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Fantail Breeze

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Posts posted by Fantail Breeze

  1. 12 minutes ago, TK-421 said:

    SJHL QC saying its wrong to say PIF are still at the table, though this could just be part of his argument regarding loss of sale, etc.


    But also, confirming even if the PL approved the sale tomorrow, the CAT case may still go forward for costs claim.


    @Whitley magTOLD YOU SO




    Only joking, ly x

  2. 1 minute ago, manorpark said:

    Everything the EPL Waffler has said is based on the CAT case being the same as the Arbitration Case and that anyway NUFC have signed up to rules that prevent them using CAT procedures 'outside of' those rules.


    It is obvious that while some of the elements of each case cover some of the same ground, the cases are (in objective) very, very different indeed. So, he has lost that one already.


    Also, you cannot tie members (the club in this case) to rules they have signed up to, if the people who set up those rules "break them" by stepping outside of them themselves (ie, the EPLs Cartel with the Sexy Six) so they have lost that one too.


    Basically, I cannot wait (W A I T) for us to start explaining all of that back to the EPL Waffler. That will be F U N.


    I also think that the CAT judge has already made his mind up (as he is sick of being insulted and of being described as irrelevant by the EPL Waffler) and that he will order the CAT case to proceed, and proceed IN PUBLIC.


    I stress - these are only my opinions.





    My biggest fear is that Manorpark is actually NDM and when he starts to speak we’ll find out he’s a complete crackpot.

  3. 2 minutes ago, Abacus said:

    If SJP Holdings is really a director, has it been assessed as such under the owners and directors test, as is supposed to happen to all directors annually?


    Yes because Mike Ashley is the only Director of SJPH and he has been assessed. That’s the PL’s whole point.

  4. 4 minutes ago, Yorkie said:

    Lost now, like. Dunno what he's going on about. 


    Basically NUFC have agreed to and are therefore bound by the PL and FA rules which state arbitration is the sole method of settling disputes like this. 

    He’s just reading the rules and past examples.


    Will be surprised if this doesn’t get paused for arbitration imo.

  5. Sheriff have 14 wins in their last 16 games including against Real Madrid, Shakhtar, Zagreb, Red Star, a 7-0 win, a 7-1 win and two 4-0 wins.


    Have they been taken over with a shed load of cash recently? What’s the craic with them?

  6. 1 minute ago, triggs said:

    Dundalk knocked Sheriff out of the Europa League last season. Now they're battling relegation in the League of Ireland and Sheriff are beating the biggest club in the world :lol:


    Not just that, they’re in a massive position to qualify from that group, which would be absolutely insane.


    Don’t they get an obscene amount of money if they get out the group?

  7. Just now, Heron said:

    I'll be frank, I need to go through some of their wins myself and establish myself with them, but there have been a lot of smaller ones that go under the radar.


    Also, I think there's only Greg and I who come on here and that's very rarely. I only came on when I got a message for the footy match. I want to do a roadshow and get out and meet fans, that's my big thing, but I need to ensure I do things the correct way anf with the groups backing, at least whilst I'm still new. 


    I think the first paragraph says it all, to be honest. Nobody can answer that question, not even the Trust themselves.


    In relation to the bolded part - my advice and ask of you is to not think like that or allow your voice to be ignored on the Board.


    You might have a new seat on the Board, but you’re not new to being a Newcastle fan. Your thoughts, opinions and ideas should be as valued as those who have been involved since day dot.


    Their way hasn’t worked, at all. So they should be listening very keenly to people like you, who I do think has the correct mindset and a good motivation for being involved.


    Do I think your voice will get drowned out as Alex plows on with his own plans? Absolutely. I hope not though, otherwise it’ll continue to fail.

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