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Fantail Breeze

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Posts posted by Fantail Breeze

  1. I was surprised last season how poor some teams were against us. We’re so weak and disorganised defensively, if any amount of pressure is put on us, we’ll concede.


    Teams didn’t always do that and we coasted to some victories. West Ham did that yesterday and we crumbled like a sack of shit.


    We’ll be involved in a lot of 4/5/6 goal games (but in defeat). Bruce propagandists will claim it as bad luck due to his attacking style of football. People with a brain will recognise it’s because we have no tactical plan and are reliant on our individual players.

  2. 5 minutes ago, toon25 said:

    Been reading up on the way Simeone trains and prepares Atletico.


    Fuck me. It's from a different planet to this fat cunt. Simeone is able to get players to sweat blood for him, yet I can't think of one single player that Bruce has managed in the entirety of his managerial career that has become a better player under him.


    You could potentially argue Jacob Murphy has improved under him, but I think that’s just because he’s getting consistent game time rather than anything else.

  3. 24 minutes ago, jonbobson said:

    No, I don't attend, but I don't slate others calling them "cunts" or "mong's" if they do.


    Their choice, their money.


    How about, instead of venting all that pent up anger on a forum, yous lot get off your arses and do something about the situation?


    Oh no, sorry, to much hassle. Best to just watch games on telly and moan online.


    I haven’t. But then again it’s not the only wrong point you’ve made in your recent posts.


    I would keep going round in circles with you, but you clearly can’t comprehend simple things.

  4. 5 minutes ago, jonbobson said:


    And where's the evidence of not attending will do anything?


    Whether people go or don't, it's not affecting you or others on here, so why slate them?


    You could also argue that any genuine fan that sits at home/watches in a pub, and just slates others is also ruining the club.


    Ashley isn't going anywhere soon, Bruce neither, a few snidey digs on a forum is not going to change that.


    Well, that’s never happened, has it? Whereas we have over a decade of people attending that has proven to fix nothing. Maybe it’s time to try something new.


    It is affecting me if people go. It’s affecting all of us. Because of their own selfishness, they’re ruining our football club for the reasons previously mentioned.


    As for the final paragraph, that mindset is the problem. He would be going somewhere if he was forced. Look at Man Utd fans vs the ESL for recent example of fans forcing change. Blackpool fans vs Oystons for another.


    Did you have a nice day though?

  5. 2 minutes ago, jonbobson said:

    Glad a handful of "fans" are moaning on a forum, that'll show 'em.


    This place is getting worse, so called "supporter's" only wanting to comment on what others should or shouldn't do.


    Not attending (and either moaning or not) will certainly show them more than willingly handing money over to Ashley and giving Bruce ‘support’.


    Thick as fuck every single person in attendance and very much part of the problem. At this point, if you’re still going then you’re actively destroying your own club.

  6. 2 minutes ago, HTT II said:

    Gray and Townsend will do more for Everton under Rafa than many of their previous expensive players like Walcott, Bolasie et al. Shrewd signings for pennies. Well jel…


    They will provide excellent delivery for DCL. Almost like a manager building a team to match their strengths.

  7. 33 minutes ago, McCormick said:

    Doucoure seemed to have been pushed further forward, the passing was quicker and Digne appeared to have been in the final third more.


    Whether you can say these were “tactical changes” or just a change in mindset after going behind; either way Rafa deserves credit for getting them going for the second period of play.


    When Rafa was with us we were often poor in the first half but came out well in the second. I think it was because he was largely defensive in the first half and then we’d play more openly in the second.

  8. 6 minutes ago, GWN said:

    I can't slag off fans for going to this one, foll have been cooked up and a lot have still not had a day out for months and months.  Don't be so cuntish with the fans today , it's been a fucking tough time and I loved the match day feeling at Blyth yesterday, I think 95% of our fan base get it that Ashley is a twat and Bruce is a mess however I guess this season folk want some sort of normal life .

    Just another perspective lads , dunno.


    There are plenty of things to do on a day out other than supporting Bruce and Ashley. Regardless of how you dress it up.

  9. He’ll be in the same bracket just under the top four as Leicester etc. with that squad. Which will be a great season for them.


    Man City, Chelsea, Man Utd and Liverpool will be a runaway top four with anyone and everyone scrambling underneath.

  10. 24 minutes ago, Mike said:

    Now that we've done a transfer, is that the shop shut down for good?


    A couple of panic loans/agent favours on deadline day aside, yes.


    Still think it’s mad we once signed someone on loan purely so they could avoid a Russian/Ukraine conflict. 

  11. 3 hours ago, mrmojorisin75 said:

    What are Arsenal up to then?  They've signed a defender to replace Luiz and are trying to sign a goalkeeper they don't necessarily need.  Thomas seems to be a cripple, they've lost Ceballos & Ødegaard back to Real and obviously are selling Willock.


    Seems to be a total shitshow.


    They’ve been a shitshow for a while now. No idea who is in charge of their recruitment but it’s been gradually getting worse since Wenger left.

  12. The good old “leave it late so they think it’s the best signing ever” tactic coming off again. Great mask to the fact we’ve not strengthened at all.


    Pleased he’s coming back, but all it does us keep us standing still and he’ll be flogged at the first opportunity.


    Another season ahead of trying to win the bottom half with three decent players and dreadful football played by a throughly dislikable manager.

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