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Fantail Breeze

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Posts posted by Fantail Breeze

  1. 26 minutes ago, duo said:

    This is like the Liverpool of old. 


    I think Liverpool were one of a few clubs who were actually impacted by having a lack of crowds. Plus VVD’s injury which is massive.


    Expect them to be back to their best this season.

  2. 21 minutes ago, Ashley17 said:

    I had been a believer but the day Caulkin said Justin Barnes was the consortium’s source the penny dropped for me. Ashley has £17m from them, will go to court for as long as it takes (the longer it goes on the less pressure he gets from the fans, he’s trying you know…) to probably get more compensation somewhere down the road. If the Saudi’s are still interested after all that he gets £350m too, or the circus rolls on for more years.


    And you Sir, are on the money.

  3. 1 hour ago, Shearergol said:

    willock + £9m though. Worth the risk.

    Willock was the better player last season in a worse team tbf.


    Arsenal shouldn’t be taking risks, they should be buying proven quality. The fact they are taking these risks is what has put them in this position with such an average squad now.

  4. 2 hours ago, Whitley mag said:

    They are absolutely blocking this takeover on behalf of not only big 6, but probably other clubs to.


    Piracy is just the convenient excuse they’ve used.


    Still naive and absolutely nothing mackemesque about me Fanny lad.


    I mean everything you (/Keith) have said so far has been proven to be utter bollocks, so I’m not sure why this would be any different.

  5. Although it’s still really early in the season, Jimmy Floyd Hasselbaink appears to have done a good job at Burton so far.


    Took over on 1 January with Burton bottom of the table (eight points from safety), they survived last year and he’s started this season with three straight wins.

  6. Still massively wrong too. The PL isn’t blocking the takeover on behalf of the top six, they’re blocking it because they’re (rightly) pissed off about piracy in KSA.


    It’s mackem-esque behaviour to keep rattling on about the top six. Yes, they probably sent a few letters and made a few phone calls, but that isn’t the reason we’re sat here without new owners. Their impact was minimal to none.


    PIF aren’t angels in all of this either, their stubbornness to budge has also had an impact on delaying/preventing the process.


    The PL have prevented us the opportunity of a lifetime, they’ve also done it in a way that stagnates the club and leaves us in a semi-permanent limbo. That is all completely wrong and totally unforgivable.

  7. 1 minute ago, TheHoob said:

    Anyone throwing money at a legal case involving the sovereign wealth fund of Saudi Arabia, a premier League football club and one of the richest human beings to ever walk the earth needs to have a long hard think


    There’s your issue :lol: 

  8. Mad that we’re getting rid of players like Lejeune, Schar and Longstaff and attempting to loan someone who is fucking hideously bad in comparison.


    Even if we’re trying to free up on wages. Choudhury will more than likely earn more at Leicester than Longstaff does here. Unless Leicester are willing to pay for him for us, makes no sense at all.

  9. I mean it was fairly obvious from the beginning that Keith was a bullshit merchant. He was hoping the takeover would go through in time to make it look like he was credible. Desperate for some sort of recognition/hero status.


    Maybe he did send the club some information, I don’t doubt that part of his story. They probably already had it themselves (through their proper legal teams) or completely disregarded whatever he sent in.


    The rest of it is total fantasy.


    It’s absolutely clear that the PL will continue to kick the can down the road and at the moment, it looks like that road is the size of the A1 rather than Strawberry Place.


    Hopefully it’ll find a way of happening at some point. Can’t be fucked with this pathetic excuse of a club anymore.

  10. Leeds have got that, while we have Bruce who thinks we should only train twice a week and doesn’t believe in forrin tactics.


    All of that work and we’ll both finish below the top six because it’s impossible to ever beat them, I’m told.


    Jokes on them. Ha. 

  11. Mad that Bruce is trying to shoehorn Ritchie and Murphy into wing backs because that’s how all the sexy football clubs play. :lol: 


    I find it hard to be critical of either of them. I’m sure if you played Wilson at CB he’d look a bit shit too.

  12. Just now, gdm said:

    Not linked with anyone since willock came in. Such a shit football club 


    Why would we need any more signings? Everyone was thrilled yesterday, it was such a lovely day out.

  13. 4 hours ago, HaydnNUFC said:


    From Man Utd, yeah. Depends what Leeds turns up and what Newcastle turns up for that game tbf. 


    If Bruce doesn't win any of the next 2 league games I think it'll start to turn. That'll be facilitated if we lose the cup game against Burnley. 


    I mean it’s fairly remarkable that we need any more matches for people to ‘start to turn’.


    Did the 50,000 thickos not watch last season? Or do they just turn up in person?

  14. I like how they’ve attended the match and their biggest gripe is the size of the television in the concourse.

    Whilst it obviously looks ridiculous. What about trying to lobby for some investment in the team first?

    Sort of person who would buy something from Wish and be shocked when it’s not the same quality as from Harrods.

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