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Fantail Breeze

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Posts posted by Fantail Breeze

  1. 1 minute ago, Abacus said:

    Then why is Hoffman apparently now having to resign?


    After all, the piracy is resolved. Surely he has done a good job in that case.


    So why would he need to go?


    Because they didn’t get their own way, because there was never a ‘cartel’ and because they’re unhappy with the outcome.


    It’s really not difficult to understand. They tried to stop it, but failed. Because ultimately the PL only cared about the piracy. 

    Otherwise, why were we taken over a few days after the piracy was resolved if the cartel existed and the PL were protecting the big six?


    If we ignore all sensible evidence and reports but listen to Keef on Twitter. Aye, it makes perfect sense.

  2. 1 hour ago, LV said:

    There’s even folk in here who deny it.




    Nobody is denying the other clubs probably voiced their displeasure at the takeover.


    What is a load of bollocks (evidently by the fact we have been taken over), is the suggestion that any blockage in the takeover had anything to do with the other clubs’ thoughts.


    It always was about piracy, from start to finish. Nothing whatsoever to do with cartels or fake ITKery.

  3. Palace were one of most people’s favourites for relegation before the season started. The win percentage doesn’t tell the full story.


    It ignores some very impressive results and doesn’t take into account performances have generally been good. They’ve also had a relatively tough start to the season. 


    As we know performances often catch up in terms of results.


    Not that I think he’s a better manager than Howe. But he’s certainly not as bad as some have tried to make out with a % rather than their eyes.

  4. 3 minutes ago, Yorkie said:

    Poor Derby docked another nine points. 


    Mad. I thought they would’ve survived the 12 point deduction but that other nine might be a step too far.


    Games against Fulham and Bournemouth next are probably not the best news for them.

  5. 1 minute ago, Rich said:


    He is mentally ill, though. That's the most polite way I could put it. :lol:


    I'm not sure it's on the same level as "masturbating each other". I do also think he's a bald Tory nonce with major Daddy issues, though, so maybe I am a hypocrite.


    Think I’d rather wank someone off than suffer from mental ill health. Although that’s probably a separate conversation.


    We’re all hypocrites in some shape or form. :thup: 

  6. 4 minutes ago, Optimistic Nut said:

    As long as there’s dialogue between the board and NUST, which I’m sure there will be now, I don’t see the need for a place on it.


    It evidences transparency, I suppose. The fans also get a voice directly to those in charge, rather than email exchanges with some fans liaison officer.


    I agree with you though, it’s not necessary. But if they were intent on forcing Alex’s dream on people, that would’ve been a much more realistic prospect. 

  7. 12 minutes ago, bovril said:


    It will definitely be customer specific. It's normally a good sign if you don't get the offer [emoji38] but my metrics for the year are positive so not quite sure on what basis they are giving out the offers. 


    Click on the 'Promotions' tab > 'Home' tab > It's one of the highlighted offers there. 


    Because they want you to think, “ah, I’m up. Let’s have a quick play”. Followed by “ah, I’m still up, let’s try win the money back I’ve just lost”. And so on…

  8. 30 minutes ago, Nobody said:

    The amount of this type of posts I've seen on here the last couple of weeks is bordering on obsession as well Tbf. 


    Our obsession of them is limited to scrolling through and laughing at their opinions. A bit like when you scroll through Twitter or Facebook.


    You know it’ll probably infuriate you at how stupid people are, but it passes some time when you’re sat at home watching Eastenders.


    Their obsession is ingrained in everything. They’re constantly searching for and talking about the latest NUFC news, looking at Companies House, trying to find loopholes in rules, watching every match we play, etc. etc.

  9. 13 minutes ago, Rich said:


    Plenty of valid, mature criticisms of the Trust without resorting to that last line, mind. Does your stance no favours and I happen to agree with a lot of what you say on this particular matter :lol:


    Not much different to similar I see get said about x player, y supporters, z pundit or even in response to others on here on a daily basis like.


    Such as yourself, calling Wraith “mentally unwell”, only this morning.


    Mature and valid criticism has been ignored by NUST every time it’s offered. I’ve tried to engage with them as a member and also just as a critical friend, it’s always been repeatedly ignored and ultimately people will get sick of that.

  10. 24 minutes ago, wormy said:

    Am I misremembering or did they not say a few times at the start that the ultimate aim of the Pledge wouldn't change if/when the club got taken over? If so I imagine that'll be their argument; that nothing has really changed in regards to the aim of the pledge.


    Not saying that's right or wrong either way, especially as I'm no longer even a member of NUST to know when the last actual update on the Pledge was.


    They said shortly after the takeover they were going to meet with the Guardians to discuss disbanding it, which would then be sent to a vote to members.


    Nothing has been said since. I assume it’s too far down the list of priorities. A bit like Greg still to answer questions posed to him about Alex’s re-inauguration.

    Probably too busy with their media interviews and masturbating one another to care too much about taking people’s money.

  11. 5 hours ago, The Butcher said:

    The fotball pyramid in England is something else. 


    Didn’t realise their manager is Ian Burchnall.


    I assume son of Leicester legend Alan Burchnall and his managerial career before Notts County was in Sweden/Norway with Östersund (following Potter) and Viking.


    Interesting career to date and from the outside appears to be going well with Notts County. Maybe one to watch.

  12. 2 hours ago, triggs said:

    How about last season when he scored 3 Premier League goals?


    One poor season (in a very poor Fulham team) vs four good seasons (including this exceptional season), seems to suggest that was the exception, rather than the norm.


    A bit like calling Howe crap based on one season where he was manager of Bournemouth when they were relegated.

  13. 8 minutes ago, Rich said:


    Getting sent off in critical (and non critical games) will probably do that, unfortunately.


    I would also have him back, mind.


    His disciplinary record has massively improved. 4 yellows in 22 appearances this season (1 for Serbia).


    Barely even gets booked these days, unless it’s for an excitable celebration like today.

  14. 1 minute ago, Optimistic Nut said:

    I know he’s in the Championship but his stats on his Whoscored page are insane for club & country. 30 goals & 5 assists in 29 games. :lol:


    11 goals in his last 7 games :lol: 


    He’s in insane form.

  15. This Juan (quid) Sartori thread is a blinder :lol: All of the RTGisms in one.


    Random attempts of 2 + 2 = 5, thinking that his appearance on the Monaco board somehow proves a tenuous link to their current child owner and means they’re working together.




    ”Our fans” reference.




    Grumpy Old Man talking shit with another made up story.




    More mackematics. Still being unable to see what’s in front of them. Donald didn’t buy the club with it’s own money, apparently. 




    More re-writing of history.




    And then just the complete detachment from reality.




    And finally, of course it wouldn’t be an RTG thread without a reference to us.



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