lot with his time at Bournemouth. Forward thinking and will keep up with contemporary ideas in the game.




    If we progress year on year then I’m happy for him to stay as long as it continues to work.


    Who is to say he won’t grow as we do and essentially become the next top manager?

  5. 13 minutes ago, Elephant said:

    How the hell is it possible that Premier League club doesn’t have fitness coach?!


    Where would we have squeezed in work with the fitness coach? The two days of training were already full up.

  6. 53 minutes ago, Froggy said:


    Cardiff was 7 years ago, and he took them over in January and left in September. It's extremely difficult to judge anyone on a spell like that. People putting the likes of Vieira ahead of him is absolute nonsense. :lol: Financial advantages or not he finished second. Not like the clubs around us don't have financial might.


    Is the Championship much stronger than the Eliteserien? I'm not so sure.


    Most people are judging him on his disastrous spells with both of Cardiff and Man Utd.


    Pardew finished 5th once. That doesn’t make him a good manager neither.

  7. Just now, Kaizero said:

    Potter has a win percentage lower than Steve Bruce in the PL, though.


    Rodgers is purely personal as I have a great dislike of him for no particular reasonand just feel he's a fraud. Fully accept that's extremely subjective but I don't feel comortable ranking him too high on my list :lol:


    Brighton are 7th in the Premier League. His win % accounts for keeping that team in the league (where others have failed) and progressing year on year.


    Don’t disagree too much about your thoughts on Rodgers, or his positioning in your list, my point is that OGS is very badly misplaced in your list.

  8. Just now, Kaizero said:

    He's not being applauded, he's rightly being criticized for not getting the best out a team full of great players. 

    What I was raising a point of discussion around was not that, it's that Potter is being praised for something OGS did better, which in turn is being used as a stick to beat him with. Those two viewpoints doesn't add up if held at the same time.


    You literally said “His record at Man Utd is the third best in their history”. What does that have to do with Potter’s achievements? It was your way of trying to defend Ole’s pathetic Man Utd record.


    Potter is a better manager because like I said, he’s been at three teams and improved them all. His record in Sweden was good, as was Ole’s in Norway. Nobody has really disputed that.


    But their overall managerial careers go to show that Potter is lightyears ahead of Ole.


    I’m intrigued how/why you rate Ole above Brendan Rodgers though, if you could explain that one.

  9. The amount of yards gained when taking throw ins. Such as those that go out by the corner flag and the player than takes it level with the 6 yard box.


    Secondly, when players flop to the floor after being sneezed on when defending and running backwards towards their own goal line.


    Thirdly, thick as fuck players who lay a finger on the aforementioned players and allow them to flop to the floor.

  10. Just now, Kaizero said:

    His record at Man Utd is the third best in their history. I'm not even defending OGS, I fully believe Man Utd could get a better manager. I'm just pointing out the shithousery of the arguments given when there's decent actual arguments against him being in the job. 


    Zero trophies and some of the worst performances ever seen?


    This win % thing is a horrific measure of success when Man Utd’s consistent success only really started under Sir Alex. 

    So Ole is essentially being applauded for having a better win percentage (but less trophies) than LVG and David Moyes (who only got eight months).


    But a lower one (and again, less trophies) than Mourinho who is constantly called a failure.

  11. 4 minutes ago, Kaizero said:

    It's a comment on how people are discounting what OGS did in Norwaty, taking a team that's never won the league in their history to becoming the powerhouse in the country for a decade. It's like if Dundee had dethroned Celtic. Finished top of their league in the EL ahead of Celtic, Fenerbache and Ajax. If you praise Potter as being a good manager for his Swedish record, you should do the same for OGS. That's the argument. You can't praise one manager for his feats in a "shit tier" league and trash the other when that person's feats objectively are better. 

    Not saying OGS should have been given the Man Utd gig at all based on his record. Just that people praising Potter are victims of a stupid double standard.


    Potter has managed three teams and has improved them all during his time with them.


    OGS has managed three teams and ruined two of them. Molde is the exception with OGS, not the norm.

  12. Went onto an Everton forum and this is the first post I saw:


    The reality is this man does not actively manage or coach teams. He simply puts the players he has on the pitch with very limited or possibly no input from himself.

    He then waits for the next transfer window and sees what that brings.

    That’s not my definition of a top manager or even an average one.



  13. Just now, Awaymag said:

    I just want a clean broom - so Jones, the Steves and Charnley gone.  I can tolerate them for transitions but they need to be gone.  Get rid of anything that was around the Bruce and Ashley era!


    Poor Jan in the Box Office.

  14. 12 minutes ago, Jaqen said:



    OGS is the only who's followed not to win a trophy isn't he? Mad that Neville keeps repeating Mourinho was a failure there despite winning three trophies and having a win record far better than OGS who he refuses to criticise.


    It's hard to pick the best but he's ealiy the worst I reckon. 


    With a far inferior squad.

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