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Fantail Breeze

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Posts posted by Fantail Breeze

  1. 41 minutes ago, Whitley mag said:

    I’ll talk how I wish thanks.


    Ive got a lot more right about this process than the majority on here.


    ‘The Saudis have walked away they said’


    ’’The CAT case is a load of shite and will be laughed out’


    ’All this talk of corruption is embarrassing’


    I’ve had a right laugh this week watching certain posters on here lap up the CAT case. 







    Must be a mental dilemma when our own QC confirmed this was true.


    He literally said the previous deal was off and a new one (probably at a lower price) would need to be negotiated.


    You’re right though. PIF are lying, our QC is lying. Everyone is wrong apart from you, Keith.

  2. 1 hour ago, Whitley mag said:

    The PL are rocked, their QC looked unprepared, any assertion that they are unruffled from Edwards is bollocks.


    Very disconcerting that a so called local journalist is even attempting to paint that picture.


    The piece certainly wasn’t balanced and has his usual undertone of anti this consortium.


    If the PL are struggling to understand our current ownership structure, bring on arbitration Shaheed Fatima will hand them their arses on a plate.




    Their QC wasn’t unprepared at all. I like how fans have become legal experts over night thinking they know the difference between what was a good case delivery and bad :lol: 


    Completely wrong as always.

  3. 1 minute ago, SweMag said:



    Are you kidding me?


    Well, it’s fairly basic to understand that’ll be the decision the arbitration panel make in those circumstances.


    Whether that is right or wrong is a different question.

  4. 1 hour ago, Dr Jinx said:

    It’s a strange one with Caulkin, I don’t actively dislike him at all but he’s either not got his finger on the pulse anymore or more likely, he knows exactly how shit Steve Bruce is but is afraid to damage their little friendship by writing the truth. That’s something there’s no going back from.


    When did he ever have his finger on the pulse?


    Caulkin being a good journalist is a massive myth. Because he was (very wrongly) positive about the takeover, people seem to think he’s good?


    He’s not. He was totally and utterly wrong. The rest of the time he’s spent being Bruce’s mouthpiece. 

  5. “with more to come” :lol: 


    It’s actually embarrassing they are prioritising shit like this whilst the club is on its knees. 


    We can add jigsaws onto their list of achievements though:


    - Spoke to Tracy Crouch

    - Spoke to Jan in the box office

    - Sold some jigsaws

  6. Just now, nufcnick said:

    What a load of shite, if the PL knew they had followed their rules correctly they would have failed the takeover last year. The fact that have kicked the can down the road for the last 18 months and chose not to reject it tells you they haven’t followed their own rules. 


    I wasn’t suggesting that isn’t the case.

  7. 44 minutes ago, Shearergol said:


    ”For the Premier League to win the arbitration, they only have to prove that they followed and applied their own rules correctly.”

    firstly, it shouldn’t be about them “winning”. Secondly, it’s not about applying their rules, it’s about whether their is separation between KSA and PIF.


    The two are basically the same though.


    If separation is proven, the PL haven’t applied their rules correctly as they are demanding to put someone through the test who isn’t required.


    If separation isn’t proven, the PL have applied their rules correctly.

  8. That Edwards piece is actually fairly balanced. Although most will call it negative because they don’t like the reality… it does seem to be fairly accurate imo.


    Interesting line from it:


    ”A judgement is due later this week.”


    Indicates the club should find the result out imminently. Wonder if it’ll leak to the press.


    Other interesting bits…


    ”Telegraph Sport has been informed by multiple sources on both sides of the argument that they do not believe the arbitration hearing will be postponed again. It really will be judgement time.”


    Burden on proof is for us to prove the PL have acted wrongly:


    ”For the Premier League to win the arbitration, they only have to prove that they followed and applied their own rules correctly.”


    And the rest of the summary, without all of his unnecessary boring guff:


    ”To be blunt, most observers believe that the CAT hearing (which is separate from the arbitration hearing with the Premier League) was to create noise, to make accusations against the Premier League under the protection of courtroom privilege, to air the club’s grievances in public, have them reported in the media and to create public pressure on the Premier League before the arbitration hearing. It will also allow Ashley to pursue damages if he also wins arbitration.


    Well-placed sources have repeatedly told Telegraph Sport that as well as reviving the takeover, Ashley has been motivated by a desire to embarrass and expose the Premier League. He wants to make things uncomfortable for them, even if he ends up losing arbitration.


    That is why there were accusations from his legal representatives that beIN Sports, as well as other Premier League clubs, had forced the Premier League into incorrectly applying its owners and directors test to ensure the takeover did not happen. There was also a reference made to a threat to expel Newcastle from the Premier League if they did not provide all the relevant paperwork to do with the ownership of the club.


    Nobody can say with absolute certainty, but the chances of Newcastle winning the arbitration and the takeover therefore going ahead seem slim. The fact that the Crown Prince is chairman of PIF and is regularly credited with controlling and masterminding the state investment vehicle’s projects in Saudi Arabia makes separation incredibly difficult to prove. 


    The fact that PIF’s board is also made up of Government ministers is also impossible to ignore.


    The Premier League have always been extremely confident in the strength of their position and have not felt the need to brief against the takeover or defend themselves against Newcastle’s attacks. They believe in the process set out and have directed the buyers down this route for more than 18 months.


    Public pressure, a tactic used by the buying side throughout this saga, is also unlikely to influence an independent panel made up of legal experts, used to sitting and hearing complex legal cases. 


    Newcastle fans may overwhelmingly want the takeover to happen, as does Ashley, but that is irrelevant to the strength of the legal arguments both sides can make.


    The fact that arbitration will take place in private is also likely to mean highly sensitive evidence relating to matters in Saudi Arabia — some of the CAT case was heard in private when this evidence was discussed on Wednesday — will have a huge bearing on the outcome.


    Arbitration though is long overdue and vital. It will bring closure and a definitive outcome after so long waiting. If Newcastle win, the club should have new owners before the end of the season. Lose, and the dream of becoming the richest club in the world will be over and everyone can move on accordingly.“

  9. 29 minutes ago, mrmojorisin75 said:


    Well we see the same things when we watch manyoo - players largely put on the pitch with little discernable style or function, this is shown up particularly when you face teams like Villareal that have a clear structure and patterns of play.  You could see what they were doing the other day while your players just seemed disorganised and aimless for the most part.  You would have been gone by HT if they could finish.


    You've enough great players to win a lot of games playing that way but that really shouldn't be enough for you?  To borrow an NFL-ism OGS appears to have a fairly high floor with what's at his disposal there but his ceiling is barely above it.


    Agenda?  Maybe.  Or maybe I've watched enough fucking dogshit charlatan managers in my time to know one when I see one, I don't think you can say the same.


    Three defeats in their last five games against Young Boys, Aston Villa and West Ham.


    The other two games have been wins by the skin of their teeth against the powerhouses of Villarreal and West Ham.


    Out of one cup competition already and just about surviving in the group stages of the CL.

    There’s no problem though.

  10. 2 minutes ago, Froggy said:


    There's no staving off pressure or lucky wins or going on any runs. He's had the time to build the side and now has to seriously challenge for the title or Champions League or he'll be shown the door. The lad at work doesn't really see things for what they are at all.


    Tuchel meanwhile currently being touted as an absolute hero right now, despite getting completely dominated at home by Man City and losing to a shocking Juventus side. We win against Villarreal and it's still all about Ole. :lol: The agenda is a bit mental.



    Lingard wasn't even remotely close to obscuring the keepers vision. A mental take if someone thinks that was offside. I don't think Hause's was off either like.


    So far away from reality :lol: 


    Tuchel has just won the fucking CL. Ole’s only accomplishment in England is being relegated with Cardiff.

  11. That’s always been the reason why the likes of Greg and Alex will never allow the Trust to do anything meaningful, they’re too precious about their matchday experiences.

    As I’ve repeated, more bothered about themselves rather than the supporters… should be nowhere near the roles they have.

  12. 1 minute ago, et tu brute said:


    Looks to me as a fan trying to get other fans to contact Panorama to try and get them interested


    Well do that in a transparent way, rather than pretending to work for Panorama, the thick fucker.

  13. Leicester looking like having a really poor season. They usually start well and have a crap second half of the season as Vardy’s legs tire.


    They could end up getting caught in a right mess if that happens this season.

  14. 6 minutes ago, Jackie Broon said:


    Firstly, the stuff about SJHL being bound by the PL rules is nothing to do with the overall CAT case, it's just an argument in relation to the PL's jurisdiction challenge. The PL's challenge is that section 9 of the Arbitration Act requires a stay on any other proceedings on those matters brought by a party to the arbitration. We've realised that SJHL hasn't signed up to the PL's rules and so technically isn't party to the arbitration. It's just a potential get out of jail free card for us on jurisdiction, it's not our whole jurisdiction case and will have nothing to do with the main CAT case.


    Secondly, the PL can't just apply their own rules as they wish. They are in effect a regulator of a closed market of competing businesses, deciding who can enter that market and therefore affecting competition within it, they need to do that in accordance with competition law.





    I wouldn’t be so sure on that. I think it’ll be part of our evidence of the PL failing to apply their own rules consistently or fairly.

  15. 14 minutes ago, Hhtoon said:

    West Ham United protesting against their owners. Even though things are looking rosy at the mo, they're standing their ground against the historical issues. Good on them I guess...




    What I find most annoying though, isn't that they can organise a protest, but that Rio F is backing them and some potential new owners. What happened to "it's their club and they can do what they like".

    Fucking hypocritical knob.



    Weird. A protest organised by the FSA supporters group which appears well organised, peaceful and has attracted media attention. Ours tells us every day how that is impossible.

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